Could the hype be real? Will UFC light heavyweight Tito Ortiz and UFC president Dana White really put on boxing gloves and duke it out as part of the terms it took to get Ortiz back in the UFC?

It's been talked about for some time, but Sunday evening Tito Ortiz revealed that he has a specific date in mind to try and knock around his boss in the ring.

"After this next fight (against Ken Shamrock on October 10th), I'll only have a couple days to rest then I'll start boxing again to get ready to fight Dana. I think it's happening on October 20th" said Ortiz.

Not only did Ortiz give a date he believes that the match with White will happen on, he also said that fans will be able to see the action themselves on pay per view.

"I think it's going to be on pay per view for about $15.00, so that's great because it will be pretty cheap. So fans should check it out. I'm pretty excited, not many people get to hit their bosses, and I'm going to get a chance to do that" Ortiz went on.

Ortiz and White's relationship has appeared complex and sometimes volatile from the outside looking in, and it has been punctuated by multiple stand-offs regarding contractual agreements over the years. When Ortiz returned to the company recently both he and White said that it was written into the terms of Ortiz' contract that he would get to box White, ostensibly to hash things out for good.

InsideFighting has not yet spoken with Dana White or any other UFC officials regarding the possible fight and pay per view spectacle, but we will attempt get a hold of more of the possibly involved parties this week.