DMAE side effects : What you should know

A lot of people wonder about the possible DMAE side effects that may occur when taking a fish oil supplement. A relief to know, there is no known toxicity for DMAE. DMAE is actually considered to be one of the safest natural supplements available, and one of the best ones for you.

The only thing that may hinder the effectiveness of DMAE and may possibly cause side effects is the source you are getting it from.

Accept only pharmaceutical grade fish oil, no less.

Although the temptation to save some money might be great, it is a bad idea in the long run to get any fish oil not of this pharmaceutical stock.

Pharmaceutical grade fish oil goes through a purification process where the heavy metals occurring in fish are removed from the product. Since DMAE is harvested from fish such as salmon and sardines naturally occurring in the oceans, there is a certain risk made when the product you are receiving isn’t purified.

As most people know, hazardous metals such as mercury are now being found in fish as a result of ocean pollutants. These metals can wreak havoc upon your health, causing headaches, sleeplessness, and worse.

While pharmaceutical fish oil may cost more money, you’d be a fool to get anything less. The possibility of actually damaging your health through unpurified fish oil is very real, and all too common. These are the only DMAE side effects known up to this point.

Pharmaceutical grade fish oil, on the other hand, can be a godsend for your health. People report DMAE elevating their mood, counteracting depression, and helping to improve brain functions like memory and concentration. People also report sleeping better while on the DMAE supplement and having higher levels of energy during their time awake. Also, DMAE can help to promote healthy skin and prevent wrinkles.