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    Thread: When you have to fire an employee?

    1. #1
      Dzone's Avatar
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      Default When you have to fire an employee?

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      • When you have to fire an employee?

      • When you have to fire an employee?
      • When you have to fire an employee?
      • When you have to fire an employee?
      • When you have to fire an employee?
      • When you have to fire an employee?
      • When you have to fire an employee?
      My manager has severe mood swings. Days I come to work and wonder what mood she will be in and am going to be walking on eggshells. She just gets super irritable some days and it seems like EVERYTHING is pissing her off. Ever know someone like that?

      Well, today it totally exploded. She was talking about something in a very irritated way and I interrupted her to ask for clarification and she went off on me "You ALWAYS interrupt me and it is so irritating!!!!" I have a very deep and loud voice and I looked at her and said "Always???" And boy she was pissed and said "Stop yelling at me!!!". I feel like she no longer respects me. I told her to go home and rest up and we will talk tomorrow. Now she is saying "You yelled at me and that is unprofessional, disrespectful !!" Then she brought up her ex husbands who were both abusive to her and kind of compared my yelling to them.

      She says she still wants to work for me, but Ive made my mind up and tomorrow I am probably going to let her go. Hope it goes peacefully. This is stressful and it blows. Oh well

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      Default Re: When you have to fire an employee?

      It's tough bro. I've had a few people under me at work overtime that I've had to let go for similar reasons. I mean everyone has a bad day here and there, but when you have to wonder how your day is going to go based on their attitude, it starts not being worth it. Especially if it start costing you business. It's always hard because I know deep down they're good people, but after repeated attempts telling them they needed to keep it professional in meetings, among customers, etc... They just wouldn't. They were fantastic employees and worked hard when they were in a good mood, but once that attitude kicked in, all of it went out the window. Performance and punctuality just went to crap.

      In my cases, I was really left with no choice as upper management was pushing it too. I'm sure it's probably a much harder decision on your end. I'm not sure what all transpired to get to that point or how long she's worked for you, but maybe talk to her one more time. Let her know the mood swings need to be kept in check at work and if there are any issues, they need to be addressed without the attitude. I try to give everyone a few chances to let things sink in (I know I've had my fair share of chances) but if you've already gotten to that point it might be time to find a new manager.
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    3. #3
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      Default Re: When you have to fire an employee?

      I might see about keeping her and bringing back my old manager that was there before her and have them work together as a team on some things. I still think she can be an asset but I cant have her getting pissed at little shit or shes gotta go. Will see tomrrow. It will be perfectly fine if she quits

    4. #4
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      Default Re: When you have to fire an employee?

      dzone i feel you. i am having the same issue at my place. i am in charge and we have some guys who arent doing what they should be doing and now its effecting our numbers. i have had meetings about it and nothing has changed. today i am meeting with each one at a time and going over these issues with my service manger who just took over my shop for me and we are going to address each one and if i get any issues from them i am ready to let them go.

    5. #5
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      Default Re: When you have to fire an employee?

      if you have a subordinate that has the balls to yell at you and even make you uncomfortable. i say it's time to cut ties. you are the boss and i can understand having a bad day and such but nope. if you are getting irritated at the person who pays your check, then you should say excuse me and go out to cool down. you wont get far in a career clashing with who signs your check. that is unless they are a push over. i wouldnt tolerate it at all. i have had friends that were my boss and we could hang out after work but at work, they were the boss and if they pissed me off, i would walk away and or take my beating like a champ. i may call them out on it later but not in the moment. i have been reamed by some of my best friends in the world and just let it roll. now they arent my boss any more and they know i could have and would have beaten some ass if i could have haha. we even joke about it now.
      maybe a warning man but i wouldnt allow it to persist unless they are absolutely vital and if they are i would be looking for and training a replacement as soon as possible
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      Default Re: When you have to fire an employee?

      I see this attitude with many of the employees I have had. Not with me because I don't play at work.
      But my GM gets to close to his employees and allows too much B.S.
      I was sitting with my GM and a salesman (I am GSM). The salesman said what's up ***** boy ( or something similar). I jumped! What did you say don't talk like that to the fuching general manager. I was pissed. The GM said chill out to me! WTF? We were all buddies off the lot but that ends when your ass his the lot. He wasn't even a good salesman, lmao.

      I don't understand the lack of respect.

    7. #7
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      Default Re: When you have to fire an employee?

      Well, we talked today and I was firm about it and told her I am ready to fire her for her attitude. She has enough talent and skill that I am giving her a second chance but if its not drama free and stress free then she is going to be cut loose. I have hired back my old manager to add to the team. She worked for me for about 6 years and never once showed me an ounce of disrespect. She had to quite last year to stay home and take care of her son. So bringing her back on board as part of the team will have a good effect. Im expecting things to work out and we can get back to where we were before to big blowup yesterday. She knows Im not going to put up with any bullshit.

    8. #8
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      Default Re: When you have to fire an employee?

      work is work.. save that drama for her free time cause it aint your time.. nice or not business is business she should know that too.. everybody and their Kardashian bullshit gotta go and fast.. your a better man than me if you keep her

    9. #9
      dirtwarrior's Avatar
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      Default Re: When you have to fire an employee?

      Several years ago I worked for someone in the construction trade. Everyone hated him, that is all but me. He has fired me a few times but hired me back before I got home via answering machine, even offered bonus for me coming back. Me and him were talking in his office one day. I told him he is an asshole. He asked why I still worked for an asshole. I told him I know your mood it never changes, you were an asshole yesterday. you are an asshole today and most likely you will be an asshole tomorrow. He made me a crew leader with a 1dollor raise.

    10. #10
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      Default Re: When you have to fire an employee?

      Just tense this morning about bringing back the other girl and how its going to effect the dynamics but I think its the right thing to do. Both are smart and bring a lot to the table. It is hard to find good help. Not everything is going to be perfect 100% of the time. Hoping for the best. Am thinking creating a team of 3 of us will increase our bottom line. Team spirit & Camaraderie type of thing. We will see. Will let you know how it goes after today, our first day of this experiment.

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      Default Re: When you have to fire an employee?

      Tough one brother. Some people just cannot keep it together. I work with mostly men, but the women that do work with us from time to time get very emotional and it bleeds out into their work. I don;t get it. Not a knock on women, just an observation of my 50 year life. Women and men ARE different. Men tend to keep their emotions inside and women let em flow so to speak. Again total anecdote.

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    12. #12
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      Default Re: When you have to fire an employee?

      The main reason for giving her a second chance is that she really does have a relentless work ethic. The other girl I am bringing back is another workaholic. I now have 2 workaholics working for me. Yes, dealing with females in a workplace is an art. LOL You gotta be able to do it. Crazy that Ive worked with females almost my whole life. My work in animal advocacy is also all females. I would go to our monthly animal saving meetings and I was always the only male with about 25 women. And I am NOT a homosexual haha But I think I am pretty good at dealing with women but they are always full of surprises. LOL

    13. #13
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      • When you have to fire an employee?
      • When you have to fire an employee?
      • When you have to fire an employee?
      • When you have to fire an employee?
      • When you have to fire an employee?
      Appreciate your good employees, Bosses.

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