Question: What are the benefits of DMAE supplements? Should I take it?

Answer: DMAE is useful in many different parts of the brain. For one, DMAE helps to protect cell membranes in the brain. This can lead to stopping cell deterioration, which can help prevent premature aging. Also, the use of DMAE as a mood enhancer is all but proven.

DMAE can elevate your mood, help to ward off depression, and help to boost everyday cognitive functions like memory and concentration. It has also been conjectured that DMAE can increase intelligence. Why does DMAE have these effects? DMAE helps the body manufacture acetylcholine, a substance that helps your mind function in a healthy manner.

Studies have also shown that those taking a DMAE supplement have an easier time going to sleep and are reportedly more upbeat in their waking hours.

Another one of the numerous benefits of DMAE consumption is healthy skin. By stopping arachidonic acid from being manufactured in the body, DMAE helps to prevent wrinkles from being formed.

Question: Are there any side-effects that counteract the benefits of DMAE?

Answer: There is no known toxicity for DMAE. Considered to be a very safe supplement, the only risk you run when you consume DMAE is the source you get it from. If receiving your DMAE through fish oil, be sure that the oil is pharmaceutical grade. This means that the fish oil was separated from dangerous heavy metals occurring in fish such as mercury through use of laboratory devices.