stats: 24 yrs old 5'10" 241.5 lbs Arms 16 1/2 Forearms 14 Legs 26 Shoulders 54 3/4 Chest 45 1/2 calves 17 1/2

1 cycle under my belt 500 mg sust and 400 mg deca a week, gained 37 lbs. kept most of it.

This cycle

week 1 - 13 500 mg SL Test E
week 1 - 5 30 mg russian dbol ED
week 6 - 14 135 mg fina EOD

started the dbol on Friday February 27th, did my first injection of test enanthate on Saturday....I did 625 mg to front load a little bit....I'll do the same thing next saturday....then i'll drop down to 500 for the rest of the cycle. Hopefully the test will kick in by week 4 or 5 that way. my sust didn't really kick in until week 6 last cycle.