A blonde was pulled over by a cop one day.

The cop, who was also a blonde, walked up to her window and said, "Can I see your drivers license please?"

"Okay," the blonde replied. She looked through her purse and couldn't find it, so she checked the glove compartment of her car and still couldn't find it.

She asked the cop, "I can't seem to find it, can you tell me what it looks like?"

The cop answered, "Well it's square-shaped and it has your picture on it."

"Oh," said the blonde, so she checked through her purse again.

She pulled out her small, square-shaped compact and opened it. She looked into the mirror and saw her face. "Oh, here it is." She said as she handed the mirror to the cop.

The cop looked at the mirror, sighed, and looked back at the blonde and said,

"No, stupid, this is MY license."