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    Thread: deadlifts help

    1. #1
      Harry Tasker's Avatar
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      I want to start doing deadlifts. I was substituting with squats. My back is just not where I want it to be and I think this will help get it growing!

      I DL's years ago when i was in my teens so now all is forgotten. I was going to do them on a back day. My back day is tuesday and leg day is WED, do u think this will interfere with eachother. I go super heavy on squats.

      Please give me best advice on DEADS as I don't really know much about them. my fortay is squats.
      Yours In Sport,

      Harry Tasker

    2. #2
      Skarhead's Avatar
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      Default Re: deadlifts help

      IMO, Yes... heavy Squats are pretty taxing and so are deads if you go heavy on both. I would @ least a day inbetween them to let the CNS recover..

      Also remember people who do D/Ls every week tend to burn themselves out on them and go down in weight pretty fast. Do conventional pulls one week, rack pulls another, etc.... just dont do regular deads week in/week out.

      If you know a PLer or experienced lifter who knows the best form on D/Ls have them teach you no matter how much pride it may hurt, u'll add ots of #s.

    3. #3
      Harry Tasker's Avatar
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      Default Re: deadlifts help

      Quote Originally Posted by Skarhead
      IMO, Yes... heavy Squats are pretty taxing and so are deads if you go heavy on both. I would @ least a day inbetween them to let the CNS recover..

      Also remember people who do D/Ls every week tend to burn themselves out on them and go down in weight pretty fast. Do conventional pulls one week, rack pulls another, etc.... just dont do regular deads week in/week out.

      If you know a PLer or experienced lifter who knows the best form on D/Ls have them teach you no matter how much pride it may hurt, u'll add ots of #s.
      there is no experienced lifters at my gym or PL'er's it's a joke and the one's who r experienced dont do Deads Nor Squats, that's y i thought i would ask here. I had a competieve BBer show me years ago, but i have forgotten the essentials
      Yours In Sport,

      Harry Tasker

    4. #4
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      Default Re: deadlifts help

      Hrm I can't write it out but I could showl you how to do a flawless conventional pull...there are a few exercise index's that might be of some help.....

    5. #5
      NATE's Avatar
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      Default Re: deadlifts help

      I tend to get tired when doing deads for more than 6 weeks. When i do them i only do deads, BB shrugs and rear delt flyes while following my back workout from the previous day. Leg day is 3 days apart from dead day.

    6. #6
      bowbow's Avatar
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      Default Re: deadlifts help

      I do deads on back day also which is tuesday then my leg day is on friday so I have a good break between them
      Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups

    7. #7
      Skarhead's Avatar
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      Default Re: deadlifts help

      Quote Originally Posted by NATE
      I tend to get tired when doing deads for more than 6 weeks. .
      this is what rotating variations each weekw ill prevent

    8. #8
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      Default Re: deadlifts help

      Quote Originally Posted by Skarhead
      this is what rotating variations each weekw ill prevent
      and thats why i only do them for 6 weeks then go off of them for 6 weeks.

    9. #9
      PL456's Avatar
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      Default Re: deadlifts help

      Ahh...the DL. a true power freak's favorite lift. forget the bench, the squat is pretty good, but the true test of strength is the dead. Ive been a PL'er for 12 yrs with over 30 comps under my belt, I was ranked 16th in the USA in a national PL organization, Im a Physical Therapist and a certified personal trainer. where to begin?

      Do your DL's once approximately every 10 days to 2 weeks. The common rigid structuring of a workout program..i.e. Monday I do this, Tuesday I do this, etc....is incorrect when training as the body does not care what day of the week it is, it only is concerned with either adaptation or whether it's being overtrained.
      Your low back should never hurt after training DL's. It can be tight, but not hurting or paining you. This is a BIG warning sign you have bad form.
      Before doing any DL's, stretch your hamstrings aggressively and daily for 2 weeks. Make sure your ab work is up to par.
      Lose the straps.
      If youre fat, you may want to consider sumo style. tall, lean guys usually do better with conventional. sumo or conventional is really a personal choice.
      Do not wear a belt with weights over 5 reps.
      Do good mornings, usually on light squat days, to help the hips and hams. Focus on HIP muscles, NOT low back muscles. you are working your back only in the sense that the lats, traps, abs and erectors are stabilizers, NOT prime movers. the HIPs, HAMs, and calves are the prime movers. heavy deads also facilitate growth as they are an excellent way to stimulate natural testosterone release.

      Variations of the standard dead:
      High deads--pull while standing on 45# plates..raises you up approx 1", you pull farther.
      Rack pulls--adjust the power rack to various heights to work the lockout.
      Band pulls--attach jumpstretch bands to the bar, chains work well too.
      Reverse deads--really,these are true hack squats (not that silly machine). do these by standing in FRONT of the bar and pull to standing.

      The deadlift is the only PL lift that has not seen the skyrocketing poundages as seen in the bench (now +1000#'s) and the squat (now +1200#'s). why? equipment, that's why. Im not anti-equipment, but, the dead is really man vs iron. The DL is hard to get started on, but if you stick with it, you will see tremendous growth and have a lot of fun.

    10. #10
      Skarhead's Avatar
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      Default Re: deadlifts help

      Quote Originally Posted by PL456
      Ahh...the DL. a true power freak's favorite lift. forget the bench, the squat is pretty good, but the true test of strength is the dead. Ive been a PL'er for 12 yrs with over 30 comps under my belt, I was ranked 16th in the USA in a national PL organization, Im a Physical Therapist and a certified personal trainer. where to begin?

      Do your DL's once approximately every 10 days to 2 weeks. The common rigid structuring of a workout program..i.e. Monday I do this, Tuesday I do this, etc....is incorrect when training as the body does not care what day of the week it is, it only is concerned with either adaptation or whether it's being overtrained.
      Your low back should never hurt after training DL's. It can be tight, but not hurting or paining you. This is a BIG warning sign you have bad form.
      Before doing any DL's, stretch your hamstrings aggressively and daily for 2 weeks. Make sure your ab work is up to par.
      Lose the straps.
      If youre fat, you may want to consider sumo style. tall, lean guys usually do better with conventional. sumo or conventional is really a personal choice.
      Do not wear a belt with weights over 5 reps.
      Do good mornings, usually on light squat days, to help the hips and hams. Focus on HIP muscles, NOT low back muscles. you are working your back only in the sense that the lats, traps, abs and erectors are stabilizers, NOT prime movers. the HIPs, HAMs, and calves are the prime movers. heavy deads also facilitate growth as they are an excellent way to stimulate natural testosterone release.

      Variations of the standard dead:
      High deads--pull while standing on 45# plates..raises you up approx 1", you pull farther.
      Rack pulls--adjust the power rack to various heights to work the lockout.
      Band pulls--attach jumpstretch bands to the bar, chains work well too.
      Reverse deads--really,these are true hack squats (not that silly machine). do these by standing in FRONT of the bar and pull to standing.

      The deadlift is the only PL lift that has not seen the skyrocketing poundages as seen in the bench (now +1000#'s) and the squat (now +1200#'s). why? equipment, that's why. Im not anti-equipment, but, the dead is really man vs iron. The DL is hard to get started on, but if you stick
      with it, you will see tremendous growth and have a lot of fun.

      great p ost, repage!

    11. #11
      Harry Tasker's Avatar
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      Default Re: deadlifts help

      Quote Originally Posted by PL456
      Ahh...the DL. a true power freak's favorite lift. forget the bench, the squat is pretty good, but the true test of strength is the dead. Ive been a PL'er for 12 yrs with over 30 comps under my belt, I was ranked 16th in the USA in a national PL organization, Im a Physical Therapist and a certified personal trainer. where to begin?

      Do your DL's once approximately every 10 days to 2 weeks. The common rigid structuring of a workout program..i.e. Monday I do this, Tuesday I do this, etc....is incorrect when training as the body does not care what day of the week it is, it only is concerned with either adaptation or whether it's being overtrained.
      Your low back should never hurt after training DL's. It can be tight, but not hurting or paining you. This is a BIG warning sign you have bad form.
      Before doing any DL's, stretch your hamstrings aggressively and daily for 2 weeks. Make sure your ab work is up to par.
      Lose the straps.
      If youre fat, you may want to consider sumo style. tall, lean guys usually do better with conventional. sumo or conventional is really a personal choice.
      Do not wear a belt with weights over 5 reps.
      Do good mornings, usually on light squat days, to help the hips and hams. Focus on HIP muscles, NOT low back muscles. you are working your back only in the sense that the lats, traps, abs and erectors are stabilizers, NOT prime movers. the HIPs, HAMs, and calves are the prime movers. heavy deads also facilitate growth as they are an excellent way to stimulate natural testosterone release.

      Variations of the standard dead:
      High deads--pull while standing on 45# plates..raises you up approx 1", you pull farther.
      Rack pulls--adjust the power rack to various heights to work the lockout.
      Band pulls--attach jumpstretch bands to the bar, chains work well too.
      Reverse deads--really,these are true hack squats (not that silly machine). do these by standing in FRONT of the bar and pull to standing.

      The deadlift is the only PL lift that has not seen the skyrocketing poundages as seen in the bench (now +1000#'s) and the squat (now +1200#'s). why? equipment, that's why. Im not anti-equipment, but, the dead is really man vs iron. The DL is hard to get started on, but if you stick with it, you will see tremendous growth and have a lot of fun.
      Man, great post, thnx PL456! I did them today and I MUST OF HAD THE WORST FORM ON EARTH! My Lower back was and is killing me, as you said it's the form and I knew it. I sat on the bench is pain for awhile.

      I did light deads too. 6 reps of 355. Damn, I got to get this down.
      thnx again
      Yours In Sport,

      Harry Tasker

    12. #12
      Skarhead's Avatar
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      Default Re: deadlifts help

      yeah bad form. not only w/ better form will u not hurt u will put up way bigger #s

    13. #13
      PL456's Avatar
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      Default Re: deadlifts help

      if your hips raise up BEFORE the weight moves, you're lifting too heavy and you need to strengthen your glutes and hams. this means your back is trying to lift the weight--bad idea. this takes time to develop. do NOT raise your hips first, the weight should move first off the floor, your hips should actually DROP on the first movement. you should straighten your trunk initially, break the weight off the floor then continue to extend the hips (straighten the hips and legs) all the way through the top. Also, another mistake newbies make is to try and use the arms to help pull the weight. under no circumstances should you try and bend your elbows when DLing. your arms should hang and act only as clamps that connect the bar to your body. When training the DL, if you scrape your shins and knees, youre doing it right. yes, guys, its OK to bleed a little in the gym..LOL.

      remember, the back does not lift the weight, it stabilizes...the glutes and hams lift the weight. pro PLers rarely train quads as the hams and glutes are the prime movers with the SQ and DL. next time you get on the leg extension machine and rep the whole stack out, see if you can do that on the leg curl machine. 95% of lifters' hams are at LEAST only 50% as strong as the quads--this is a problem. forget the quads for a while...it's a beach muscle.

    14. #14
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      make sure your whole body is tight and your body has to move all at the same time... It sounds like your legs are kicking before you lockout

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