What should I say to the judge. A few weeks ago a city po pulled me over for not stopping at the red light. Gave me a $150 ticket which I'm refusing to pay and requested a hearing. What really happened was I was at this big intersection with a tall 18 wheeler in front of me. I wasn't near him at all...a few feet but somehow didn't see the whole light (the truck was too fookin tall) so I just kept driving and following the truck... and I did see...right before I crossed the lane, red light came on...soo...fook I look and the blue lights are behind me...so he stops me...gave me a ticket...didn't even let me explain... stupid mothaf...... and went his way...

I'm in MA with the best driving record that there is. Never got a ticket or anything...except parking ones... my record is clean and shiny. What do I say to the judge. I heard in most cases if its a first offense they let you go with a warning.