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    Thread: Since I'm in the "quoting" mood

    1. #1
      Stout1's Avatar
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      Default Since I'm in the "quoting" mood

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      • Since I'm in the "quoting" mood
      • Since I'm in the "quoting" mood

      • Since I'm in the "quoting" mood
      • Since I'm in the "quoting" mood
      • Since I'm in the "quoting" mood
      • Since I'm in the "quoting" mood
      • Since I'm in the "quoting" mood
      • Since I'm in the "quoting" mood
      The only thing worse than faith is blind faith in someone or something.

      The original American patriots were those individuals brave enough to resist with force the oppressive power of King George. I accept the definition of patriotism as that effort to resist oppressive state power. The true patriot is motivated by a sense of responsibility, and out of self interest -- for himself, his family, and the future of his country -- to resist government abuse of power. He rejects the notion that patriotism means obedience to the state.
      Thomas Jefferson - "When the government fears the people there is liberty; when the people fear the government there is tyranny."

    2. #2
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      Default Re: Since I'm in the "quoting" mood

      King George - coincidence?

      That is the only way this quote makes any sense.

      "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
      -- Thomas Jefferson

    3. #3
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      Default Re: Since I'm in the "quoting" mood

      ewww...i like quotes!!

      Revolution is a trivial shift in the emphasis of suffering."
      Tom Stoppard.

      "Democracy is being allowed to vote for the candidate you dislike least."
      Robert Byrne.

      "Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance."
      HL Mencken

      "It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."
      Dan Quayle.


      "Actually for once your actually starting sound quite logical!"-djdiggler 07/10/2007


    4. #4
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      Default Re: Since I'm in the "quoting" mood

      Dan Quayle is so insightful!!

    5. #5
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      Default Re: Since I'm in the "quoting" mood

      Quote Originally Posted by daved150 View Post
      Revolution is a trivial shift in the emphasis of suffering."
      Tom Stoppard.

      Am I reading this right?

      Sounds as if he is suggesting individual rights aren't worth fighting for. If you have to take it up the backside don't make the trivial shift of recognizing how much you don't like it.

    6. #6
      Stout1's Avatar
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      Default Re: Since I'm in the "quoting" mood

      Quote Originally Posted by Klash View Post
      King George - coincidence?

      That is the only way this quote makes any sense.

      "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
      -- Thomas Jefferson
      I'm confused...the quote from what I gather is the basic mindset of our founding fathers. Our founding fathers were brave enough to stand up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. They stood tall against their mother land in the name of true patriotism, which is resistance of an abusive state/power.

      True patriotism isn't just being "proud" to be an American, saying the pledge of Allegiance, Fourth of July, Memorial Day, hanging a flag in front of your house everyday, or any other stereotypical "patriotic" gestures.

      A true patriot is one that is in tune enough with what's going on around his/her country and realizing shit just isn't right. We've continually been feed a pile of shit, and it's only going to get worse. We work our asses off day in and day out to make ends meet and we for the most part aren't scraping by, but damn near...

      The 114th day, or April 23, 2008, dubbed "Tax Freedom Day," is when Americans can consider their paychecks entirely theirs to keep for the rest of the year - theoretically at least.
      So, for the first 114 days each you, basically consider all that money given to your government to continue to fund and keep going this vicious beast we have. I think it's a problem when the average American works three to four months a year and that money basically is ALL going to the government in the form of taxes. These taxes keep this beast rolling for a head on collision with continual after continual government intervention, let down, buyout, parden, no bid jobs, lobbyists, etc.

      For anyone not to see our government is for the most part a complete failure must be sipping on that special soup they serve you of the "American Dream". Yeah, most of us here have that little slice of Heaven we like to call America. All us here for the most part have the majority of things to keep us occupied....the American dream. House, job, family, activities, social events, etc. So on the surface most Americans are happy but we are being fleeced and it's happening right under our noses.

      We work and pay three to four months EVERY year to the government to keep it running and they're running it into the ground. I guarantee you if our Government was publicly traded on the stock market almost everyone in power would have their heads chopped off. How can you make us Americans work 1/3 - 1/4 year, EVERY YEAR to pay to keep our government running and have a $10,000,000,000 DEBT!!! It isn't rocket science, nor do you need a M.B.A. from an Ivy League School to see that shit's ****ed up. Who's going to pay for it or do we just keep plundering ourselves and further plummeting us into financial abyiss.

      Or how bout when shit goes south in our country like it always will, especially with the way it's ran. They now have a VERY effective tool to combat us to give up things and rights we normally wouldn't ever DREAM of!!! They scare us into war. They scare us into thinking we're on the edge of financial collapse. They scare us into signing away our rights SPECIFICALLY given to us by our founding fathers in the Constituion. These rights our founding fathers gave us was in direct response to PROTECT us from government and then we go and sign away our own defense, but remember it's all done in the name of Patriotism and in honour of your country, because remember the USA needs you to continue to lead this blind, self-destructive behavior because each and every year we stick it to ourselves that much harder.

      The downfall of the USA itself will most likely be in response to some outside threat, but we've already sealed the deal years before all on our own. We just needed a nudge to push us over for it's our own people and government that will be the major and significant downfall of the USA on whatever level that may be, but remember we've always done what was "PATRIOTIC" and "RIGHT" for our country at the time.

      But time and time again history has shown that actions we've made that were for "our country" and/or "patriotic duties" have been major blunders and left us open to be violated by inside and outside threats that wreack havoc on this nation, even right now.

      If things like:

      1) Our national debt ($10,000,000,000)

      2) The FED (not even a gov't body, it's a set of private banks that print and control our money with no oversight...if a set of private banks controlling and printing our money without answering to anyone isn't scary then maybe more might open your eyes)

      3) Patriot Act (piece of legislation used during a time of war and used to strike fear in the hearts of americans to give up rights specifically given to us in the Constitution to protect us from the very people we let pass the law)

      4) Immigration (open borders with massive influx of illegals bogging down our medical systems and creating numerous other headaches)

      5) Our gov't "buying out" private institutions and now running them such as Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac (Our gov't obviously can just bail any company out that failed due to the very regulations it wanted loosened, so when they got the less restrictive lending it lobbyed for, and then failed b/c of it we now have the gov't running and owning a majority of a previously non-governmental body)

      6) Our two party system. It's failed plain and simple. Lobbyists and special interest groups have dug their claws DEEP in both sides, thus making them basically ineffective at truly getting anythign that the AMERICAN PEOPLE want done but they do get a lot of shit done for large corporations. I think people are waking up to this more and more each year. It's the same thing, just a different presentation. No one provides any real help or solution, just talking in circles as in essence their really is no difference between Dems and Repubs because they both achieve the same goal time and time again and that is FAILURE. It's time to open up parties, make special interest groups/lobbyists illegal and get back to the people, not big gov't or corporate america that they have been serving on a silver platter for years. It's time for our government to get back to serving our people, as we've been left in the dust to fend for ourselves while the upper echeleon of powerful companies dine on OUR DIME!

      5) Our answer for the last 20-30 years anytime something goes wrong is a new area or part of government to deal with that crisis and all this does is bog things down. The government gets in to WAY too much personal affairs of it's citizens ranging from education, freedoms, liberties, etc. For the most part we should be able to practice and do as we please with no regards to the government intervening in our PERSONAL beliefs as long as no one is hurt. Gov't isn't here to be the morally correct relief center as it has been. We as citizens should be allowed to be free and do as we please as long as we are in no harm to ourself or anyone else for anything past that is personal opinion on what's right and wrong. And since when did our gov't get the authority to tell us what we should and shouldn't do. Aren't we the "MELTING POT" of beliefs here where everyone should feel free to live as they are, and equals to each and everyone else.

      Such as the "GAY" topic...I'm not getting into the religion aspect as gov't should stay out of that. But why, outside of religious and/or personal beliefs can't someone receive the same benefits as heterosexual couples? Outside of religion, which shouldn't be involved at the state level, why can't something like this be easily fixed as it's an injustice on every level to deny someone the same rights you receive just because they don't fit your "mold" or belief system. Two people are obviously happy and to deny them the same priviledges and benefits that heterosexual couples receive from marriage is one of the most obscene things there is as there is no harm to anyone here except the ones being denied equal rights as they are the ones that truly suffer. If gay's were allowed to marry, who would it REALLY hurt? Well, maybe that one person, who is insecure with their sexual identity....now they may have a problem with that as they aren't even comfortable with themselves nor do they know who they are so they might get "turned gay" lol

      6) Drugs and not just the legal ones but the illegal ones that FLOW into our country and tear it apart from the inner city violence to the degradation of the middle class and overflowing criminal system. Documented cases of our OWN government helping in the importation of drugs such as cocaine and heroine on a large scale to help fund covert wars. Drugs over populate our jails, cause crime to increase, addiction rises, unemployment, etc. MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF MAN HOURS ARE WASTED ON A LOSING WAR!!! If the gov't REALLY wanted to stop the drug problem in America they wouldn't wait till the drugs hit my or your block. They would stop it at the root of the problem, but instead we waste billions of dollars in stoppin or attempting to stop something once it's already here. A very logical and not so far fetched question is why all the bureas of law such as CIA, FBI, ATF, DEA, local police, etc to stop it and prosecute people for it once it's in the country. Common sense would tell you to stop the problem where it starts as you'll never win a war on drugs with a street full of drugs.

      rant over
      Last edited by Stout1; 10-14-2008 at 11:12 AM.
      Thomas Jefferson - "When the government fears the people there is liberty; when the people fear the government there is tyranny."

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      Default Re: Since I'm in the "quoting" mood

      Quote Originally Posted by Stout1 View Post
      I'm confused...the quote from what I gather is the basic mindset of our founding fathers. Our founding fathers were brave enough to stand up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. They stood tall against their mother land in the name of true patriotism, which is resistance of an abusive state/power.

      True patriotism isn't just being "proud" to be an American, saying the pledge of Allegiance, Fourth of July, Memorial Day, hanging a flag in front of your house everyday, or any other stereotypical "patriotic" gestures.

      A true patriot is one that is in tune enough with what's going on around his/her country and realizing shit just isn't right. We've continually been feed a pile of shit, and it's only going to get worse. We work our asses off day in and day out to make ends meet and we for the most part aren't scraping by, but damn near...
      Sorry, I guess I wasn't too clear!!! I agree with you and that term is normally used for the exact opposite today...

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      Default Re: Since I'm in the "quoting" mood

      Quote Originally Posted by Klash View Post
      Sorry, I guess I wasn't too clear!!! I agree with you and that term is normally used for the exact opposite today...
      Growing up I was taught to stand behind your country, but what do you do when that country has turned it's back on you?
      Thomas Jefferson - "When the government fears the people there is liberty; when the people fear the government there is tyranny."

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      Default Re: Since I'm in the "quoting" mood

      Since I'm in the "quoting" mood
      "Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy." Earnest Benn quotes


      "Actually for once your actually starting sound quite logical!"-djdiggler 07/10/2007


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      Default Re: Since I'm in the "quoting" mood

      Since I'm in the "quoting" mood
      Quote Originally Posted by daved150 View Post
      "Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy." Earnest Benn quotes

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      Default Re: Since I'm in the "quoting" mood

      Quote Originally Posted by Klash View Post
      yea...even a blind squirel finds a nut once in awhile!


      "Actually for once your actually starting sound quite logical!"-djdiggler 07/10/2007


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      Default Re: Since I'm in the "quoting" mood

      these are some good quotes! I love it!...Yes it is PATRIOTIC to resist the governments abuse of power!!!!...We must resist the tendency to be apathetic. We have to speak out and say enough is enough. If we dont, we will be lulled into communism/socialism or even a dictatorship. Mclame wasnt joking when he said he aspires to be a dictator. Power is the ultimate adrenaline rush and politician want power to lord over us.

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      Default Re: Since I'm in the "quoting" mood

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      these are some good quotes! I love it!...Yes it is PATRIOTIC to resist the governments abuse of power!!!!...We must resist the tendency to be apathetic. We have to speak out and say enough is enough. If we dont, we will be lulled into communism/socialism or even a dictatorship. Mclame wasnt joking when he said he aspires to be a dictator. Power is the ultimate adrenaline rush and politician want power to lord over us.
      Must be a popular idea.

      "You don't get everything you want. A dictatorship would be a lot easier."
      ~George Bush (1998)

      "If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator" ~ George Bush (2000)

      "A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it"
      ~George Bush (2001)

    14. #14
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      Default Re: Since I'm in the "quoting" mood

      odd..the quote doesnt seem to show...oh well..
      i first heard this from ron paul...

    15. #15
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      Default Re: Since I'm in the "quoting" mood

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      • Since I'm in the "quoting" mood
      • Since I'm in the "quoting" mood

      • Since I'm in the "quoting" mood
      • Since I'm in the "quoting" mood
      • Since I'm in the "quoting" mood
      • Since I'm in the "quoting" mood
      • Since I'm in the "quoting" mood
      • Since I'm in the "quoting" mood
      Quote Originally Posted by Klash View Post
      Must be a popular idea.

      "You don't get everything you want. A dictatorship would be a lot easier."
      ~George Bush (1998)

      "If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator" ~ George Bush (2000)

      "A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it"
      ~George Bush (2001)
      Yes Klash, bush did say all that stuff. Now mccain says it and everyone wants to look the other way and pretend he didnt really say it. He flat out said "If I was a dictator, and I have always aspired to be a dictator"...So, can we trust this man to abide by the constitution?...I dont trust him. Mccain craves POWER and absolute power currupts absolutely.

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