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    Thread: Diet and training journal

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      chemicallyengineered's Avatar
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      • Diet and training journal
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      • Diet and training journal
      • Diet and training journal
      • Diet and training journal
      Well I've tried to start these before and fell of logging quickly. However I have been inspired by a few of the logs seen here. I have also been talking with MM a lot and he has been helping me tweak my diet and otc supps. While I will admit my diet is not 100% on track it is a work in progress. I wanted to wait till after the holidays because I knew there would be some less than optimal meals.

      I also wanted to give some background on me for those who don't know. I am 40yrs old and have been bbing since I was 19. I started at 132lbs, skinny as fuck but my heaviest ever was 231 but it was super sloppy and I couldn't maintain it for more than a day or two.
      I was a manager at gnc for a few years and a NASM certified trainer for a few years as well. I am currently a regional Maintenamce tech for planet fitness. I fix all the equipment, tanning beds and handle as much of the building maintenance as possible. I get up around 3am so I can make a shake, eat something light and then pack meals and clothes for work. I tend to train at 5am or 5:30am at crunch before heading into work. I try to eat five or six times per day and im usually asleep by ten pm. My goal is to get to 240 without gaining too much body fat. I believe I'm around 15% now. My next post will be my supplement line up and the third will be my current cycle.

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      Default Re: Diet and training journal

      Animal pak
      Organ sheild
      MCT oil
      Dr Jekyll preworkout
      Inner armour glyco-peak for carbs and aminos
      NOSyntesize for during workout for a small amount of protein, aminos, creatine and nitric oxide stuff
      Adrenol8 is typically a preworkout with a Max dose of three scoops so I add one to the synthesize to keep energy levels up
      Cell tech for pwo
      Also nitrix tablets
      Carnivore mass

      3am is half serving of carnivore mass
      4:30 is Dr Jekyll plus MCT oil, one scoop adrenal8 and half tab ephedrine.
      During workout is MCT oil and synthesize and one scoop adrenol8. I also drink roughly 40oz of water during my workouts.
      Just starting to add cell tech in immediately post work out
      Sometimes I don't quite finish my during workout in my training so i will finish it with my next meal or in between meals
      With dinner is the animal pack.
      Before bed is the other half of the carnivore mass and the organ shield.
      Additional caffeine only taken on days that I am severely run down in the afternoon.

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      My current cycle is looking like this;
      Roughly 1500mgs of test (mixture of prop and enanthate)
      600mga of deca
      600mgs of tren
      100mgs dbol Ed.
      5iu of ip yellow tops before bed
      I was trying to include t3 in the middle of the night when I get up to piss but lately I've been eating something small so I can't do the t3 because it requires an empty stomach
      No ai or anti-e for two reasons 1. In not sensitive to estrogen sides at all. 2. There are lots of benefits to having estrogen. It helps regulate cholesterol and also increases igf-1 production.

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      I will begin logging diet and training tomorrow. I may also post up some previous workouts in hopes that others may see something they want to try out. I change things up every workout as far as exercise order and exercise selection. I also periodically change rep ranges and speed. Also muscle pairings will change a few times a year.

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      Default Re: Diet and training journal

      Great intro journal brother I'll be following for sure love the cycle also

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      Default Re: Diet and training journal

      Quote Originally Posted by MOUNTAIN-sMAN View Post
      Great intro journal brother I'll be following for sure love the cycle also
      our conversations have meant a lot to me and I appreciate your time and effort.

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      Default Re: Diet and training journal

      Quote Originally Posted by chemicallyengineered View Post
      our conversations have meant a lot to me and I appreciate your time and effort.
      Anytime my freind

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      Default Re: Diet and training journal

      Quote Originally Posted by chemicallyengineered View Post
      our conversations have meant a lot to me and I appreciate your time and effort.
      Anytime my freind

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      Looking forward to following your journal
      Veritas Vos Liberabit

    10. #10
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      Default Re: Diet and training journal

      Alright. Every training session starts with a twelve minute warm up on a treadmill while watching bodybuilding videos and sometimes motivational speakers. Speed starts at 3.0 and incline at 2 and I increase incline by 1 every few minutes and also increase speed by .2 every few minutes but rarely go above 3.6 since it's a warm up.
      Then all upper body days start with a warmup for shoulders and rotator cuffs. I grab a pair of 5lb DBS and so ten arm circles with each arm in a forward direction, then a backwards direction. Immediately followed by ten side laterals then ten front raises, ten external Rotations and ten horizontal rotations. All performed non stop as one giant set.
      Today was chest and bis and it looked like this;
      Incline db 50x15, 60x14, 70x14, 80x10, 90x6
      Floor press with bands 95x14, 135x10, 135x9, 135x7
      Incline Pullovers 80x10,8,7
      Around the world flyes 15x7, 10x6+6regular,
      Bar curls with bands barx10, 5sx8, 5sx8, 5sx8 with rest pause at 6,7
      45 degree incline db curls. 20x9, 20x8, 20x7
      Lat pulldown curl 55x12,60x10, 60x8
      Seated calves 70x12, 80x10, 90x8, 100x8.

      Around the world flyes I picked up from "grandma", roelley winklaars trainer. Start on flat bench like a typical fly with DBS directly above your pecs in outstretched arms. Decent till your arms are out to your aides. At this point keep the arms outstretched and bring the DBS next to your thighs then scoop upwards towards your starting point. The last part of the move is like front delt raise with palms facing the ceiling except that you are laying in a bench if that helps give you a better visual of the last part of the movement. These place a lot of time under tension and my last partner said my pecs were firing like crazy doing them. As noted later on I finished those off with regular flyes with same weight. I will also say these really cause my hands to start to cramp even if I try to keep My fingers open during some of the motion.
      I also do my pullovers on an incline as I feel It takes almost all of the back out of the movement.
      I like floor presses because going beyond a 90 degree angle puts too much stress on my shoulders. I like the bands because I can load more resistance at the end of the movement. With this in mind I may use the bands to allow me to go back to training past 90 degrees on bench because I can deli as in the bottom position but then accentuate the top half which is much more chest and less shoulders. The bands I have add anywhere from 40-140lbs of resistance depending on how far they are stretched. These are not those rehab tubes but real bands.
      I again opted to use bands with my barbell curls to increase the resistance above the 90 degree point here as well. Standing with these bands in a barbell there is no resistance at full extension but to go past 90 degrees is a struggle. I do manage to get quite a few to at least another 15 or so degrees past parallel to the floor but by the end of a set it becomes an isometric contraction at parallel.
      With my incline curls I like the bench set low so that the arms get a ridiculous stretch at the bottom.
      Lat pulldown curls. I put an ex bar attachment on a late pulldown. I try to keep my upper arms near vertical and curl the bar down and behind my head. Love the peak contraction on these.
      You will notice as I choose exercises for my arm workouts I will always try to choose different angles relative to my body to create different heads being stretched and contracted more. The barbell is pretty neutral in relation to the body. The incline places the arms behind the body and the lat pulldown curl places the arms way out in front/above the body. I do add in hammers most of the time but today I wanted to squeeze in some calves and I was running short on time.
      Lastly every workout ends with 20min of cardio. With this I go from 3.2 to 4.0mph and incline from 0 to 4 or 6 depending on how I feel. For me this isn't really cardio aimed at weight/far loss it's more for general health and to also give my body some time to burn some more cals and settle my stomach for my post workout drink and then subsequently meal.

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      I like to always include the how's for my not so usual moves and the whys of how I select things and perform them. Along that line I will also say that I do tend to really try to isolate the target muscle and I do tend to have a very moderate rep speed. I really never do speedy reps. Even my compound moves I still try to get a strong mind muscle connection in that target muscle. In the words of Kai green "I'll never be a weight lifter". How much weight I move is secondary to working the muscle. Even when I do my cardio after my training I tend to use it as a calf workout as well and I consciously contract my calves on every step.

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      Default Re: Diet and training journal

      you have a nice detailed log ce. this should be a hell of a help to get you to your goals and help others see what you are doing to be successful
      TGBSupplements REP


      Use code 'Baby1' for $5 off your order

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      Yesterday's meals with supplements
      We still have some leftovers from the weekend and I refuse to waste leftovers so there we be some meals in here that aren't weighed

      Upon rising is half serving of carnivore mass plus 4oz of muscle egg liquid egg whites and two slices of French toast
      Preworkout mix of Dr Jekyll, MCT oil and adrenol8. Also 12mg of ephedrine Hal
      During workout is 1 scoop NOSynthesize plus 1 scoop glycopeak and 1 scoop aftenol8
      Post workout I am mixing two scoops of cell tech and drinking half on the ride home and half with next meal once I get home(since I'm on vacation this week)
      Three metrx protein pancakes plus 4oz liquid egg whites and rest of cell tech
      Next meal was 5oz burger plus left over mashed potatoes and remainder of during workout drink
      I was hungry again two hours later so I made another burger and a large Idaho potatoe
      Dinner was chicken franchaise with penne from wife's bday on Saturday. We had gotten a half tray.
      Before bed was 2oz turkey on potatoe bread and the other half of a serving of carnivore mass and 4oz liquid egg whites.

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      We had some snow and ice last night and this am so I did not get to go to the gym to train but I awoke and had my usual half serving of carnivore mass plus liquid egg whites and returned to bed. I just finished a 12oz strip steak with the last of the leftover penne. I may do a modified back workout at home or wait and train at the gym later. Oh my body weight this am before my carnivore mass was 220.4 in just pjs.

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      Next meal was 10oz of baked haddock, some mashed potatoes and 2 scoops of cell tech as a drink
      Dinner was two whole chicken breasts cooked in a crock pot with alfredo sauce and two medium potatoes. I gave in to my sweet tooth and had two sugar cookies too
      Since this was only four meals I will make one more before bed plus another half of carnivore mass with 4oz of muscle egg egg whites. I will log that final meal later or tomorrow morning.
      I had forgotten that I had a pallet of pergo flooring in the garage tying up my free space along so I didn't getvtobyrson at home. Tomorrow at 5am will be back, traps and calves at crunch.

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