Back from the hospital and recovering back at home. Here is what happened.

Last week I was at a
club with my girl and there were a bunch of extremely drunk marines
trying to start fights with EVERYONE. I tried to stay away because
I was alone with just my girlfriend. One of them slapped her on the
ass when she walked by to go to the bathroom. She came back and
told me so I walked over and grabbed him in a headlock and dragged
him out of the club. His asshole buddies saw this and once we got
outside 5 of them started punching and kicking me. I couldnt handle
them all. One of them must have hit me in the back of the head with
brass knuckles because I needed 8 staples in the back of my head
along with a concussion. I also needed 14 stitches on my right arm
from who knows what. I am thinking one of them cut me with a knife
but am not sure. I lost alot of blood and dont really remember what
happened. I woke up a day later in the hospital and come to find
out none of these assholes were even caught. There is an
investigation pending but so far they have no leads. I have some
pics that I am going to post of my war wounds. Needless to say I am going to be out of the gym for a while and I cannot go back to work just yet. Give me a couple more weeks and I will be ready for round 2. Thanks for everyones concern. Glad to be back!