Seeing my neurologist tomorrow, but this is pretty much what he is thinking. I have had facial pain, burning, numbness, almost daily for over a year. I already take an anti seizure med for complex partial seizures. Adding migraines to it now, that make me vomit and put me down for a few days. The doc gave me a migraine med that actually took my face pain away along with the migraine. The last thing I want is another med but what I have noticed is certain things in my diet make this worse. I have seen the word "vasodilator" thrown around on here a lot and something like that is exactly what I cannot have. Are there certain dietary things that cause vasodilation that anyone knows of? Increase in prostaglandins also dilates the vessels. This is all bad for my condition. I will do more research on dietary affects but thought someone might know something. I know my doc will want to put me on anther med and the migraine med that helped is considered a "rescue" med so it isn't something I can be on daily anyway