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    Thread: what motivated you to choose fitness as a life style?

    1. #1
      shelltoe's Avatar
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      Cool what motivated you to choose fitness as a life style?

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      • what motivated you to choose fitness as a life style?

      • what motivated you to choose fitness as a life style?
      • what motivated you to choose fitness as a life style?
      • what motivated you to choose fitness as a life style?
      • what motivated you to choose fitness as a life style?
      • what motivated you to choose fitness as a life style?
      • what motivated you to choose fitness as a life style?
      Ok I'll go first, 4 years ago I was driving home from a serious weekend bender. My head was pounding ,my lungs wheezed from all the cig smoke and I could barley breath through my nose. I got home and said "Im sick of feeling like this!" not to mention I looked like hell. I decieded to take a new path,altough quite intimadated my first few days in the gym it had a sort of snowball effect. I have since then never looked back, except to talk to the occasional old bro who for the most part still doing the same old shit.
      "Obsession is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated"-Unknown


    2. #2
      Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
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      Not finess persay, but gettin big and strong...

      I got the shit beat out of me several times by a couple of my mom's boyfriends..up till I was 17 (150lb). I lived with my grandparents, so there was only about 5-6 occasions. All were in 4th grade, and then later 9-11th grade.

      I said fuck that shit..time for what goes around to come around.

      That was just the initial reason, I do it now cause its fun.

    3. #3
      BigSoda's Avatar
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      Started young hustling here and there,mostly for shoe,and chain money.Start smokin bub,then boat,moved to acid,then the coke got me for awhile.Seems like I was makin good cash here and there but way to much up the nose.So the last night my buddy and I crushed 16grams of some ping ass blow,next thing I know I was praying to pull through till tomorrow.I was 19,1 son already and 1 on the way,felt like the world was on my back.After that night when I thought I was gonna die I decided to follow my dad to the gym,I had lifted before here and there but I am for sure it has made me change to a better man,and father,no more rec drugs or clubs all night.And all my boys r locked up and too many at a young age in the ground just for chaseing shoe money as I like to call.So thats a small taste,but now I'm 24 and doing and feeling great.Also thanks to all yall.


    4. #4
      THE JUICE's Avatar
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      Default Re: what motivated you to choose fitness as a life style?

      Originally posted by shelltoe
      Ok I'll go first, 4 years ago I was driving home from a serious weekend bender. My head was pounding ,my lungs wheezed from all the cig smoke and I could barley breath through my nose. I got home and said "Im sick of feeling like this!" not to mention I looked like hell. I decieded to take a new path,altough quite intimadated my first few days in the gym it had a sort of snowball effect. I have since then never looked back, except to talk to the occasional old bro who for the most part still doing the same old shit.

      I did it for alot of reasons. First of all I was pretty much skinny as a kid. I used to get teased once in a while by friends asking me why I was so skinny. I used to get names like Giraff, Frankenstien, gumby, and so on, hehehehe. Good thing I had names for everyone at the time so it didnt hurt much. Seriously movies like Terminator, Rambo, He-man inspired me when I was a kid. I started working out when I was in the 2nd grade doing tons of crunches, push-ups, dumbell curls(3lbs), Im 21 right now. In my freshman year of high school I joined the football team. I was embarrased because I was pretty much thin, 6' 135 pounds. I would lift weights everyday and spend hundreds of dollars on Weight-gainers. I didnt gain a pound, but I got stronger though. Since my freshman year Ive been doing research on roids until my senior year when I decided to take them and after that its all good. As in right now I weigh 210 and Im happy about it.

      Another reason was for me was because the clothes I wanted to wear didnt look good on me and I thought to my self that everyone saw me as a twig(stick). Every time I wold put on a tight shirt it would look big. Once I started lifting weights little by little they fit better. When I did my first cycle I couldnt keep the smile off my face cause damn the clothes looked the way I wanted it to look. Now those tight shirts wouldnt fit so I had to get bigger shirts.

      I just simply didnt like myself for a long time. I wold try to do everything to gain weight. I dont consider myself an expert but what Ive done so far has worked good for me. And I wish one day I can help others in need too. Ide love to help people with problems concerning thier weight or trying to gain weight.

    5. #5
      Aragorn's Avatar
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      The sports I've played demanded it and it's carried over now where I just love working. There's an ego thing that plays apart as well but I think everyone wants to appreciate their body...but sports and athletics were my driving force.


    6. #6
      bowbow's Avatar
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      When I was younger I did motocross for years. I was 135lbs. had no strenght but my endurance was unbelievable. I could ride forever. That was good for what I was doing then. That size didn't bother me because the bigger guys had a harder time with the endurance. I knew I was skinny then but it was ok. Once I stopped and started to get older my interest started to change. I didnt like people saying I looked like a twig. So I hit the weights. Put on 45lbs. naturaly. And here we are.
      Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups

    7. #7
      LOCO's Avatar
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      i had no probs in skool with my classmates cuz i used to be one of the tallest/biggest dudes in my class, but it was always the older ones that were picking on me... that's what got me started in the 1st place... so ever since i was 14 i used to do it... irregulary tho, but it kept me strong enough... then the last few years in high skool, i slowed down again... chicks seemed to be more important to me at that time... once in college i started doing it again... and this time it was cuz of all the extra stress... i was going nuts and didn't know what to do... then one day my roommate was like let's check out the gym, see if it's any good...
      it's been 3 years now and i love it..... it's a big stress relief for me... whenever i have some probs etc, i go to the gym and put all that anger into the work out... it really calms me down when i'm done...

    8. #8
      LOCO's Avatar
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    9. #9
      johnnyripped's Avatar
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      i was motivated by my best friends older bro, he was a competitive bodybuilder, and naturally, i wanted to look like him so i hit the weights. now it has become a WAY OF LIFE. at first iwanted to be big for football and wrestling,now i am pursuing other angles so I leaned out and lost weight to attain my dreams. I have been training for 6 yrs now and couldn't imagine my life w/o it!!!

    10. #10
      BIG_GUNS_21's Avatar
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      I didnt choise fitness as a life style, I chose bodybuilding.

    11. #11
      Yitbos's Avatar
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      First it was for the attention from women, now it is for personal satisfaction

    12. #12
      LOCO's Avatar
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      Originally posted by BIG_GUNS_21
      I didnt choise fitness as a life style, I chose bodybuilding.
      i think that's what he means... bb

    13. #13
      jack hust's Avatar
      jack hust
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      i was depressed over a break up ,joined the gym never stoped ,hell i can not even remember what the girl looked like

    14. #14
      pudgy's Avatar
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      to look better naked its hard to be vain when your overweight.
      seriously , thier is a high inciidence of weight related health problems on both sides of my family , so i decided to be the exception to the males die early in our family rule.

    15. #15
      Speedracer59's Avatar
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      • what motivated you to choose fitness as a life style?
      • what motivated you to choose fitness as a life style?

      • what motivated you to choose fitness as a life style?
      • what motivated you to choose fitness as a life style?
      • what motivated you to choose fitness as a life style?
      • what motivated you to choose fitness as a life style?
      • what motivated you to choose fitness as a life style?
      • what motivated you to choose fitness as a life style?
      I was in great shape in highschool.I played sports and all that sh**. I went to college and said I would never pick up a weight again.4 years of binge drinking and eating like crap made me put on about 50lbs of lard. My last two years of school I decide to get back in shape. 3 years later 45 lbs lighter and Bf down approx. from about 20-25% to 11% (natural)
      "There is no such thing as big pussies just little dicks. If it is loose just keep packing dick to it."

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