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    Thread: Need to get my credit fixed....

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      crombie09's Avatar
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      Default Need to get my credit fixed....

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      • Need to get my credit fixed....
      • Need to get my credit fixed....
      • Need to get my credit fixed....
      • Need to get my credit fixed....
      • Need to get my credit fixed....
      • Need to get my credit fixed....
      So yeah kinda embarrasing but when I moved out of my parents house when I was younger I got in debt and never paid it off. Any credit repair places or anything that you guys suggest? I found this place but dont know if its bs or not.


      I really need to get this taken care of and get my life staightened out. Thanks.

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      daved150's Avatar
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      Default Re: Need to get my credit fixed....

      i never heard of them, but there is a bunck of these places out there. basicly, they will dispute your derog. credit with the creditors. creditors have to respond in a certain time line and usually dont. they use the loopholes to get it removed. just dont do credit councling! i would contact them on pricing. hit me with a pm monday to remind me, and i'll ask my finance manager who she use's for our custoomers. she refers a few a month


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      Stout1's Avatar
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      Default Re: Need to get my credit fixed....

      Quote Originally Posted by crombie09
      So yeah kinda embarrasing but when I moved out of my parents house when I was younger I got in debt and never paid it off. Any credit repair places or anything that you guys suggest? I found this place but dont know if its bs or not.


      I really need to get this taken care of and get my life staightened out. Thanks.
      Credit Repair is mostly B.S. You just can't "fix" bad credit. Only way to get your credit score is to

      A) Pay your bills
      B) Start new accounts
      C) Time
      D) And more time

      The REAL only way to fix credit is going to be to continue payin the bills you have now and if you don't have anything tied to your social security number then you should open up a stupid little credit card account and charge small things BUT pay it off every month. Other than that not much you can do. You just can't pay a company to call one of the credit bureaus and have them take off your credit what you didn't pay. That will be on there for life.
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      daved150's Avatar
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      Default Re: Need to get my credit fixed....

      Quote Originally Posted by Stout1
      Credit Repair is mostly B.S. You just can't "fix" bad credit. Only way to get your credit score is to

      A) Pay your bills
      B) Start new accounts
      C) Time
      D) And more time

      The REAL only way to fix credit is going to be to continue payin the bills you have now and if you don't have anything tied to your social security number then you should open up a stupid little credit card account and charge small things BUT pay it off every month. Other than that not much you can do. You just can't pay a company to call one of the credit bureaus and have them take off your credit what you didn't pay. That will be on there for life.
      in alot of ways, your very right. but, it can be repaired. we call it having your credit washed, and it happens all the time. not all can be removed, but alot can. and if you go to get more credit (after your washed) and the person is bright enough, you almost always can tell. if the guy's 50 and tells you he's had a mortage for 10 years but sold the house 5 years ago, and there's not a trace....he probobly got forclosed and had it cleaned. but, if it's a younger person, it's harder to tell. alot of times, you lose the good with the bad, and you go back to being "a ghost"...witch makes it just as hard if not harder to get credit again, depending on your age (again, a 50 year old ghost? where's he been, prison?)


      "Actually for once your actually starting sound quite logical!"-djdiggler 07/10/2007


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      Default Re: Need to get my credit fixed....

      I got my wifes credit fixed, she really had not the best credit so what I did is I got a credit report from each of the 3 bureaus and started to write to dispute each thing that was negative. The business has (I think) 30 days to respond to your inquiry and what you do is send a letter each week certified eventually they will not respond and they will take it off. It takes time to do it but well worth it! Hers jumped a 100 points by doing that...

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      Fit2bLarge's Avatar
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      Default Re: Need to get my credit fixed....

      Everything below works. I did it before I got married and cleaned up quite a bit on my credit report. Credit laws are in your favor, remember that. Anything negative that they can prove stays in your credit file for 7 years, not forever.


      Step 1: To dispute a negative item on your credit file you need to first identify the negative items that you want removed.

      Once you know which items to dispute, DO NOT complete the Dispute Forms that the Credit Bureaus included with copies of your credit file that they sent you. It's much more effective to easily follow the outlines of these
      sample letters.

      Be sure to include a copy of your credit file and keep the original for your records. Highlight or underline the items you are disputing. Mail the dispute forms to the address listed on each credit file.

      To dispute an inquiry, simply write that you never applied for credit with that company.

      Make a photocopy of your dispute letter for your records and be sure to send it by Certified and Return Receipt Mail from your local Post Office. Mail your dispute form to the address provided with your credit file. Repeat the above process for each item that you want removed or changed.

      Step 2: After reviewing your updated credit file and finding that most or all the negative items have been removed, you may now focus on building a positive credit profile. Positive information will always outweigh a few negative items that may remain on your file.

      Step 3: This technique is extremely effective in removing any negative information that was supposedly verified as correct after your dispute.

      Important: Always remember that if the dispute is sent in from anyone other than you, the Credit Bureau will suspect that you have paid someone to repair your credit. This raises all sorts of Red Flags. Since they make so many mistakes it is imperative that they believe you are working alone and trying to fix a real legitimate mistake.

      If there is a negative item that you want removed from your credit, such as a bankruptcy, charge off or collection account, you may want to write that this is NOT your account and you want it removed immediately.

      If the account is now paid off, but was seriously past due at one time, DO NOT write that it's not your account. Instead, write that it is your account but was NEVER past due and you need it updated to say that everything has always been current.

      An Extremely Powerful Technique...
      This auditing technique is usually only practiced by attorneys. It would be very expensive to hire attorneys to do this for you. However, by following the instructions you'll get similar results as any attorney (you just won't have to pay).

      If the Credit Bureaus were able to verify any disputed information as correct, it would remain on your credit file. So you'll need to contact the creditor who is reporting the information. The creditor who reported the item is listed on the left or bottom of your credit file. If their phone number is not provided, call directory assistance in their city and ask for the creditor's telephone number. Call and ask them to mail you written proof and documentation that this is actually your account, since you do not believe the account belongs to you.

      Almost all creditors and collection agencies use computers to store information about debtors and they throw out original, signed contracts along with other original documents. This makes it easy for creditors to store and organize information BUT makes it impossible to actually prove the account is really yours and not just another mistake.

      Federal Law requires that upon your request, all creditors must show you written proof that the account in question is in fact yours. Written proof is a copy of the contract you signed with the original creditor. As we explained before, you are stored on the creditor's computer and chances are excellent that they have thrown out all the proof that this is your account.

      The only creditors that may have proof are the courts (Recent Bankruptcies, Unpaid Tax Liens, Unpaid Judgments & Unpaid Child Support).

      Again, all Federal Laws are in your favor. If you say an account is not yours and the creditor does not have written proof that the account belongs to you, they must remove the account from your credit file and cease all collection activity. If they don't have written proof that the account is yours, there are two ways to get the item removed (see items A & B in the next section).

      Only allow a creditor 7 days to get the proof into your mailbox (3 days to find it and 4 days for the mail). If it takes any longer they probably do not have proof and you should start taking the action listed below. If the creditor does supply you with all the written proof that the account belongs to you, go to Step 4.

      Get The Edge Above Your Creditors
      A. Contact the Attorney Generals Office in the city of the creditor who is damaging your credit. Get the phone number through directory assistance. Tell them that you have a creditor who is damaging your credit by reporting an account that is not yours. You have requested proof that the account belongs to you and they do not have it. They will contact the creditor and have the account removed from your credit file. This is free legal service and almost guarantees they will get the item removed.

      B. If you want to make some money off of the creditor then take them to Small Claims Court. To do this, you will need to call your county courthouse and ask about the proper procedure to follow to get a court date. It's very easy and you can do it all yourself. You'll be asked to fill out one or two simple forms stating your complaint. You may want to write that you wish to remove the item from your credit file since it is not yours and the creditor has no proof that it is your account. After you receive a court date, mark it in your calendar and make sure to attend at the proper time, place and date. Bring in the receipts from the registered mail you used for your disputes along with your phone bill and sue the creditor for your expenses and emotional stress. Remember, if they do not have proof that this is your account you will win and the account will be removed from your credit file! Also, if the creditor is out of state and does not show in court, you win by their default.

      So far, we have not yet heard of any creditor showing up in court. They are simply far too busy to waste time on one person when they have thousands of other people to be concerned with. You may contact an attorney in your area for a free consultation about what your rights are concerning your particular situation.

      Step 4: If the creditor is able to supply the written proof you request, offer to settle the debt for 10 cents on the dollar provided that you have the money. If you don't have the money go to Step 5. If you owe $1,000, offer the creditor $100. If they refuse, tell them that you will file Bankruptcy and they will get nothing. This will certainly open them up to negotiating with you. Whatever you agree to pay them, it should be a lot less than you originally owed them. Do not agree to pay interest charges or penalties on past due or collection accounts.

      Step 5: If you don't have the money to make payment arrangements, start back at Step 1 of this section. Remember that the laws are in your favor and you are legally allowed by Federal Law to dispute the negative items on your credit file every 30 days. You are allowed to repeat this process as many times as you wish until the Credit Bureaus cannot verify the item and must remove it. As you already know, the creditors do not have the staff to handle all the disputes they receive, so if you persist, eventually the items may be removed.

      Sometimes the Credit Bureaus may sometimes reply telling you that they already verified the information as correct. If this happens, write back telling them that it's a Federal Law that they must verify your disputes and that you'll sue them for $5,000 for each dispute that they do not handle properly. Once they know that you are aware of your rights, they'll become very cooperative.

      Extremely Important
      If you agree to make payment arrangements with any creditor, do so only under one condition. The condition is that before you pay any money, the creditor must mail you a written agreement that they will report the account to the Credit Bureaus as current, paid off and never late! Otherwise, it may still remain on your credit file and may not be worth paying.

    7. #7
      crombie09's Avatar
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      Default Re: Need to get my credit fixed....

      Wow thanks so much everyone that answered. Im so excited, this has been a thorn in my side for years. This is now my current main project to get my life straightened out. So let me see if I have this correct.

      I go get my credit reports from all 3 agencies. I went to this site that gives you a free credit report from all 3 once a year but they all said I have to mail off for them. Wierd. Then take a few bad things (Im sure I have a ton of little stuff on there that I will have to send claims for at diff times so it doesnt look like Im just trying to say everything isnt mine) from each, claim they arent mine and send certified letters clamining so to the creitor or do I send them to the 3 agencies or both? The creditor has a fixed amount of time to get back to me on proof that the accounts are mine and if they dont have proof do they erase them or do I have to tell the agencies that they dont have proof and they erase them?

    8. #8
      T-Man007's Avatar
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      Default Re: Need to get my credit fixed....

      Quote Originally Posted by daved150
      i never heard of them, but there is a bunck of these places out there. basicly, they will dispute your derog. credit with the creditors. creditors have to respond in a certain time line and usually dont. they use the loopholes to get it removed. just dont do credit councling! i would contact them on pricing. hit me with a pm monday to remind me, and i'll ask my finance manager who she use's for our custoomers. she refers a few a month
      Exactly! They will ask for stuff like the interest charged from 3/4 of 2002 and if the creditor can't come up with the document then it must be removed fromyour credit. Some of these guys are good, real good. I have clients (mortgage companies) that use them for their clients and I've seen these guys get credit scores up 100 points in a matter of months. And, like David said, DO NOT DO CREDIT COUNCILING! That dings your credit worse than bankruptcy, and that's a fact. I also do home mortgages on the side and I've seen people with bankruptcies get a home loan the day after the BK but someone with credit counciling take years to get another loan. It doesn't make any sense but it's an absolute fact.
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    9. #9
      crombie09's Avatar
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      Default Re: Need to get my credit fixed....

      Quote Originally Posted by T-Man007
      Exactly! They will ask for stuff like the interest charged from 3/4 of 2002 and if the creditor can't come up with the document then it must be removed fromyour credit. Some of these guys are good, real good. I have clients (mortgage companies) that use them for their clients and I've seen these guys get credit scores up 100 points in a matter of months. And, like David said, DO NOT DO CREDIT COUNCILING! That dings your credit worse than bankruptcy, and that's a fact. I also do home mortgages on the side and I've seen people with bankruptcies get a home loan the day after the BK but someone with credit counciling take years to get another loan. It doesn't make any sense but it's an absolute fact.
      So use the credit repair guys or just do it on my own? I want to do this the right way and get my credit fixed ASAP. The 2 sites I like, one is noted at the top charge about $100 to setup and then $40 a month and they guarantee results. Is there a company you would reccomend?

    10. #10
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      Default Re: Need to get my credit fixed....

      Do it on your own crombie. take the time and do it right yourself. you need to mail claims for every item you want to dispute to each of the agencies. its gonna take time and effort. but if you do it right, it will help you tremendously

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      Default Re: Need to get my credit fixed....

      Quote Originally Posted by Fit2bLarge
      Do it on your own crombie. take the time and do it right yourself. you need to mail claims for every item you want to dispute to each of the agencies. its gonna take time and effort. but if you do it right, it will help you tremendously
      Ok thanks so much man , really. Cant wait to get started removing this stuff.

    12. #12
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      Default Re: Need to get my credit fixed....

      i work for a mortgage company so if you dont wanna do it yourself, we work with some professionals that repair credit for 250$ i think..let me know if you want their # and info

      in addition, when your charge things from now on always keep 50% on the card, dont pay things in full
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    13. #13
      DJDIGGLER's Avatar
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      Default Re: Need to get my credit fixed....

      Everyone's answers were right on the money. I jumped 150 points in 1 year with all of the above techniques. Those credit places are a waste of time and money. Plus most of the time it still shows as a negative hit on your credit even if the credit places pay it off.

      If you dispute the charges and the company says its a valid debt. Call the company and see if they will settle for half the amount. But make sure they put in writing that if you pay the amount you agree on they will remove that account from your credit report. They do have the power to do that, don't let them tell you otherwise. If they don't do it, don't pay, just wait the seven years for it to fall off your report. It's not worth paying it at that point since it will still show as delinquent on your report.

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      Default Re: Need to get my credit fixed....

      oh yea also do not get your credit pulled alot, this messes up your credit scores quickly..mine dropped 20 points from pulling it twice
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    15. #15
      crombie09's Avatar
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      Default Re: Need to get my credit fixed....

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      • Need to get my credit fixed....
      • Need to get my credit fixed....
      • Need to get my credit fixed....
      • Need to get my credit fixed....
      • Need to get my credit fixed....
      Quote Originally Posted by solidground
      oh yea also do not get your credit pulled alot, this messes up your credit scores quickly..mine dropped 20 points from pulling it twice
      I thought pulling it yourself is ok but when others pull it, its bad?

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