I look back on my life and I swear I dont remember the number of jobs I got fired from. In college I worked at retail in malls and I bet I got for from like 5 or more jobs for just fucking around and not taking orders from anyone. When I was younger I always figured that one of these days I will hav emy own damn business and I wont have to take shit from anyone, so fuck you dont tell me what to do lol
I got fired once from a Bennigans as a waiter because some family walked out on a waitress without giving a waitress a tip and went out to their car and told off the dad for stiffing that girl. Right in front of his family, I told him he has no business going to a restaurant if he cant leave a tip. I remember turning over my green waiter apron to the boss and going to the bar to have a beer after he canned my ass.

In my job I have to be certified every year and take tests to be able to do what I do. Even that much authority over me pisses the hell out of me and I hate that they sometimes try to wield their power and be hard asses.

But otherwise, I think people should try to be their own boss and control their own life and destiny as best as we can with as little authority telling us what to do as possible.