I told the chicky I'd make her breakfast since she stayed over last night. I got up before she did and started, it was healthy and she still ate it. Mission complete.

Just sauteed some green, red and yellow bell peppers in a pan with a little Pam. Added 2 whole eggs and 10 egg whites, a little lemon pepper and some fresh cracked black pepper.

Poured some egg whites in a big bowl and mixed with some cinnamon. Coated both sides of 100% whole wheat bread by dunking them in the bowl and cooked to a nice golden/brownish color. Topped with Smuckers sugar free low calorie syrup.

Was good and it got me laid.................again. She was like, "awww you got up early and worked so hard on this" after we were done eating. Then she grabbed my hand and took me into my bedroom.