I think I kno what I'm doing wrong but I would like a few more opnions. I've been dieting since 01/16/2006. I started out at 193lbs and 17.9% BF.
I started taking Clen and Syntheselen on 01/25/2006 then added VPX Redline on 01/30/2006. I weighed myself this morning and I'm 190.6 lbs 16.9% BF.

My meals are as follows for Monday through Friday: On the weekends I just eat 2 large Caribbean style meals containing rice and beans with some form of beef or chicken.

1. 2 rice cakes (sometimes some peanut butter)
2. 2.5 to 3 servings of almonds
3. Protein Shake that I mix with 2 Danon Light-n-Fit smoothies
4. Tuna
5. 2.5 to 3 servings of almonds
6. Protein shake w/ 2 Danon Light-n-smoothies

Here are the nutritional facts.
Meal # Calories Protein(g) Carbs(g) Fats(g)
1 100 2 22 0
2 480 18 9 42
3 340 50 38 1
4 175 32.5 10.5 2.5
5 480 18 9 42
6 340 50 38 1

total: 1915 170.5 126.5 88.5

I work out 2 times per day 5 days a week (Monday through Friday). I.e. Monday I'll do Tri's around noon for 30 minutes then do chest in the afternoon(6pm) then do 1 hour of cardio afterwards. From the cardio I burn roughly between 750 to 800 calories per session. SO I'm assuming I burn at least another 500 calories from my 2 weight training sessions?

Why am I not seeing more weight loss besides 2.5 lbs and 1% bodyfat after 3 weeks of busting my ass doing cardio? I would have expected to see at minimum 6 lbs from 3 weeks? Should I lower my calories more? Should I eat more protein? What other foods can I eat without cooking? Normally I eat Wendy's, Chinese and Caribbean food which are high in fat and carbs and maintained to keep my weight steady without doing cardio. Since this diet is a drastic change from what I normally eat and I'm doing cardio I figure I'd make more progress? Don't get me wrong I'm not expecting to loose 20 lbs in 1 month. But 8 to 10lbs would seem like a reasonable goal right? It's the end of week 3 and only 2.5lbs?