ok so here is the deal, this is just a goofy post about my life, thought some of you might have things also. #1 i would not change what i have gone thru cause i am pretty happy with how my life turned out. but...
when i was in high school their was a guy who had gym the same time as me and somehow he had gotten tagged as a gay, he was not into sports, i think he was into the school paper, choir, something like that. well when ever he was in the locker room the guys, (mostly the football team as i remember) would call him faggot and other names and throw dirty towels at him. now i don't know if he was gay or not, but nobody ,even the coaches ever said a thing about it. i had a rep in high school as a fighter (which is funny cause i am not very good at it lol) i could have said something and probably got away with it, i had friends on the team who would have stuck up for me, but i was afraid of them turning on me. later in life i learned you have to protect the weak (if you can) anyway that lack of courage has always bothered me.