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    Thread: Extreme Eating For Mass

    1. #1
      INTIMID8OR's Avatar
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      Default Extreme Eating For Mass

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      • Extreme Eating For Mass
      • Extreme Eating For Mass
      I didn't see an informational post section so this might need moved if i missed it ......It's a good read...

      Extreme Eating for Mass

      Bodybuilders are constantly in search of substances
      that will increase anabolism. We take our creatine,
      glutamine, pyruvate, and a host of other nutritional
      supplements in our quest for more muscle. Bodybuilders
      who choose to go the "enhanced" route are always
      searching for the anabolic drug that will take their
      physique to the next level. With all of the means at
      our disposal to increase muscular bodyweight, one
      simple fact often gets overlooked. Food is the most
      anabolic substance we can put in our bodies.

      What separates pro-bodybuilders from the rest of us? I
      know that people like to engage in discussions about
      aesthetics, muscle maturity, and symmetry. However,
      it's painfully obvious that the primary difference is
      muscular size. It's amusing for me to hear competitors
      talk about how great their symmetry is despite the
      fact that they don't have enough muscle to win a local
      qualifier. Muscular size is the primary indicator of
      success in bodybuilding competition. With regular
      certainty, the largest man on stage wins the show.

      Over the past several years, there has been a push
      inside the supplement industry towards low-calories
      mass building. We've seen "lean-mass" products appear
      on the market, with all of the major supplements
      companies like Met-RX and EAS advocating their MRP's
      as a way to add lean tissue without gaining additional
      fat. It is no longer en vogue to bulk-up in the
      off-season, the industry line that is touted in the
      magazines these days is that athletes rarely stray too
      far from their contest bodyweights. With the advent of
      these new nutritional technologies, it is now possible
      to be both massively muscled and lean at all times.

      The truth is that the pictures seen in the various
      bodybuilding publications are all taken immediately
      before or after contests. It is not uncommon to see a
      bodybuilder put on 20+ lbs the day after a contest!
      Most bodybuilding aficionados don't have the slightest
      idea of what these athletes look like 95% of the year.
      It's mistakenly assumed that these guys always look
      fairly lean and chiseled. Nothing could be further
      from the truth.

      By attempting to stay lean year-round, you are
      sabotaging your goals to become as muscular as humanly
      possible. Athletes who constantly chase more muscle
      while worrying about body fat levels will never gain
      the muscle they need to achieve their goals. Let's
      consider this question: Which is harder to build, fat
      or muscle? Obviously, muscle. Next question. Which is
      easier to lose, fat or muscle? For those of you that
      said muscle, sorry, wrong answer, thanks for playing.
      Once muscle is built it's a fairly easy proposition to
      maintain it while dieting off body fat.

      I honestly can't fault anyone for following these
      "lean mass" programs. Being bloated and fat in the
      off-season isn't any fun. If any of you have had the
      chance to see Lee Priest in the off-season, you'll
      know what I mean. The man is nearly unrecognizable
      from the contest and ad pictures we constantly see in
      the various publications. Lee doesn't get just a
      little heavy, he gets fat. It don't think he would be
      offended if I say he looks like a lop of shit.
      However, when the fat comes off, and it surely does
      every year, Lee's physique is amazing. If you talk to
      Lee, and ask him what his secret to success is, he'll
      tell you. It's food.

      So, why all the secrecy and smoke and mirrors
      surrounding the nutritional profiles of these
      athletes? One simple reason. Money. Money from
      endorsements, contracts, and ad work. Say I'm an up
      and coming national level bodybuilder. I'm eating over
      7,000 calories a day. In order to do this, I'm
      consuming a lot of fatty foods, hell, I'm eating
      McDonalds and ice cream as much as possible. Why?
      Because I cannot physically consume that level of
      caloric intake in clean, low-fat foods. It cannot be
      done. However, do the supplement companies want their
      customers to know this? Of course not. Look, it's an
      accepted premise that all national and professional
      level bodybuilders take steroids, right? However, it's
      something that's never discussed in the supplement
      industry, and bodybuilders get paid to endorse
      products. So, they lie. My success is based largely on
      the fact that I use XYZ Protein. I was able to compete
      20 lb heavier at this year's Mr. O because I was
      taking Sportgear prohormones. Whatever. My point isn't
      that nutritional supplements don't have their place,
      they certainly do. (We'll discuss that in a feature
      article in next month's issue of Anabolic Extreme) My
      point is that professional bodybuilders are used
      because there is a large segment of the population
      that would like to emulate that look. If they can be
      made to believe that look is obtained through clean
      eating and sports supplements, who's hurt, right?

      I've seen so many genetically gifted bodybuilders fail
      in the quest to achieve greatness. 9 times out of 10
      the culprit is nutrition. Specifically, the problem is
      not consuming enough calories. I can't tell you how
      many times I've had an athlete come to me who has hit
      a plateau. I modify their nutrition slightly and they
      are growing again. People, you are not going to
      achieve brutal muscle size on 3,500 kcal a day!! I
      don't care what anyone else tells you, I've seen it
      fail and I know it doesn't work. All successful
      national and professional level bodybuilders eat all
      day long. In the off-season their only concern is
      getting those meals in and eating enough protein.
      Anyone can train intensely given the right
      circumstances and knowledge. Any fool can jab
      themselves with steroids. However, there are very few
      people in the sport of bodybuilding that are
      consistently able, day in and day out, to eat their
      6-8 meals a day and consume enough calories to reach
      anabolic extreme. (Please refer to the Ian Harrison
      interview in this month's issue for Ian's thoughts on
      off-season bodybuilding nutrition)

      What are your goals as a bodybuilder? Is it your goal
      to have an aesthetically pleasing physique, staying
      relatively lean year round? Or is it to carry as much
      muscle as your genetic potential will allow? One goal
      is not nobler than the other, but they certainly
      require different strategies. While it is possible to
      stay relatively lean year round once a desired level
      of muscle has been achieved, it is not possible to do
      this while trying to gain the muscle initially. Unless
      extraordinary circumstances are present, muscle cannot
      be added and fat lost at the same time!! The
      conditions necessary for this to happen are so rare
      and require so many drugs that it's not worthy of
      discussion in this article. Muscle is gained by eating
      over and above what is required for maintenance. Fat
      is lost by eating less than what is required for
      maintenance. It's virtually impossible to gain muscle
      without adding some concomitant fat, conversely, it's
      almost impossible to lose fat without losing
      concomitant muscle tissue. These are the irrefutable

      We see a lot of huge professional bodybuilders in the
      off-season that would not be characterized as "fat" in
      the normal sense of the word. They are fat only by
      bodybuilding standards. As I'm writing this, it's
      Wednesday, November 17, 1999. Last Saturday I was
      lucky enough to see Ronnie Coleman in Sacramento, CA.
      Ronnie competes close to 260 lbs at a height of about
      5'10". When I saw him, he was weighing in at about 305
      lb still appearing to be fairly lean, just weeks after
      his wins at some major European shows. The whole time
      I was at this event, Ronnie was eating. Burgers,
      fries, you name it, he ate it. In a few months, he
      should well over 320, eating everything in site in his
      attempt to add more muscle. This is 60+ lb over his
      competition bodyweight. It's also what is necessary to
      continue to grow.

      Dorian is one of the people responsible for the new
      era of freakiness seen in bodybuilding today. I was
      fortunate enough to see Dorian a few times in the
      off-season during his competitive heyday. I was able
      to sit and have lunch with Dorian through a friend of
      mine immediately after he announced his retirement
      from competition. Among the myriad of subjects that
      were discussed, off-season nutrition certainly was one
      of the most interesting. Does anyone remember the 1995
      Night of Champions when Dorian guest-posed at roughly
      300 lbs? That was nearly unheard of at the time. Many
      said that he was too fat and out of shape and that
      would never come be able to come down for the O. Not
      only did Dorian lose the weight, he crushed his
      competition. Dorian's philosophy was that his
      off-season appearance was inconsequential. What
      mattered was what he looked like when he stepped on
      stage. During the off-season, his nutrition centered
      around two simple factors: total caloric intake and
      total protein intake. Nothing else mattered.

      The Role of Drugs in Diet
      Before we continue on, I'd like to make it clear that
      the nutritional strategies that are discussed in this
      article are not designed with the health of the
      athlete in mind. Additionally, the plan we will
      outline will be of benefit only to bodybuilders using
      significant amounts of growth promoting drugs,
      specifically heavy androgens. In a future issue of
      Anabolic Extreme, we will examine the various
      high-fat, low-carb diets, which I feel are
      particularly effective for natural athletes. Please
      bear in mind that any numbers or figures discussed in
      this article would apply only to bodybuilders that are
      fairly advanced and using a significant amount of
      steroid. Nutritional strategies would vary for
      beginners or natural athletes. I can always be
      contacted via the site and try and answer as many
      emails as possible. I'm also available for
      consultations and on-line training.

      Obviously, something is going on here that is allowing
      these guys to consume an enormous amount of calories
      and not have it go straight to their ass and gut. If a
      natural athlete were to eat in this fashion, he'd soon
      be getting a visit from a sobbing Richard Simmons. The
      drugs these athletes take not only have an anabolic
      effect, but have some effect on adipose tissue as
      well. So, out of the myriad of drugs these athletes
      use, which are responsible for keeping for them both
      large and lean (relatively! at the same time?

      Hopefully everyone is aware of the amazing effect HGH
      has on reducing body fat. This is one of the few real
      world effects of growth that has been proven through
      scientific research. Its effects on lean body mass, at
      least according to all of the studies I've read, are
      less than impressive. This isn't what I've witnessed
      with my own eyes, but I don't even want to open up
      that can of worms here! However, all of the studies on
      growth show that it burns fat, with some subjects
      losing as much as 15% of their fat tissue.

      Testosterone has a proven effect on lipolysis (fat
      release) in adipose tissue. To my knowledge, there has
      never been a study done using young, healthy males and
      large doses of testosterone to determine its effects
      on body composition. For the most part, studies done
      on growth hormone and testosterone are performed on
      aging populations and geriatrics, or severely ill
      individuals suffering from wasting conditions.
      However, there have been a few studies on younger
      males using very low doses of testosterone that have
      clearly demonstrated its effectiveness at reducing
      body fat.

      Meal Planning, Frequency, and Consistency
      We've all heard we should eat 4-6 meals a day. I try
      and have most of my clients shoot for 6-8 meals a day.
      Why? Well, let's say your caloric intake on any given
      day needs to be 7500 kcals per day. If you consume
      this over three meals, each meal will contain
      approximately 2500 kcal. Realistically, your body is
      not going to be able to digest this many calories and
      much of the nutrient value of the food is lost. By
      spreading these meals over 7 sittings, you're able to
      effectively digest the food and maximize the benefits
      of eating at this level. Additionally, your metabolism
      is going to speed up since every time you consume
      food, your body has to expend energy to digest it.

      Eating more frequent smaller meals has been proven to
      have positive effects on cholesterol and body fat
      levels. Now, I'm not telling you that eating 7,500
      kcals is unhealthy when consumed in three meals but
      healthy when spread out over seven. Eating calories at
      that level is unhealthy, PERIOD!! However,
      bodybuilding is about achieving a certain cosmetic
      effect, and the extremes of bodybuilding are only
      reached through extreme measures. If this frightens
      you, you need to reevaluate your goals. Again, we are
      discussing what it takes to succeed in the upper
      echelons of the sport.

      When it becomes necessary to consume calories at this
      level, life becomes a constant stream of eating,
      cooking, cleaning, and eating again. Most pro
      bodybuilders don't have a job outside the sport, the
      daily regimen that's required to be successful
      precludes outside work. Meals should be consumed every
      2-3 hours with clockwork precision. This ensures a
      constant supply of nutrients and protein in the
      bloodstream. Obviously it's nearly impossible to
      consume 6-8 solid food meals a day, most athletes will
      take 3-4 or their meals in liquid form. Since these
      liquid meals are more easily digested than whole
      foods, it allows the bodybuilder a respite if 7-8
      meals are required to get the necessary caloric

      So, how many calories are necessary for growth? Every
      athlete has a different caloric need, based on a
      variety of factors. At the elite level, athletes have
      been known to consume 25-30 kcal per lb of bodyweight
      per day. What's important to understand is that the
      level of caloric consumption should be based on the
      weight you are striving for, not your current weight.
      Let's take Joe Bodybuilder. Joe weighs 260 lbs at 6'
      and has been lifting seriously for several years now.
      His friends keep telling him to compete at the State
      level so he's decided to get up to 300 lbs and diet
      back. However, no matter how hard he tries, he can't
      add any more muscle. The problem probably lies with
      Joe's nutrition program. Since he wants to weigh 300
      lbs, he might have to eat somewhere in the range of
      8,000-9,000 kcal per day to achieve that weight. Most
      bodybuilders are unable to do this.

      If Joe does have the willpower to do this, what should
      he eat? I've known many elite bodybuilders that eat
      whatever they want in the off season. Certainly they
      focus on protein consumption, but after that,
      everything is fair game. It is possible to eat in a
      fashion that is conducive to both fat loss and
      muscular gain but that requires constant monitoring of
      the athlete and is beyond the scope of this article.

      The bodybuilding media has perpetrated the myth that
      we should be in shape all year long. Realistically,
      this is ultimately a recipe for disaster in your quest
      to add muscular size. Staying lean year round is the
      domain of male models and endurance athletes. If
      you're serious about packing on as much muscle as
      possible, go buy that baggy T-shirt and start loading
      up on the groceries. When you diet off that extra
      flab, you'll find that you've taken your physique to a
      whole new level.

    2. #2
      jack hust's Avatar
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      good stuff

    3. #3
      flexer01's Avatar
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      I use to do that.......get big a fat in the winter then cut like 30 pounds. Its hard on the body. I find it easier to stay lean all year.
      RIP - Geared
      RIP - BigJ


    4. #4
      BossDJ02's Avatar
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      good read.

    5. #5
      Jay_Abbays's Avatar
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      Originally posted by flexer01
      I use to do that.......get big a fat in the winter then cut like 30 pounds. Its hard on the body. I find it easier to stay lean all year.
      absolutely - and hard on your heart too.

      I just read the other day an article - stating the opposite - saying - you can gain lean muscle and lose fat at the same time - it's a matter of balancing types of workout and hi/low GI carbs.

      If I find it I'll post it here.

      Anyway, INTIMID8OR3 - very good read and an interesting point of view.
      RIP BigJim
      RIP GU



    6. #6
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      Moderation is the key! you can get a little crazy with the junk food just but don't go overboard
      God bless and RIP GearedUp and Big Jim

      Salvation is a free gift all you have to do is ask

    7. #7
      Jay C's Avatar
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      hmmm naturally lean and cant gain fat. even on 6500kcals/day. oh well. thats why im getting bigger and not fatter. ahhh high metabolism.

    8. #8
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      eggs. lots and lots of eggs. ostrich eggs, stegosaurus eggs, canary eggs, and most important, duckbilled platypus eggs. my secret to success.

    9. #9
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