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    Thread: Newb Help

    1. #1
      Phrost's Avatar
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      Question Newb Help

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      First of all, I think it would be useful to say a few things about myself. I'm 17 year old high school student who is completely new to the world of steroids. I was recently offered steroids from a friend and am seriously considering using them.

      I'd be using them strictly be for cosmetic purposes, being that I don’t play any sports or am active athletically. I do realize, however, with steroid use comes working out and what not, and I don't mind putting in the effort for daily strenuous exercise if required. An interesting note is that while I was working at a fast food restaurant, I constantly did sit ups to counteract the belly I'd gain from all the free fatty food I was eating. It started as normal sit ups, to inclined, to weighted inclined, to learning several other exercises focusing on abs (https://www.menshealth.com/cda/articl...19-168,00.html). The funny thing is, now my abs are the only muscles I have on my body and it looks kinda weird. This was several months ago and I've stopped working out since I quit my job. The muscles are still there but seem to be loosing its definition over time.

      Most consider me to be underweight, currently weighing an avg of 115 at a height of 5'6''. It might be useful to mention that I was once heavy into drugs. I've cut down my drug use severely to focus more on school work, this being my senior year, and because I have no good source of income. I figure it would be better to spend money on steroids rather than stuff that gets me high. Another thing, a couple weeks back I was on a binge consuming large amounts of amphetamines and DXM (something you shouldn’t mix) along with many other drugs and in the process didn’t sleep for 3 days and lost about 10 lbs. Though it was incredibly fun, I’m surprised and thankful I didn’t die. I know it was dumb, but I needed that reality check. Also, are there certain drugs that shouldn’t be combined with steroids (marijuana, alcohol, etc.)?

      My friend is offering QV Deca 300. I have yet to find out if it's real or bunk. Some research I've done said that a common dose is 200-400mg per week. I’ve also read, "It also is justified both from bodybuilding experience and from scientific evidence that low AAS doses, such as 100 or 200 mg/week, will generally not give much results for male athletes." Would it be safe to assume that 200mg would be a reasonable dose since I’m a lightweight? I'd like to use the smallest dose possible while getting decent results. Would it be worth it to pay twice as much and take an extra 200mg?

      Does anyone have tips on proper usage and cycling? Is there anything I can do minimize the side effects? If it helps, I have a hook-up at a nutrition shop and can get supplements cheap, if not for free. What type of diet should I take? Is there a certain workout routine I should follow for the best results? Should I even bother with steroids? Sorry if all these questions have been answered already, in that case you can just direct me to the proper thread. Any helpful info or links would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, and sorry for the long post.

    2. #2
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      dude, first u need to drop the non-herbal recreational drugs. its just a matter of time you know. unless you are a junky which u dont sound like at 17, you should already realize that you arent going to do them forever. once u realize that, u have grown up.

      next step, now that u want to build ur body from your scrawny weight and become a man, is to commit to learning. if u do this you WILL see your goals.

      You are too young to juice. period. you have naturally high tetsosterone levels dont fuck with them.

      next. you are scrawny cuz u eat like a girl and have naturally fast metabolism. learn what and how much to eat, ask us questions.
      you need to pack on the food to pack on the pounds. ALWAYS eat immediately after the gym.

      training. you need to be in the gym 5 days a week. minimum one hour. 6 days and you'll be the man but you are probably busy.

      finally realize that if you dont cut out the illegal drugs that you will not grow. so make a decision what is more important (i'll help you...u want to get big and be a stud!) And since everybodies gotta have some fun stick w/ the herb. it wont kill u and at least it'll make u hungry. dont drink alcohol it is poison. u cant get THC poisoning but alcohol can kill u.

      You are lucky you survived your "reality check", others bro's on this board have not been so lucky. Stop that shit now.

    3. #3
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      Well, what you say is true for the most part. I found your post very enlightening. I guess I was just looking for the easy way out. The thought of building massive muscles over a short period of time sounded very appealing. How long should I wait before I can start using? For right now I guess I'll just try all the seemingly fake bodybuilding supplements at the nutrition shop.

    4. #4
      CaliBeachBum51's Avatar
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      dude dont do what i did bro.... i started at a very young age man.. stupid thing... u get alot of unwanted popularity .... girls look at u differently and shit.. not to fun... just stick to being natural till ur atleast over 20.... or wait till ur body has hit a big plateau... thats what i did... as soon as my body slowed to a crawl with my muscle gains, i juiced again... after hs, i droped 40 pounds cuz i got into jogging with my fire crew... i weighed only 140 man at 5'5... i looked like a fag..lol... now i am 175 at 10% body fat... not happy yet but on my way to a nice body u know... just be natural, stick with vitamins and creatine with glutamine... if u ever want to try out an anabolic supp... try max 1 test..lol..

    5. #5
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      Hey bro,

      Welcome to the board!

      What the others said is true. At your age, your natural testosterone is very high. DO NOT use roids yet. You need to hit your natural plateau first! This is very important. The other thing is you need to have been working out for a few years naturally before even considering roids. What happens is if you took roids now, your strength would skyrocket, but your ligaments and tendons won't be able to keep up with the stronger muscles and you WILL hurt yourself! This is not an opinion.

      If you want bigger muscles fast here's what you do. I promise this will work, I did it myself years ago:

      At your weight, you are definitely not eating enough. You need to eat as much as possible! I meant that! Shoot for 4-5 thousand calories a day. This is tough to do...you'll be eating every 3 or so hours. Get a LOT of protein in your meals. You should shoot for 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Use supplements to help acheive this....mass builders, MRPs etc.

      The other key is to start lifting weights! Go for as heavy as you can for 6-8 reps. Stick with the basic power lifts such as Bench Press, Squats (fantastic mass builder), Deadlifts.

      Man bro, since you have never lifted and eaten like this before, you will be SHOCKED at how your body will transform in about 6 months......sooner even!

      Good luck!
      It's better to burn out, than to fade away...

    6. #6
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      shit just let the boy stack his fingers if he wants to...
      maybe we can turn him into a beast, you know with ***** tits , acne, hipofisis shot down, shinked nuts. Maybe that´s what he wants. In his state of ignorace, he´ll get all of the above and more... NO MAN COME ON!!!
      Ur too young to use riods, ur mama is going to throw that in ur face every day...
      Eat well, live well and train, bust your ass in the gym, get a life, get a hot ass girlfriend to keep natural test levels up.
      Do ur research, and when ur like 21-23 we´ll talk of roids again.
      I am the king of pimps

    7. #7
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      I am so proud and truly impressed with the answers given here to this young man.

      Wait -- for tons of reasons -- wait. Hit your natural potential FIRST. EAT alot, train smart (not just heavy but read all the sports training medical information you can) and see what works for you.

      Welcome -- and guys nice posts.

    8. #8
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      Yea, I suppose it's about time for me to have a lifestyle change. Strangely enough, recent events in my life have been pointing me towards bodybuilding, or at least just living a healthier lifestyle. A couple weeks ago I was in a non-serious car accident, ironically enough, because I was so anxious to get my hands on some drugs that I didn’t look for crossing traffic at a stop sign. This resulted in my parents taking my car away and putting me on a semi-tight leash. This is probably why tonight all my friends are getting fucked up in a hotel by the lake while I'm reading up on supplements. Never the less, I'm thankful that my friend offered me steroids, since I would have happily gone on living my life as a skinny guy. Plus it made me stumble onto this forum, which has been an eye-opener for me. Its surprising how much there is to bodybuilding, i thought it was simply just exercise and diet, but there's a whole science behind it.

      It was under my impression (from health class, tv commercials, etc) that everyone should be on a low-calorie diet to be healthy. I always tried to eat healthy by keeping calorie intake to a minimum, which would partly explain why I’m so underweight. Well, now I know this is completely false because everyone isn't the same. As of this morning I've already changed my diet, consuming almost double what I normally eat in a meal, eating more protein oriented food, bringing fruits and those gross oatmeal health bars for snacks between classes, etc.

      This morning I started a "wake up home workout routine" that I'll be doing every other day (I've read that for my body type I need to rest more due to heavy strain and should space exercise days out to 48hrs apart). Still not sure how I'm going to get to a gym, being I have no ride and am pretty restricted to only being at home or school. Is not having access to proper gym equipment going to seriously hinder my effort?

      I'm starting to dig into my large supplement supply (mainly consisting of amino acids that help balance brain chemicals and prevent neurotoxicity which I only took as a pre/postload for when I used ecstasy) that happened to include l-glutamine, l-tyrosine, and l-lysine. Now I take the others just to help cognitive function in general as well as for a stronger immune system, etc. I'm planning to visit my nutrition shop to get some type of weight gaining protein supplement, creatine, HMB, NO2, and some flavones (is there anything I should add or take out?). Yeah, I know supplements wont work by themselves, but I'm serious about working out and stuff, plus its free for me so what have I got to lose?

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      It sounds like you 've got a pretty good head on your shoulders from what I've read. The training and nutrition forums are a good place for you to be reading in right now. I suggest you try and follow a good bulking diet as if you were on roids but do not take them. A gym is really important to attain your goals. Maybe suggest to your parents to get you a membership to a gym or even purchase a few pieces of eqiupment for home. Let them know your serious about changing your life around, staying clear of the rec. drugs and maybe they'll help you out. It's worth a shot.
      Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups

    10. #10
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      Wow kid Uve got the most important thing to bodybuilding.You are very smart,definetly by reading your posts I find it really hard to believe you are only 17 yrs old.Having a good head on your shoulders and understanding the way things work and having an open mind and being dedicated are the most important things to BB i believe even more so than genetics.So get your ass in the gym and use the past as a motivational tool and when u first start climbing that mountain to a healthy and fit body and a clean lifestyle look back and see how far along u have come.Good luck with your training bro and DONT TOUCH THE ROIDS TILL UR AT LEAST 4 YRS OLDER AND KNOW EVERYTHING U CAN POSSIBLY KNOW ABOUT THEM!!!!!In the meantime read,read,read and learn all u can.
      Tough Times dont last,tough people do.

    11. #11
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      Bro at your age you shouldnt touch the stuff even though it is available and very very tempting you really would be making a mistake....you can still grow naturually without the steroids with a solid workout and some good eating along with some glutamine and protein powders.....look at it like this if u start using now in 3-4 years you will wish you wouldve waited cuzz u can pack on the weight...i started at 20 and i regret that now even though i had been training for 5 years already. I still burn down but i dont do it until i get my other things done during the day cuzz im not worth a shit if i smoke in the mornings and i dont know too many who are. If you are determined to use roids then at least do some more research..you do seem to be like a pretty smart young man, good luck and be safe.

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      Here's a little update for anyone who is interested. As of yesterday I am now in the Delayed Entry Program for the United States Marine Corps . It all happened quite quickly though (not that I'm complaining). Prior two weeks ago I had no interest in the military or considered it as a possible option for my future. Last week Monday a recruiter called me. I didn’t really take it seriously, but I thought hey, if this guy took the effort to call me and probably gets rejected by most of the other kids, I might as well take the effort to hear what he has to say. The next day I go to the recruiting office, and the stuff they told me there was everything I wanted to hear. I figured it’s what they tell everyone, and that they’re working on commission and probably just trying to meet some type of recruit quota, but it sounded like their whole program was specifically designed just for me. They spat out stuff about gaining self dedication, self reliance, self confidence, educational opportunity, technical skills, a secure future, etc, etc. It was everything I wanted to hear because it was pretty much everything I lacked and wanted/needed. The following Wednesday they met with my parents and got the OK. Last Sunday they put me in a nice hotel and the next day they brought me to the Military Entrance Processing Station where I took the ASVAB and got a medical examination. Everything went fine and I was sworn in. I felt damn proud. I happened to score high enough on the ASVAB to qualify for an intelligence job, which is better than being a cook or infantry imo. The only thing is I need to be active for 5 years instead of 4 because I need to spend a year at the intelligence school somewhere east. Anyways, I ship off for boot camp in October, which gives me about 6 months to bust my ass off and get in fit condition. And to think, if I didn’t get that phone call I would be stuck going to some lame community college.

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      Good luck bro I was 0311 infantry for 4 yrs lol.they will get u shreded but I wouldnt get bulky or 2 big before bootcamp because u will lose muscle from the exercize.One of the best choices I ever made in my life was to join.I had a diff reason than you for going though.My problem was being Violent and having a nasty record for Assault and batteries,got into a bad fight with a guy a lot bigger and 30 yrs old when I was 17 and I used a rock and hurt him bad and kicked him all over when he was in the floor and left him in bad shape with a trip to the hospital and a lot of stitches and work to his face and the judge wanted me to go to the Bighouse for 2 yrs so I joined the Marines and went into court with my recruiter and the DA on the case was an old ex marine and he put my case in front of like 30 people in court and dismessed it and sponged my record so I wouldnt need a waver.His last words were "Dont make me regret doing this Kid" and passed me his card.When i came home from Paris Island I called him and informed him of my meritorious promotion and he invited me to a few beers and ended up getting hamered and talking a bunch of shit with the old guy.This was the last fight I was in since and its been 10 yrs since that one and I am now 27.They will do wonders for your self discipline and u will really find out what your made off.Just give it all you got and dont ever let them see a weakness in you.
      Tough Times dont last,tough people do.

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      Wow!, This is really inspiring! You will make everybody proud kid. Good luck to you in the Corp!

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      Disclaimer: Steroid use is illegal in a vast number of countries around the world. This is not without reason. Steroids should only be used when prescribed by your doctor and under close supervision. Steroid use is not to be taken lightly and we do not in any way endorse or approve of illegal drug use. The information is provided on the same basis as all the other information on this site, as informational/entertainment value.

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