This past year has been a year of reflecting all the way back, for me.

When I was a kid, I spent weeks "up North", picking and selling corn, making jam with my aunt, fishing and hunting with my Aunt, Uncle and brother, hangin in the farmhouse, snowmobiling in the winter, and more. Barn cats everywhere, old trucks just sitting in the field like monuments,lol.

Yes, I baited the hooks, yes I cleaned the fish, yes I carried the squirrels that my brother shot,lol.

One funny memories I have is my brother, Uncle and I were in the woods. My brother up in a tree, and getting pissed off at me cause I was talking to much. My Uncle and I walking and he spots a target, he decides to run and trips over the wired fence he forgot was there, lmao...I laughed so hard and again got told to be quiet again.

Very Fond memories there for me, and believe it or not ,I haven't been up by them in over 25 years. My Mom just told me myy Uncle is not doing well, and even though my aunt is completely hunched over, they are some tough cheese heads. I have to drag fuzo up there and he has no desire to go.

tell me a great childhood memory you have...