If you want true quality results go with Pharma grade. There is a big difference in the 2 of generic and Pharm. sazien is my first choice Humatrope is my 2nd choice and sero's would be my 3rd choice just basing off my results in the HGH game. For me I never got the shredded thin skin look and the 3D look off of Generic GH.. Pharma will blow your mind. Theres a reason for that if you do deep research you'll understand. You get what you pay for brother. Theres a reason why generic GH cost little to nothing. Everyone says you won't see results with GH for six months blah blah. Those are your guys running generics. All about trial and error my friend. Just trying to save you time and money. I run 4-6ius. I highly suggest to start out on 2iu for at least the first month then bump up to 4. I do suggest running HGH for 6 months-12 months. And I want to make it clear that I am not knocking anyone for running generic HGH. I have used generic and Pharm both for many years. This is my own personal experience with use and my body. what has worked best for me may not work best for you.