Where does yours come from? For me it started out as just a dream. I've always been inspired by the strength and muscularity of guys like Paul Anderson, Kaz, Arnold and cats like that. Those guys lit the spark for my training. Now it's so much more. If I had to point at any one thing and say this is what drives me, it would be my family. Gone are the days of lifting for just me, not that there's anything wrong with that, I think that's how most of us start out. These days, my drive comes from the little comments my kids and wife make. My 8 yr old wants me to flex when we're around other people like at his school or when he sees one of his little friends at Wal Mart. My 6yr old draws pictures of me with HUGE arms, of course my arms are no where near the way she depicts them but it' how she sees her daddy. The other two are too young to say or do these types of things, but I want to make them proud. My wife says things about my physique, and it makes me want to make it better to please her and give her the gift of my work. I know all of this may sound cheezy and no, I'm not clomid lol, I just wanted to share with all of you a little bit of who I am. Now it's your turn to post and share where your strength comes from.