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    Thread: $248,273 per job

    1. #1
      Stout1's Avatar
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      Default $248,273 per job

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      First, $159 billion has been spent so far. That’s $248,273 per job.

      However, when you look at some specific contracts that were awarded you find that some jobs were created or saved at an insane cost to taxpayers. For instance, $1,359,633,501 were awarded to CH2M WG IDAHO LLC, in WA to create 2,183 jobs. That’s $622,827 per job. That’s not as bad though as the $258,646,800 awarded to the Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC in NY, to create 25 jobs. That’s over $10.3 million per job.

      I would be happy with on of these jobs.

      Second, while the administration is promising good and in time reporting, we can see that it’s far from being the case. Agencies report having spent $207.3Billion and yet only $36,688,660,161 were reported by states. That’s a big gap, isn’t it?

      Third, some 85 percent of the money went to 4 agencies: HHS, Labor, Education and Social Security. That money wasn’t spent on shovel ready projects. For instance, some of the HHS funds went to some rural high school and college students from Arkansas, Kentucky and Tennessee to conduct medical research this summer with a team of leading scientists at Vanderbilt University. The Department of Labor spent $11,058,877 in unemployment insurance (UI) modernization incentive funds to the state of West Virginia. And the Department of Education is mainly spending its money to keep union protected school teachers in their jobs. Not really shovel ready projects, are they?

      But the most relevant information on Recovery.gov is that most of the jobs created or saved are in the public sector. For instance, according to Vice President Biden, out of the 640,329 jobs, 325,000 went to education and 80,000 to construction jobs. The difference we will soon find out is going to other government jobs.

      You need more evidence? 13,080 grants went to the private sector, and 116,625 went to feral agencies.

      So even if we assume that the government could create jobs by spending our money, we can see that what this money is being spent on is big government. Or bigger government I should say.
      Thomas Jefferson - "When the government fears the people there is liberty; when the people fear the government there is tyranny."

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      Default Re: $248,273 per job

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      can i just have my $248,273? to tell the truth, thats about 5k over what i need to be debt free...aint that some shyt...243k leaves me debt free...i could work at friggin 7-11 and make it!!!! in a day where we throw BILLIONS around like nothing. when gas company's ruotinely make 10's of billions A QUATER, all i need is 243k.....

      so....can i?


      "Actually for once your actually starting sound quite logical!"-djdiggler 07/10/2007


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