SO!!! I made this for last night

Saute mirepoix (2 parts onion, 1 part carrot, 1 part celery) and garlic in olive oil- low temp
add ground lamb -(I used a pound here guys) cook through on low temp, then drain off fat.
add - tom paste - small can and mix well, cook on low temp for a few minutes - do not burn the bottom of your pan
add 1/2 cup or so of beef broth. you have to eye it.
add 2 tbsp or so of flour and mix well. it should have a thick consistency, but not DRY!

season with salt, pepper, and thyme - be generous, but not too generous...

once complete fold in some peas - frozen petite peas are better than canned.

Put in a glass pyrex pan and bake with mashed potatoes on top on 350 for about 30 minutes - until your potatoes are nice and crisp on top.

you can also make a mashed potato with cauliflower instead and use that for the top... ive tried it and its still good.

this is ****ing awesome.... fyi.
