I just wanted to vent a little bit....

I HATE GNC... there, I said it, and feel better. A lot of the people there have absolutely no clue what they are talking about, or they talk to you like your stupid, or even better, tell you information that is just plain wrong and stupid. Not to mention the prices. My girl and I went to the mall today because she wanted to buy a dress, so while she was trying stuff on I wandered into the GNC just to browse and what not. I have not been into a GNC in over 7 years or so and now never plan on going back.

SO, all that being said I really appreciate everything you can learn from fitness geared and the forums within. Also a big shout out to our sponsors who sell quality products and reasonable prices. And to all the members here who are willing and able to share their knowledge with everyone, whether they compete, or its a hobby, or just want to get in shape.

so right on guys...
