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Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

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  • Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

    Originally posted by jolter604 View Post
    I just switched from Jasmine rice to basmati rice , not sure what I was thinking I'm a jasmine rice person.

    Hope your doing well big dog
    I like the taste and texture of jasmine as well. Best rice IMO.
    No Pain No Gain


    • Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

      Originally posted by gusto77 View Post
      I'm not a doctor but I got to think this man had to have some underlying condition or other factors that caused this. I think its a little extreme to say this type of training causes this due to one case. I find it hard to believe that the level and duration of training this man did was the sole cause of this condition. Me and guns were done within minutes and I find it hard to believe there was enough waste or broken down muscle tissue to cause damage to the kidneys as long as we were adequately hydrated.
      You make a valid point.


      • Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


        cardio/ rp training

        30 mins stepmill lss level 10

        belt squat 90x15 180x12 270x5 275x12/2
        glute focused waling lunges bw x12/2
        stand 2 arm db rows 25x15 40x12 55x4 55x17/3
        chest supp pg rows 150x12/2
        rope twist curls 20x19/4
        machine chest press 100x15 120x12 140x12/2
        bar press downs 50x15 57.5x21/2
        machine crunches 50x16/4

        done for the day. ok so trying out some crazy new shit with the rp app. i broke it down with back and chest focus and let it auto program everything in. really weird split and setup from what i am used to but we shall see. i will give it a training block and see how it goes. if it is good i will stick with it if not i will use it and program it to my own needs. it is kind of cool that it regulates and makes adjustments based on your feedback and performance.
        sitting pretty good right now prep wise. dropping 2-3lbs per week and not completely ran down and beat into the ground just yet. that's where i hope the app will kick in and help out a little bit. no really bad issues going on right now and hanging in there pretty damn good. not getting up at 4 yet for fasted cardio but doing it in the am and then training a little later in the day. that's another adjustment i am making to help with fatigue a little more. sleeping pretty good right now as well. i did add in semiglutide yesterday to test it out. i dont need help with dropping weight but i am using it to keep my insulin resistance at bay while i increase gh and hopefully get some appetite suppression which should also help me sleep as i get deeper in prep. i am only doing 50mcg daily atm so it is a micro mini dose.

        meal 1
        2 whole eggs
        1/2 cup egg whites
        4oz sirloin
        200g jasmine rice
        2 cups spinach
        meal 2
        8oz chicken
        200g jasmine rice
        1 cup green vege
        meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
        2 scoops whey iso
        60g cor
        1tbl spn pb
        intra(6iu log)
        1 scoop recovery factor x
        10g creatine
        10g eaa
        meal 4(post workout
        2 scoops whey iso
        200g jasmine rice
        meal 5
        2 cups egg whites
        200g jasmine rice
        meal 6
        6oz bison
        200g jasmine rice
        meal 7
        8oz sirloin
        200g jasmine rice
        onions and mushrooms
        lrg green salad w/vinegarette

        current setup
        900 test c
        325 tren a
        600 primo
        25mcg t3
        50mcg semi
        TGBSupplements REP

        Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order


        • Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


          cardio/rp training

          30min stepmill lss level 10

          bb flexion rows x15 95x12 115x4 115x16/3
          ng bb curl 45x16/4
          cable curl 35x16/3
          db lat raise 20x13/3
          ssb good mornings 65x15 85x10 115x13
          incline situps 5x15/3 bw x15

          done for the day. the cardio of course is always brutal and my legs are wrecked for an hour or two afterwards. this is completely normal and i am not at the point where my calves hurt so bad i have to wear sleeves just yet. so i am not destroyed in that aspect just yet. the training listed above on paper doesnt look to rough but in practice it is pretty brutal. at the end of the sessions i am wrecked. idk if it is because i am in a def and doing cardio or if the training is that challenging. time will tell as the blocks progress but i feel pretty good right now atm. so all in all holding up pretty well so far and getting after it hard. great pump and no complaints today at all.

          meal 1
          2 whole eggs
          1/2 cup egg whites
          4oz sirloin
          200g jasmine rice
          2 cups spinach
          meal 2
          8oz chicken
          200g jasmine rice
          1 cup green vege
          meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
          2 scoops whey iso
          60g cor
          1tbl spn pb
          intra(6iu log)
          1 scoop recovery factor x
          10g creatine
          10g eaa
          meal 4(post workout
          2 scoops whey iso
          200g jasmine rice
          meal 5
          2 cups egg whites
          200g jasmine rice
          meal 6
          6oz bison
          200g jasmine rice
          meal 7
          8oz sirloin
          200g jasmine rice
          onions and mushrooms
          lrg green salad w/vinegarette
          TGBSupplements REP

          Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order


          • Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


            cardio/rp training

            30min stepmill lss level 10

            belt squats 90x15 180x10 270x5 280x12/2
            walking lunges glute focused bw x13/2
            2 arm stand db rows 25x15 40x12 50x4 55x18/2 55x15
            chest supp row pg 135x10 160x12/2
            cable rope twist curls 20x20/4
            ng machine press 100x15 120x10 140x12/2
            cable tri pressdowns 57.5x22
            machine crunches 50x17/4

            done for the day. cardio was a smidge easier today but still as always sucked ass. legs, calves and feet are holding up pretty well right now and i am damn happy about that one. when my calves and feet get wrecked i am freaking miserable and the cryo only lasts for 2-3 days for that purpose. another nut crushing training session with progressions and i actually hit them all. great pump and strength seems to be holding up pretty damn good. all in all pretty happy with how everything is running and feeling right now. lower back was a little tender but not horrible by any means. i am hitting the roller and pso rite every day to keep everything loose. good day in the books

            meal 1
            2 whole eggs
            1/2 cup egg whites
            4oz sirloin
            2 slices ez bread
            2 cups spinach
            meal 2
            8oz chicken
            100g jasmine rice
            1 cup green vege
            meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
            2 scoops whey iso
            60g cor
            1tbl spn pb
            intra(6iu log)
            1 scoop recovery factor x
            10g creatine
            10g eaa
            meal 4(post workout
            2 scoops whey iso
            100g jasmine rice
            meal 5
            2 cups egg whites
            100g jasmine rice
            meal 6
            6oz bison
            100g jasmine rice
            meal 7
            8oz sirloin
            100g jasmine rice
            onions and mushrooms
            lrg green salad w/vinegarette
            TGBSupplements REP


            Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order


            • Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


              cardio/rp training

              30min stepmill lss level 10 (fasted)

              bb flexion rows x15 95x15 115x17/3
              bb curls narrow grip 45x17/4
              cable curl normal grip 35x17/3
              db lat raise 10x15 15x12 20x14/3
              ssb good mornings x15 85x12 115x14
              incline situps 10x15/4

              done for the day. again cardio not so bad to start off the day and legs are good. training is brutal. when i look at it i am like that isnt shit and then when i do it i am thinking what the fuck, this is stupid. it literally feels like a heavy leg or back day every single session. crazy thing is the weights arent stupid heavy and the joint stress and stuff are not bad at all. but it is a huge kick in the nuts. the pumps are insanely painful to top it all off. so the session and day were on point. tomorrow is an off day with a light cardio session and then finishing with 10k steps total for the day. i do have liver scan and some labs to check my liver health and diabetes screening setup as well. so that's the plan for tomorrow.

              meal 1
              2 whole eggs
              1/2 cup egg whites
              4oz sirloin
              2 slices ez bread
              2 cups spinach
              meal 2
              8oz chicken
              100g jasmine rice
              1 cup green vege
              meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
              2 scoops whey iso
              60g cor
              1tbl spn pb
              intra(6iu log)
              1 scoop recovery factor x
              10g creatine
              10g eaa
              meal 4(post workout
              2 scoops whey iso
              100g jasmine rice
              meal 5
              2 cups egg whites
              100g jasmine rice
              meal 6
              6oz bison
              100g jasmine rice
              meal 7
              8oz sirloin
              100g jasmine rice
              onions and mushrooms
              lrg green salad w/vinegarette
              TGBSupplements REP


              Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order


              • Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


                cardio/rp training

                30min stepmill lss level 10

                belt squats 90x15 180x10 270x5 285x12/2
                bw walking lunges x14/2
                2 db bent rows 25x15 40x10 50x5 55x19/2 55x16
                pg chest supp rows 150x5 165x12/2
                cable rope twist curls 20x21/4
                ng machine press 100x15 120x10 145x12/2
                cable pressdowns 57.5x23/2
                machine crunches 50x18/4

                done for the day. cardio was a little bit easier today and in the back of my mind i am going to have to up the level to keep getting what i need. which i dread like the plague because it beats the evermore piss out of my legs and calves. average heart rate is staying in the lower 140s so i am starting to adapt. training went pretty good today and i was actually able to move a little faster than when i started this programming. the bent over stuff still crushes my sole with the high reps and pauses, so i am adapting pretty well to that as well. still sleeping pretty damn good or good for me and dropping weight perfectly on sched. so no really bad complaints at all. knee did get a little irritated yesterday but not really bad. all in all good strength and pump so i would say a great day in the books. i am thinking to it is going to be a compressed week this week. i am going to have to go 3 days back to back to back because i have a therapy appt on thurs and a va appt on friday. i will be destroyed by the weekend most likely

                meal 1
                2 whole eggs
                1/2 cup egg whites
                4oz sirloin
                2 slices ez bread
                2 cups spinach
                meal 2
                8oz chicken
                100g jasmine rice
                1 cup green vege
                meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
                2 scoops whey iso
                60g cor
                1tbl spn pb
                intra(6iu log)
                1 scoop recovery factor x
                10g creatine
                10g eaa
                meal 4(post workout
                2 scoops whey iso
                100g jasmine rice
                meal 5
                2 cups egg whites
                100g jasmine rice
                meal 6
                6oz bison
                100g jasmine rice
                meal 7
                8oz sirloin
                100g jasmine rice
                onions and mushrooms
                lrg green salad w/vinegarette
                TGBSupplements REP


                Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order


                • Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


                  cardio/rp programing

                  30min stepmill lss level 11

                  bb flexion rows x15 85x10 115x18/3
                  bb curls narrow grip 45x18/4
                  cable curls stand grip 35x18/3
                  db lat raise 10x15 15x12 20x15/3
                  ssb good mornings x15 85x12 115x15
                  incline sit ups 15x15/4

                  done for the day. got a wild dumb ass hair and bumped cardio up one level. i was thinking meh i will push it as long as i can handle and then run the time out at level 10. well i couldnt be a puss so i went ahead and gutted out the full time at level 11. i was actually surprised that i hung in there and made it the full time. then to top it off i wasnt to bad beat up after. so i will keep it there for now as long as i can hold up. training went good and didnt feel to bad. the bb flexion rows make breathing a kick in the nuts so i put a little more focus on controlling it to keep my wind a little better. got through them and then huffed and puffed the rest of the session haha. i thought damn i made it through those smoother than last time only to get smacked in the face for the rest of the session. everything pumped up quick and i am still hitting the progressions that are laid out. so all in all a good day in the books. pushing training up a day tomorrow and brain storming how to finish up the week with the therapy and doc appts on thurs and friday. toying with the idea of training 4 days straight and being crippled all weekend. either that are pushing friday's session to saturday. cross that bridge when i get there.

                  meal 1
                  2 whole eggs
                  1/2 cup egg whites
                  4oz sirloin
                  2 slices ez bread
                  2 cups spinach
                  meal 2
                  8oz chicken
                  100g jasmine rice
                  1 cup green vege
                  meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
                  2 scoops whey iso
                  60g cor
                  1tbl spn pb
                  intra(6iu log)
                  1 scoop recovery factor x
                  10g creatine
                  10g eaa
                  meal 4(post workout
                  2 scoops whey iso
                  100g jasmine rice
                  meal 5
                  2 cups egg whites
                  100g jasmine rice
                  meal 6
                  6oz bison
                  100g jasmine rice
                  meal 7
                  8oz sirloin
                  100g jasmine rice
                  onions and mushrooms
                  lrg green salad w/vinegarette
                  TGBSupplements REP


                  Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order


                  • Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


                    cardio/rp programming

                    30min stepmill lss level 11 (fasted of course)

                    db bulgarian split squats x15 25x15 40x12 55x15/2
                    hacks x10 90x15 180x10 270x5 285x12/2
                    seated cable rows 100x15 120x10 150x12/2
                    cable pullovers 50x13/2
                    db press 25x15 40x8 55x15/2
                    db curls 20x15/3
                    db skull crushers 20x18 20x15

                    done for the day. still keeping cardio up high and i shouldve noted that i have been doing it fasted for a couple weeks now. so that's in there. supposed to be the day off today but having to train because of appt as already noted. i was thinking going in that i was going to be wrecked but surprisingly it went pretty damn well. well i had to wait on some dumb ass cow rolling around on the floor acting like she was working hard when she was playing. sad fact is that even though these sessions are crippling i did 2 full movements when she only did one set in about 20mins. that's how pathetic she was. so i should also point out these weights are much lower than what i normally would do but the focus on this type of training is a super slow negative with a big pause in the stretch position. so the emphasis is on the loaded stretch and negs. it blows your muscle up fast as shit and hurts something brutal. i would say it is online with doing drop sets on every single movement and every day when you finish you feel like you just did heavy back or legs. so it is a whole other level of brutal. great pump and hit all the progressions so i would say a good day in the books.

                    meal 1
                    2 whole eggs
                    1/2 cup egg whites
                    4oz sirloin
                    2 slices ez bread
                    2 cups spinach
                    meal 2
                    8oz chicken
                    100g jasmine rice
                    1 cup green vege
                    meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
                    2 scoops whey iso
                    60g cor
                    1tbl spn pb
                    intra(6iu log)
                    1 scoop recovery factor x
                    10g creatine
                    10g eaa
                    meal 4(post workout
                    2 scoops whey iso
                    100g jasmine rice
                    meal 5
                    2 cups egg whites
                    100g jasmine rice
                    meal 6
                    6oz bison
                    100g jasmine rice
                    meal 7
                    8oz sirloin
                    100g jasmine rice
                    onions and mushrooms
                    lrg green salad w/vinegarette
                    TGBSupplements REP


                    Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order


                    • Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


                      cardio/rp programming

                      30min stepmill lss level 11 (fasted)

                      sm bent rows x15 95x15 145x10 160x12/2
                      db shrugs 50x15 60x12 70x13/2
                      db hammer curls 20x15/3
                      bb curls normal grip 50x15/3
                      machine reverse flys 80x12/3
                      glute/ham hypers x13
                      rope crunches 50x18/4

                      done for the day. cardio a touch easier and slightly beat up but good and not crippled. so that was a plus. training 4 days in a row was pretty rough to say the least. i tried to get in as much as possible between cardio and training but it was still a grind. top that off with having a therapy session before today's session which def isnt optimal at all but i got it done. no real complaints about the session and actually got a really good pump going. she wrecked my calves and lats so those pretty much hurt the entire time. so that was kind of distracting. pretty sure everything is lined up for proper training split for next week. i do have to pull freaking labs for the va so my injection sched will be off unfortunately with my test. i will keep everything else as is. am hitting cryotherapy post va appt on friday for additional recovery. so hopefully by monday i will be ready to tear it up. all in all a good day and a great week. still dropping about 2-3lbs per week so no need for adjustments at this time other than the small increase in cardio level.

                      meal 1
                      2 whole eggs
                      1/2 cup egg whites
                      4oz sirloin
                      2 slices ez bread
                      2 cups spinach
                      meal 2
                      8oz chicken
                      100g jasmine rice
                      1 cup green vege
                      meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
                      2 scoops whey iso
                      60g cor
                      1tbl spn pb
                      intra(6iu log)
                      1 scoop recovery factor x
                      10g creatine
                      10g eaa
                      meal 4(post workout
                      2 scoops whey iso
                      100g jasmine rice
                      meal 5
                      2 cups egg whites
                      100g jasmine rice
                      meal 6
                      6oz bison
                      100g jasmine rice
                      meal 7
                      8oz sirloin
                      100g jasmine rice
                      onions and mushrooms
                      lrg green salad w/vinegarette
                      TGBSupplements REP


                      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order


                      • Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


                        cardio/rp programming

                        30min stepmill lss level 11 (fasted)

                        belt squats 90x15 180x10 270x5 290x12/2
                        bw walking lunges x15/2
                        bent over 2arm db rows 25x15 40x10 55x5 55x20/2 55x17
                        chest sup row pg 150x10 170x12/2
                        cable rope twist curls 20x22/4
                        machine chest press ng 100x15 120x10 140x5 150x12/2
                        cable tricep pressdowns 57.5x24/2
                        machine crunch 50x19/4

                        done for the day. cardio not so bad breathing wise but crushes the calves and legs. not over hammering just yet but i can def tell my wind is getting much better if not daily but weekly. so i am pretty happy about that. the only downside to that adaptation is that i burn way less cals the easier it gets. got a pretty good training session in and really didnt feel to bad at all. everything moved good and the pump was excellent. joints are holding solid atm and i am happy about that as well. not going to say everything is clicking but it isnt off the rails right now. i did have to pull test out from thursday last week and i am trying like hell to drive it down to low or mid normal for labs with the va. that way the doc doesnt bust my chops. so everything else is in there but the test is out till the end of this week. fingers crossed on this one for sure. all in all a good session in the books.

                        meal 1
                        2 whole eggs
                        1/2 cup egg whites
                        4oz sirloin
                        2 slices ez bread
                        2 cups spinach
                        meal 2
                        8oz chicken
                        100g jasmine rice
                        1 cup green vege
                        meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
                        2 scoops whey iso
                        60g cor
                        1tbl spn pb
                        intra(6iu log)
                        1 scoop recovery factor x
                        10g creatine
                        10g eaa
                        meal 4(post workout
                        2 scoops whey iso
                        100g jasmine rice
                        meal 5
                        2 cups egg whites
                        100g jasmine rice
                        meal 6
                        6oz bison
                        100g jasmine rice
                        meal 7
                        8oz sirloin
                        100g jasmine rice
                        onions and mushrooms
                        lrg green salad w/vinegarette
                        TGBSupplements REP


                        Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order


                        • Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


                          cardio/rp programming

                          30min stepmill lss level 11(fasted)

                          bb flexion rows x15 95x10 115x19/3
                          narrow grip bb curls 35x19/4
                          cable curl normal grip 35x19/3
                          db lats 10x15 15x10 20x15/3
                          ssb good mornings x15 85x10 115x16
                          incline situps 25x15/4

                          done for the day. a little rough this am on the cardio but breathing is still good. prob wouldnt have been so bad if my sched hadnt been off from some errands i had to do beforehand. monkey wrenches and getting off my timelines messes with me bad. i note the breathing on the cardio but on those bent rows it is still brutally nasty on me. i recover faster than the past few weeks but it is still a serious kick in the nuts doing high rep work bent over. low back is a little tender but holding up really well, strength and pumps are on point. progressing along as it is written so i am quite happy with the progress so far. i have tomorrow off except cardio and hitting my steps and since i am going for a school visit for my kid this weekend, i am doing my cryo and recovery work on my off day on weds. so it should be interesting to see how that helps or hurts the rest of the weeks training. not going to see shit for recovery this weekend because sleep will be off and i will be in a vehicle for hours on end. hopefully i can knock the stiffness off before the start of next week. all in all a good day in the books.

                          meal 1
                          2 whole eggs
                          1/2 cup egg whites
                          4oz sirloin
                          2 slices ez bread
                          2 cups spinach
                          meal 2
                          8oz chicken
                          100g jasmine rice
                          1 cup green vege
                          meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
                          2 scoops whey iso
                          60g cor
                          1tbl spn pb
                          intra(6iu log)
                          1 scoop recovery factor x
                          10g creatine
                          10g eaa
                          meal 4(post workout
                          2 scoops whey iso
                          100g jasmine rice
                          meal 5
                          2 cups egg whites
                          100g jasmine rice
                          meal 6
                          6oz bison
                          100g jasmine rice
                          meal 7
                          8oz sirloin
                          100g jasmine rice
                          onions and mushrooms
                          lrg green salad w/vinegarette
                          TGBSupplements REP


                          Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order


                          • Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


                            cardio/rp programming

                            30min stepmill lss level 11 (fasted)

                            bulgarian split squats x15 25x15 40x10 55x5 55x16/2
                            hacks x10 90x15 180x10 270x4 290x12/2
                            low cable row ng 100x10 120x5 140x5 150x12/2
                            cable pullovers 50x14/2
                            db chest press 25x15 40x10 50x16/2
                            db curls 20x16/3
                            db skullies 20x19 20x16

                            done for the day. so kicked the damn day off with labs which consisted of 14 vials of blood. no clue what in the hell the doc pulled but damn if it wasnt a shit load. got through the cardio pretty good but felt like dog shit for the remainder of the day. training session wasnt to bad but def felt weak and was dragging. still got a pretty good pump and got all the work in. did tweak my hip a tad bit at some point, that i dont know where but it didnt hinder training. it creeped up on me later on in the day. got to talking to a friend of mine and told him about my draw and he was like holy shit that's a ton and no wonder you were dragging ass. so i figured that one out. all in all a successful day but a struggle. hit all the numbers and progressions so i am happy with that one.

                            meal 1
                            2 whole eggs
                            1/2 cup egg whites
                            4oz sirloin
                            2 slices ez bread
                            2 cups spinach
                            meal 2
                            8oz chicken
                            100g jasmine rice
                            1 cup green vege
                            meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
                            2 scoops whey iso
                            60g cor
                            1tbl spn pb
                            intra(6iu log)
                            1 scoop recovery factor x
                            10g creatine
                            10g eaa
                            meal 4(post workout
                            2 scoops whey iso
                            100g jasmine rice
                            meal 5
                            2 cups egg whites
                            100g jasmine rice
                            meal 6
                            6oz bison
                            100g jasmine rice
                            meal 7
                            8oz sirloin
                            100g jasmine rice
                            onions and mushrooms
                            lrg green salad w/vinegarette
                            TGBSupplements REP


                            Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order


                            • Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's


                              cardio/rp programming(semi-deload)

                              30min stepmill lss (fasted) level 11

                              belt squats 90x15 180x15 230x15/2
                              bw walking lunges x12/2
                              2 arm bent over db rows 25x15 40x12 50x12/2
                              chest sup machine row pg 135x10 150x12/2
                              cable rope twist curls 20x15/2
                              machine chest press 100x15 120x10 135x12/2
                              cable tricep press downs (ezbar) 50x15/2
                              machine crunches 50x15/4

                              done for the day. cardio conditioning has improved even more this week which sucks ass because i am burning fewer cals. i really dont want to bump up the speed anymore because that will destroy my feet and calves. going to have to brain storm this one a bit. i am still dropping weight right now so it hasnt adapted there yet but i am sure it will soon. maybe longer or tossing in clen here in the future. this week is a programmed deload week but tech i cant pull back for a full week. so i am going off of the weight and set parameters but keeping the reps at a higher level. still a pretty good session and great pump for sure just not as wasted post workout. so i am getting a little break but not enough to stop the process i hope. this week is going to be another kick in the nuts 4 days back to back week since i have another freaking appt on friday and then another one on monday. so monday's session is going to be another kick in the nuts. not looking forward to that one at all. good day in the books

                              meal 1
                              2 whole eggs
                              1/2 cup egg whites
                              4oz sirloin
                              2 slices ez bread
                              2 cups spinach
                              meal 2
                              8oz chicken
                              100g jasmine rice
                              1 cup green vege
                              meal 3(pre) (6ius log)
                              2 scoops whey iso
                              60g cor
                              1tbl spn pb
                              intra(6iu log)
                              1 scoop recovery factor x
                              10g creatine
                              10g eaa
                              meal 4(post workout
                              2 scoops whey iso
                              100g jasmine rice
                              meal 5
                              2 cups egg whites
                              100g jasmine rice
                              meal 6
                              6oz bison
                              100g jasmine rice
                              meal 7
                              8oz sirloin
                              100g jasmine rice
                              onions and mushrooms
                              lrg green salad w/vinegarette
                              TGBSupplements REP


                              Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order


                              • Re: Follow Along G's Run to the NA's

                                I remember the old tri cep press at the YMCA use to get my tri ceps the biggest. But they got rid of it like 20 years ago . And I still miss it.

                                I just read your meals for the day and realize I have only eaten two meals and it's almost bed time. I am missing two meals or I will be a meal short at bed time.

                                I am inspired to get some steaks now [emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123][emoji123]

