My manager has severe mood swings. Days I come to work and wonder what mood she will be in and am going to be walking on eggshells. She just gets super irritable some days and it seems like EVERYTHING is pissing her off. Ever know someone like that?

Well, today it totally exploded. She was talking about something in a very irritated way and I interrupted her to ask for clarification and she went off on me "You ALWAYS interrupt me and it is so irritating!!!!" I have a very deep and loud voice and I looked at her and said "Always???" And boy she was pissed and said "Stop yelling at me!!!". I feel like she no longer respects me. I told her to go home and rest up and we will talk tomorrow. Now she is saying "You yelled at me and that is unprofessional, disrespectful !!" Then she brought up her ex husbands who were both abusive to her and kind of compared my yelling to them.

She says she still wants to work for me, but Ive made my mind up and tomorrow I am probably going to let her go. Hope it goes peacefully. This is stressful and it blows. Oh well