Ahhh man just when your in the best shape of your life...

Incline bench on a smith...fifth set in life's going great 315 for 8 reps...Then right pec feels like a real bad calve cramp during mid rep and miliseconds later it feels like a painful ass super muscle twitch (again I'm midrep to almost lockout). I racked it and immediately felt so nauseated I waited and watched in mirror or blood, purple, any sign. I stopped did abs for a moment but the pain didn't go away and I had no strength. I called it a day, went home asap and iced, ibprophen, DMSO with arnica...got a couple of those in to day. My chest was definitely swollen. About 6 hours I've got dark black quarter size raised circle forming at top of chest where insertion is under front delt. It doesn't hurt there but where swelling is mid chest but towards outside of pec.

My girl is nurse practitioner says nothing can be done it didn't rip bad enough for surgery so no reason to go to docs. What do you guys think. I'm so pissed and depressed. I've never had a chest issue in decades of training.

I will attach a pic.