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    Thread: BigD's massive bulker!! Come dissect!

    1. #1
      BigD's Avatar
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      Default BigD's massive bulker!! Come dissect!

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      • BigD's massive bulker!! Come dissect!

      • BigD's massive bulker!! Come dissect!
      • BigD's massive bulker!! Come dissect!
      • BigD's massive bulker!! Come dissect!
      • BigD's massive bulker!! Come dissect!
      • BigD's massive bulker!! Come dissect!
      • BigD's massive bulker!! Come dissect!
      Here it is:

      1-4(6) 50mg/day drol
      1-4(6) 50mg/day dbol
      1-10 750/week test enth
      1-10 600/week tren enth
      1-10 600/week eq
      8-13 profina 1cc ed (75/75 mix)
      8-13 winny 30mg/day or masteron 50mg/day
      12.5mcg/day of T3 throughout the cycle
      Slin 10-15ui's po/wo 1-4, 9-12
      Adex .5mg/day 1-15
      HCG 500iu's every sat. and sun.
      Nolva, clomid, of course all on hand. Oh yeah, B12, pizotifen, and perhaps even Megace*gasp* for hunger so I can eat enough. I will try to bulk as huge as possible for the first 2 months or so, then "harden up" as I like to the last 4-5 weeks, before bridging into the next cycle. I'll be starting at around 185lbs I think, and 8-9% bf. Hoping to make it to 220 or close on this one. Btw, I'm right now 5'4", 175 or more lbs and 8% or under. Here is the product breakdown:

      Drol-Green gians
      Dbol-Blue hearts
      Winny-5mg BD thais

      Everything else is homebrew. I will only use the masteron if my supplier can get it for me in time, otherwise I'll use winny. I've got everything else here or on the way, this will start in about 2-3 weeks. LMK what you think and if I left anything out! THanks!

      P.S. Liv-52 and ALA will be taken for liver, and values will be checked at 4 weeks of course, then dosages will be adjusted accordingly!

    2. #2
      prolangtum's Avatar
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      I have done a drol/dbol combo before, believe me 50/25 is plenty. Other than suggesting you run those for 6 weeks and switching to femera, it looks good.
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    3. #3
      jipped genes's Avatar
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      thats alot of gear bro, keep us posted on your gains.
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    4. #4
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      Well pro I already have the adex... but when that runs out I will try femera next. Also, will be running ALA and Liv-52 as well as getting enzymes checked at 4 weeks to see if I can go 6 on the orals like pro suggests( and I already hoped to). And if 50/50 is too much, I can always take less, though I doubt I will go DOWN in doses

    5. #5
      x|Fluid|x's Avatar
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      I would choose winny over masteron. I would also run the slin for the frist 6-8 weeks, then drop it out during your cutting phase at the end.

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    6. #6
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      Hmm... may do that that, I'll drop slin for the hardening phase perhaps, then use it again during my "bridge" which will likely be low-dose anavar.

    7. #7
      Governor's Avatar
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      I would run the slin just like you have it UNLESS you plan on bridging with slin as well as the var then i would def. go with what
      fluid reccomened.
      "Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas."
      - Joseph Stalin

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      Unless you are the lead dog, the view never changes.

    8. #8
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      nice, keep us posted.
      btw, haven't heard even a whisper of megace in like a year. my old roommate got a 1/2 bottle from some guy who worked at the hospital, and he should have given it to me cuz i doubt he ever took it.

    9. #9
      CJWolf's Avatar
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      more time off ...

    10. #10
      Dragon's Avatar
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      I would run the dbol4-8 instead of with drol, no need, drol is great by itself. You should also consider using the t3 up to 100mcg and cut the hell out of your self!! Follow a great diet and shred my brother!@

      Maybe consider higher doses of dex though, maybe 1mg ed to play it safe, but you know you betther than me.

      Pleasse post results of tren enanthate, !

    11. #11
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      CJ, you have no room to talk you roid-freak! You've used more in one cycle than I have in most of mine put together And I want to try drol/dbol together, I've done them both seperately. I can't handle the low-back pumps on high-dose dbol so I thought I'd combine them. And I'll run slin the first 6-8 weeks, then use it also with the var bridge afterwards. And I like some water, so .5mg/ed adex should be ok, but I have plenty if need be. Anything else?

    12. #12
      TheGame1976's Avatar
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      Personally I would not use that much gear if it was given to me for free. More gear does not always mean more weight gain. Dbol, Drol and Winny. May need a new liver. Just my 2ccs...

    13. #13
      Scottexercise's Avatar
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      I kept reading to see if you were just kidding bro, that's bananas.
      You know there is no way your bod will absorb all that. but if you must, that clomid should be your best friend. Do before and afters. I'm willing to bet you coul drop the d-bol, fina, and eq. in your bulk stage and still be huge. Give it some thought man!

    14. #14
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      question, how do you plan to use only 500iu's hcg sat and sun. it is only good for 2 weeks after reconstitution and i haven't seen any kits less than 5000iu. what brand are you using btw?

    15. #15
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      • BigD's massive bulker!! Come dissect!
      • BigD's massive bulker!! Come dissect!
      • BigD's massive bulker!! Come dissect!
      • BigD's massive bulker!! Come dissect!
      • BigD's massive bulker!! Come dissect!
      • BigD's massive bulker!! Come dissect!
      I get 500iu amps, and they are good for much longer than 2 weeks my friend, more like 6 weeks. So even a 5000iu amp would be fine, trust me I've done this before. And scott, the body has no set limit on how much it can absorb, what the hell are you talking about? Also, once AGAIN, my liver is not normal. I had NO elevations AT ALL after 50mg/day of dbol for 5 weeks, so doing 100mg/day for 4, then getting checked, i THINK I'll be ok. I see many people on this board like Bouncer doing much heavier cycles and they don't get flamed for it? Game, that's not a lot of gear, and it's a 4 week break between the orals, and i'll probably use masteron in place of winny, and the winny is only 30mg/day anyway. Any more haters, or do we have anyone with something constructive to add for once?

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