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    Thread: Hgh, usage duration question.

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      • Hgh, usage duration question.
      • Hgh, usage duration question.
      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      i like that setup of ramping up. it will lessen the cts issues and other side effects.

      so the reason to go 5 on and 2 off is not just from a money side. your body will develop anti bodies and start to fight the external gh over time and it also shuts down t3 production. so to semi combat this the 5on 2 off helps to an extent. you also need to supplement with t4 or better yet 12.5 to 25mcg of t3 to keep the thyroid from being down regulated with gh use. it also makes you insulin resistant over time as well. so adding in a small amount of log or humilin r around training will also help with this as well. all stuff to make your gh use optimal
      Lol, you always seem to write the same thing I am about to.
      Put in a small dose of t3 and some Humilin r after training.
      Insulin can be used safely it's easy just eat after taking it, carbs. If you take in 10 grams of carbs per iu of insulin it's more than enough.

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      Default Re: Hgh, usage duration question.

      Quote Originally Posted by sofargone561 View Post
      I’ve always heard hgh takes a while to kick in and should be run for a longer period of time.

      is it better to run a lower dosage say 2-3 per day for a longer durations of approximately 12 months
      This one is better
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    3. #18
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      Default Re: Hgh, usage duration question.

      Quote Originally Posted by RichardSilva View Post
      This one is better
      I wish there was somebody that could answer all these questions you just listed nobody knows really the top pros don't know the top trainers the body but they don't know nobody knows the correct those cheese that's needed to induce the optimum muscle growth the the range goes from before I used to 12 I use 25 I use a day which I'm sure 25 I use a day is way too much. there's a good chance for us is enough or maybe it's 6:00 or maybe it's 9:00 nobody knows and there's never going to be any studies done on it in relation to bodybuilding because it's not indicated for bodybuilding. so you just going to have to keep reading these boards and getting feedback from people that use it. it's one of the reasons I don't use it cuz I don't even know how much I'm supposed to take

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      Default Re: Hgh, usage duration question.

      Quote Originally Posted by RichardSilva View Post
      This one is better
      I do know the answer to this lower and longer is definitely better than higher and shorter

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    5. #20
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      Default Re: Hgh, usage duration question.

      Quote Originally Posted by RexT44 View Post
      If you want true quality results go with Pharma grade. There is a big difference in the 2 of generic and Pharm. sazien is my first choice Humatrope is my 2nd choice and sero's would be my 3rd choice just basing off my results in the HGH game. For me I never got the shredded thin skin look and the 3D look off of Generic GH.. Pharma will blow your mind. Theres a reason for that if you do deep research you'll understand. You get what you pay for brother. Theres a reason why generic GH cost little to nothing. Everyone says you won't see results with GH for six months blah blah. Those are your guys running generics. All about trial and error my friend. Just trying to save you time and money. I run 4-6ius. I highly suggest to start out on 2iu for at least the first month then bump up to 4. I do suggest running HGH for 6 months-12 months. And I want to make it clear that I am not knocking anyone for running generic HGH. I have used generic and Pharm both for many years. This is my own personal experience with use and my body. what has worked best for me may not work best for you.
      that's really great to say and you're right 100%. if everybody could afford human trope everybody should take you in trouble the problem is there's people working check out there who can't afford the ridiculous price of human growth on United States made human growth hormones so they have to go to the other brands I don't know how good these other brands are with their much cheaper

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      Default Re: Hgh, usage duration question.

      Quote Originally Posted by pgc640 View Post
      that's really great to say and you're right 100%. if everybody could afford human trope everybody should take you in trouble the problem is there's people working check out there who can't afford the ridiculous price of human growth on United States made human growth hormones so they have to go to the other brands I don't know how good these other brands are with their much cheaper

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      it's been awhile since HGH has been out on the market now so it's got to lose its patent soon meaning generics should be able to be made meaning the price should come down of the US brands. I'm not sure when that's going to happen if they usually hold the patent for 10 or 15 years but it has to be close to that by now. I mean they really really up the price on that stuff I mean they really milked every penny they could out of that

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      Default Re: Hgh, usage duration question.

      Quote Originally Posted by pgc640 View Post
      it's been awhile since HGH has been out on the market now so it's got to lose its patent soon meaning generics should be able to be made meaning the price should come down of the US brands. I'm not sure when that's going to happen if they usually hold the patent for 10 or 15 years but it has to be close to that by now. I mean they really really up the price on that stuff I mean they really milked every penny they could out of that

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      Oh GH lost his pat in a long time ago That's why there's a bunch of different brands out there now once it had its patent still the patents only good for 10 to 15 years I forget but if you have the patent only one brand is out there I think it was Eli Lily. But now if you see there's a bunch of different pharmaceutical companies out there. And it did it did take the price down but it's still ridiculous if you don't have quite a bit of money in the US because if you want it get it legally in the US you got to go to an anti-aging clinic where no insurance is going to cover and pay them what they want which is probably like $1,500 I don't know I'm guessing then you have to pay for the medication itself because I don't think the insurance company is going to cover it for an off label use. And human growth hormone even though it's come down the price of it in the US is still insane even at a pharmacy I mean it depends on how much money you have I mean anybody that wants to use growth who would choose to use these blue tops or gray tops or black tops I mean what the hell is in that? Of course I would want to use humatrope. It's a it's a thing a money thing basically. But yeah they're patent ran out a long time ago

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      Default Re: Hgh, usage duration question.

      Quote Originally Posted by pgc640 View Post
      Oh GH lost his pat in a long time ago That's why there's a bunch of different brands out there now once it had its patent still the patents only good for 10 to 15 years I forget but if you have the patent only one brand is out there I think it was Eli Lily. But now if you see there's a bunch of different pharmaceutical companies out there. And it did it did take the price down but it's still ridiculous if you don't have quite a bit of money in the US because if you want it get it legally in the US you got to go to an anti-aging clinic where no insurance is going to cover and pay them what they want which is probably like $1,500 I don't know I'm guessing then you have to pay for the medication itself because I don't think the insurance company is going to cover it for an off label use. And human growth hormone even though it's come down the price of it in the US is still insane even at a pharmacy I mean it depends on how much money you have I mean anybody that wants to use growth who would choose to use these blue tops or gray tops or black tops I mean what the hell is in that? Of course I would want to use humatrope. It's a it's a thing a money thing basically. But yeah they're patent ran out a long time ago

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      anti aging clinics will not use insurance for anything they provide services for and the current cost from one of the companies i have seen for us pharm gh is between 900-1k. sad thing is if you get it from a hookup it is going to cost that or more. it is out there both legal and the alternative but you are going to be carrying a very empty wallet. lots of good generics out there though at a fraction of the price
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      Default Re: Hgh, usage duration question.

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      anti aging clinics will not use insurance for anything they provide services for and the current cost from one of the companies i have seen for us pharm gh is between 900-1k. sad thing is if you get it from a hookup it is going to cost that or more. it is out there both legal and the alternative but you are going to be carrying a very empty wallet. lots of good generics out there though at a fraction of the price
      I know there are a whole bunch of these grey area companies selling 100-150 IU kits for 200-300$.
      I was skeptical but about the only steroids I use are dragon pharma and I've used everything( I'm 50 started this at 16) . I've used stuff straight from US pharmacy, European pharma grade was what was mostly around in the early and late 90s of course that stuff is the best. However I do not see any difference between the dragon pharma stuff and the 0harma grade stuff I have used. D) is definitely a good product. From what I hear they basically have their own lab that's just like a pharmaceutical lab it's just not licensed I'm not sure exactly where it is somewhere in Asia but I don't think it's in China though but it might be. I've used about all their products except the somatropine, which I'm about to order, and I think every single one was right on the money dose wise and never had a sterility problem. Plus it's pretty cheap for the quality if you find a good source. I get it from Europe, it take about 2-3 weeks but I would rather wait than buy something I can get faster but I have no idea if it's any good or if it's sterile. So I stick with the dragon pharma. The only other brand I may use is from 7labs pharma in Sweden. It's a bit cheaper than DP and , for me, I never had a quality issue with them either.

      Anyway that's what I am going to do what you mentioned I'm about to order four boxes of what they call dragontroping dragon pharma SomaTropin 10 vials 10 Ius a vial for $200. That a good price though I usually see it around $300.

      Never used it but heard nothing but good feedback from those who have, even saying it's just as good as any pharma brand, we'll see.

      Also was told a brand called KAPLA makrs a 100 Iu kit also for $180. Friend of mine swears by it and he switched from nordotropin I think it's called, a pharma brand, to this kapla for financial reasons. Said his serum levels stayed same as did his igf1. So, if looking for something cheaper it is out there.

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      Default Re: Hgh, usage duration question.

      Just to add you can look online on several web pages That actually test these brands to make sure they're on point or they're not. I've seen about every dragon pharma product tested by one lab or another. Pretty much the testosterone is always overdosed if it's supposed to be 250 it's around 270. The orals are usually about right on The only time I saw anything come back low was their anadrol it was supposed to be 50 mg like everybody else's and it came back 48.5 which is negligible. For the most part even like their injectables like NPP Deca equipoise they all come back a little bit high for the most part not ridiculously high where you'd have to worry about taking too much but like 20 mg high 10 mg high. Never low though. There's also a brand name British dragon and don't get that confused with what I'm talking about because I've also seen the results from them and their s*** is garbage it's always low always those slow it's underdose b*******.
      I have no stake in DP products just would rather see guys using safe stuff.

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      Something else I forgot to say but there are so many of these gray area companies now it's really good because they're in competition with one another. And everybody knows what competition does it brings the prices down and it brings the quality of the s*** up. So mostly all of these gray area companies when they're tested they come back pretty close to right on. Now if you had one company acting as a monopoly and the only one that's when you run into problems and they try to cut corners but I think we're pretty safe with the amount of stuff running around out there.

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      Default Re: Hgh, usage duration question.

      Quote Originally Posted by sofargone561 View Post
      I’ve always heard hgh takes a while to kick in and should be run for a longer period of time.

      So I have a question,

      is it better to run a lower dosage say 2-3 per day for a longer durations of approximately 12 months


      is it better to work up to 6ius per day and stay there for about 7 months?

      Also is there any science or pros/cons to doing those 5 on 2 off or 6 on 1 off splits or is that just a way to save money or prolong the use?

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      I noticed thread is super old but I don't know if the OP is still following it but I recently read an article about his exact question. Is it better to run less for a long time or more for a short time. Apparently the conclusion was there's no doubt about it it's better to run less for a long time. When it comes to somatropin or GH whatever you want to call it.

      I find these things in places like the New England journal of medicine stuff written for doctors if you guys really want to get information like real information on real studies done there aren't too many but when they are done they're out there to find. And you could pretty much count on that because if it's in the you know journal and medicine either New England or the American it's not b******* they did a real controlled double-bind study.

      Also there are more done in Europe you can find those also. And they're usually easily translatable to English.

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      Default Re: Hgh, usage duration question.

      Quote Originally Posted by pgc640 View Post
      Something else I forgot to say but there are so many of these gray area companies now it's really good because they're in competition with one another. And everybody knows what competition does it brings the prices down and it brings the quality of the s*** up. So mostly all of these gray area companies when they're tested they come back pretty close to right on. Now if you had one company acting as a monopoly and the only one that's when you run into problems and they try to cut corners but I think we're pretty safe with the amount of stuff running around out there.

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      I have no scientific basis whatsoever for this conclusion so take it with a grain of salt but I truly believe taking GH over a longer period of time at a lower dose is much better than taking it over a shorter period of time and higher those. I mean the resident expert here is guns I mean get him to answer your question and he'll tell you everything about it.

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      Default Re: Hgh, usage duration question.

      No doubt I agree HGH longer use is always, from what I've read, better than shorter

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      • Hgh, usage duration question.
      • Hgh, usage duration question.
      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      i like that setup of ramping up. it will lessen the cts issues and other side effects.

      so the reason to go 5 on and 2 off is not just from a money side. your body will develop anti bodies and start to fight the external gh over time and it also shuts down t3 production. so to semi combat this the 5on 2 off helps to an extent. you also need to supplement with t4 or better yet 12.5 to 25mcg of t3 to keep the thyroid from being down regulated with gh use. it also makes you insulin resistant over time as well. so adding in a small amount of log or humilin r around training will also help with this as well. all stuff to make your gh use optimal
      Ah, the delicate dance of hormones and supplements – it's like orchestrating a symphony in the body!

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