Whats wrong with brian sticking up for his team when gayle said shit about the coach and him and cutler ofcourse he would say that, Anyone would.gale shouldnt be saying shit about the team anyway.Aom igayle was totaly wrong on bashing his old team,and brian is right gayle didnt win shit with the team he had so he doesnt have room to talk. Sure in his 6 yuears he played great ut dont start running your mouth about your old team thers no reason for it. And for saying brian is getting old thats just a excuse that gayle is a old man and cant play and had his career cut short. No reason for bad mouthing the bears like gayle did. And you aom take that as his days are numbered becuse he said that.And if brian wants to get traded so be it but the bears wont kick him off the team unless he wants to go