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  • GNRH

    I have just heard of this compound and very intrigued it works by bringing the HPTA back into alignment. Some says it works as long as the compound is active in the body. I am wanting to give this a try, who knows it may have a lasting effect on me. I have seen it come in 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg vials. I have seen nothing on what the cycle should look like. Can someone help. I have done my research and came up with nothing.

  • #2
    Re: GNRH

    i dont remember the dosing that i used but it was a whole bottle one shot and done with. from what doc t said about it and this was years and years after i used it personally is that it should only be used under the strict supervision of a doc familiar with it's use. idk it at the time but it can literally castrate you and is has been used for that purpose. their is no cycling it though it is a one shot deal and it cranks up your natural production back to normal but in my experience as well as from what i have read it doesnt always work and it didnt not work for me. i was back below normal in just over 3 months give or take. again from what doc t said in his video it can bring some people back to normal levels but it is pretty rare and the risk of messing oneself up is pretty high. again i did it a very very long time ago and didnt know any better. you could try it yourself and the chances of finding a doc in the us that uses it and is familiar with it is most likely pretty small. you can probably find doc t's videos on youtube and dig that one up. he is the greek bodybuilder doc george tuertolos(sp).
    TGBSupplements REP

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    • #3
      Re: GNRH

      I did research on that stuff. It is very potent. too large a dose and it can cause chemical castration. its pharm use was to treat very bad prostate cancer. I would stick with HCG.
      "SHIAT BIOTCH, thats a big ass!"

      A clear concience is a sign of a bad memory.

      husband of the year

      moose riding maple syrup drinking flanel wearing canuck wannabe


      • #4
        Re: GNRH

        I agree. I just looked into it also after reading guns' post and I'd steer clear of it. That would be in the category of "too risky" for me lol.
        Train Till Your Eyes Bleed!


        • #5
          Re: GNRH

          Yeah the rewards are great but it is much to powerful to mess with. I will stay away


          • #6
            Re: GNRH


            Sent from my iPhone using Fitness Geared Forum


            • #7
              Re: GNRH

              Originally posted by Yohimbe View Post
              I agree. I just looked into it also after reading guns' post and I'd steer clear of it. That would be in the category of "too risky" for me lol.
              It's always wise to prioritize safety and consider the potential risks involved in any training regimen or supplement.

