Quote Originally Posted by sofargone561 View Post
I’ve always heard hgh takes a while to kick in and should be run for a longer period of time.

So I have a question,

is it better to run a lower dosage say 2-3 per day for a longer durations of approximately 12 months


is it better to work up to 6ius per day and stay there for about 7 months?

Also is there any science or pros/cons to doing those 5 on 2 off or 6 on 1 off splits or is that just a way to save money or prolong the use?

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The quick answer is absolutely no there's no scientific research or anything on how to use HGH optimally for bodybuilding.

Your entirely right HGH needs to be run over a long period of time it is not a drug that you could take for 2 months and expect any tremendous gains it works over a long period of time it works very well over a long period of time along with anabolics. I truly believe a lower dose for a longer time is way better than a higher dose for a shorter time. The last time I used GH I used three IUS everyday for 24 weeks and got tremendous results. I grew a lot more in those 24 weeks than I usually would have but mostly was how lean it kept me no matter what I did. I was growing and staying about five 6% body fat no matter what I did.

Again this is all speculation there's no scientific resources it is all my opinion based on personal experience and watching others and talking to others. It also has to do with your budget if I had enough money I was a little short at the time I would have rather have used four ius a day but that's as high as I would ever go with GH. These guys taking nine Ius 12 Ius 20 I think it's ridiculous.

Everybody's different man my my recommendation to you would be try a lower dose for a long period of time I actually had good results with two ius a day and one time very good results especially fat burning and definitely increase muscle growth when mixed with anabolics even at 2 ius a day but for a long period of Time 5 6 months.

I don't have personal experience with high doses over short periods of time but I do know a lot of people that have tried that and it seems to not give them the results they are looking for. The one thing you want to avoid with GH is that the distended stomach. It seems like that only happens in very large dosages for pretty long periods of time that's why I would never go past four a day.

Also I'd like to touch on insulin use which I think is totally overblown just like thyroid use. I have never used GH without insulin and I'll tell you how I've used the insulin and this is how I was told to use insulin by two of the best trainers in the late 1990s that I use for contest prep. I would take five IU's of humulin R before breakfast. After training bring your HGH to the gym in a cooler with an ice pack and as soon as you're done training shoot your HGH. Go home 30 to 40 minutes later do your 5 to 10 ius of insulin, humulin r, with something like orange juice grape juice some kind of high sugar juice and about 5 mg of creatine. Right after that you can either have a protein shake or a meal. The guidelines that were set out when people first started using insulin was to use about 10 g of carbs per iu of insulin but that is too high in my opinion. If you want to be safe use that because you will never have a problem using that much. So if you use five IU's of insulin you have to take in 50 g of carbs. I've used insulin several times and never had a single problem and I've known so many bodybuilders professionals top amateurs also never had any problems. Insulin can kill you yes but a lot of things can kill you if you're an idiot and you don't take care of yourself and do it the right way.

When I was competing in the late 90s the big thing was the mixture of HGH, insulin and t3. I left a t3 out a lot just because my metabolism is a lot faster than most people but that combination on someone with a normal metabolism will have profound effects on somebody.

Please don't go out and do this if you're a beginner or never competed before or never plan on competing this is overkill. I only did this when I started competing nationally for the junior Nationals and the USA. If I wasn't at that level I would have never done something like this so I'm pretty much talking to people that are competitors want to be competitors or guys that just want to be gigantic for whatever reason. A normal kid in the gym that just wants to look good for the girls for the beach you do not need HGH insulin or t3. On the other hand I'm not going to bullshit anybody and I'm going to be straightforward people ask a question I'm going to answer it I'm not going to pull punches.

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