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    Thread: Top 6 Women’s Health Supplements

    1. #1
      Maniac's Avatar
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      Default Top 6 Women’s Health Supplements

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      Top 6 Women’s Health Supplements

      Walk into any supplement retail store and you’re likely to notice shelves of unique, patented products claiming to have “cutting-edge” ingredients that will give you that toned, healthy body you’ve always wanted. Much to the chagrin of consumers, many of these supplements do very little for your body, health, and longevity, but they certainly do a great job of burning a hole in your pocket. Be sure to check out this article that breaks down 6 proven supplement ingredients that females can count on for better health.

      The supplement industry is saturated with products claiming to help you be healthier and live a better life. Sadly, many of those products fall far short of those claims, thanks to their ineffective formulas.

      Therefore, this article will give you some concrete, reliable advice about which supplements actually do help females lead healthier lives and keep fit. More importantly, the suggestions made in this article are all readily available in the Labrada store so you won’t have to go searching for them.

      With that in mind, let’s move on and find out just what supplements are worthy of being in your cupboards.

      The human gastrointestinal tract contains upwards of three pounds of bacteria – comprised of nearly 1000 different species – that help us digest and absorb nutrients from food. These microbes are necessary healthy immune and endocrine function, as well body-weight regulation. Furthermore, research suggests probiotics and healthy gut flora are imperative for protection against gastrointestinal issues such as inflammatory bowel disease and even colorectal cancer. Better yet, probiotics act as a barrier against common pathogens, enhance the body’s resistance to illness, and promote vital nutrient absorption from food.1

      Be sure to check out our Lean Body For Her® Probiotics product that includes efficacious bacterial strains for gastrointestinal health.

      Essential fatty acids are not produced by the body and have to be consumed through diet for health and longevity. Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids that have a myriad of essential roles in the human body including:
      • Proper endocrine functioning
      • Energy production
      • Healing joints
      • Reducing inflammation
      • Cell membrane formation
      • Insulation of organs
      • Improving heart health
      • Keeping body tissues healthy

      There are three types of Omega-3 fatty acids, but two of them in particular are crucial for optimum health—eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA and DHA are found primarily in marine food sources, but unfortunately eating a large of amount of fish can lead to buildup of toxins/heavy metals in the body.

      This is why krill oil is a fantastic option for getting enough EPA and DHA, as it’s free from toxins and highly-concentrated. Moreover, krill oil contains natural antioxidants such as vitamin E and zeaxanthin which work synergistically with EPA and DHA for added health benefits.

      As such, we have formulated a krill oil product specifically for women.

      Coffeeberry® coffee fruit extract is a patented ingredient that undergoes rigorous testing and standardization. It is a major source of chlorogenic acids (CGA).2 Studies have shown that consumption of coffee fruit extract produces an antihypertensive effect and improvement in human cardiovascular function.3

      Coffee fruit extract also appears to have an inhibitory effect on fat accumulation and weight gain, as well as preventing glucose from being absorbed in the blood stream, which induces the use of fat as a source of energy – this effect may result in reduced body mass and body fat in the long-term.4

      Lean Body For Her® Loss Support product contains 200mg of patented Coffeeberry® coffee fruit extract per serving to help you feel more energized and keep fit.

      Whey protein is a complete protein with a large proportion of the amino acid L-leucine, which has been found to be a key stimulator of muscle protein synthesis (MPS).5 In simpler terms, whey protein helps your body build, repair and maintain lean body mass. Moreover, there are a multitude of benefits females can derive from supplemental whey protein thanks to its stellar essential amino acid profile; these benefits include:
      • Increase recovery from exercise
      • Support lean body mass and fat loss
      • Rapid absorption, making it easy to digest
      • Simple/convenient to add to one’s diet and use in recipes
      • Boost immune system function

      Research is ongoing as to how much protein is optimal for females. In general, a good starting point for most active women is to consume at least 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass. For example, if you’re a female who is 25% body-fat and weigh 140lbs, then you should aim for roughly 105 grams of protein per day.

      This is where a whey protein supplement can come in handy as reaching that amount through whole-food sources may be hard to accomplish for some females. Our Lean Body For Her® Whey Protein Isolate has over 20g of pure whey protein isolate per serving, making it a cinch to meet your protein needs whether you’re at home or on-the-go.

      Chlorella is an extremely nutrient-dense algae containing plentiful amounts of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, and B6. Chlorella also contains a high concentration of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), that was discussed in the Krill Oil section. EPA has been shown to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, decrease inflammation, and increase insulin sensitivity.5

      Recent research suggests that chlorella supplementation may reduce blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels, as well as enhance immune function.6

      Take a look at our Lean Body For Her® Multi-Vite that contains a full spectrum of essential vitamins and minerals as well as super-foods like chlorella and spirulina.

      Ginger is a flowering plant that has also been used in traditional medicine throughout history as a means of aiding digestion, reducing nausea, and supporting immune function. Ginger contains fragrant polyphenols called gingerols that have been shown to have antioxidant, anti-diabetic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory roles in the body.7

      We formulated Lean Body For Her® Anti-Bloat with ginger root extract and various other herbs to help avoid digestive issues and bloating that can commonly occur in females.

      As always, remember that a healthy diet and exercise regimen are key for keeping fit in the long run. Be sure to read our other blog articles to learn all about everything and anything related to health, fitness, and nutrition!

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      Default Re: Top 6 Women’s Health Supplements

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      Good article brutha

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