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    Thread: And so it begins........

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      DJDIGGLER's Avatar
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      Default And so it begins........

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      • And so it begins........
      The bird flu has made it's entrance to the states......


      Regardless of it pathogenic state it still is a form of the strain. Need they be reminded of the flu viruses ability to morph into other forms?

    2. #2
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      Default Re: And so it begins........

      that sucks...i just moved back to new jersey!

    3. #3
      DJDIGGLER's Avatar
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      Default Re: And so it begins........

      watch the price of chicken in the states drop dramatically now. Stock up now while the strain has not been widely spread. Because in weeks to come chicken will be to risky to purchase!

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      Default Re: And so it begins........

      Quote Originally Posted by DJDIGGLER
      watch the price of chicken in the states drop dramatically now. Stock up now while the strain has not been widely spread. Because in weeks to come chicken will be to risky to purchase!

      nah. cant get it from fully cooked chicken and i dont handle raw chicken then stick my fingers in my mouth, in fact i dont think the virus can live in a dead chicken anyway. the threat is way overblown by the media
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    5. #5
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      Default Re: And so it begins........

      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes
      nah. cant get it from fully cooked chicken and i dont handle raw chicken then stick my fingers in my mouth, in fact i dont think the virus can live in a dead chicken anyway. the threat is way overblown by the media

      Hope you're right. I love my chicken.

    6. #6
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      Default Re: And so it begins........

      Hey, I never saw a skinny bodybuilder before - eat away!
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      Default Re: And so it begins........

      Let the fear begin!!!

    8. #8
      DJDIGGLER's Avatar
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      Default Re: And so it begins........

      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes
      nah. cant get it from fully cooked chicken and i dont handle raw chicken then stick my fingers in my mouth, in fact i dont think the virus can live in a dead chicken anyway. the threat is way overblown by the media
      Yeah just like the black death was overblown by people back in the medievil times! I mean it's not like that also was a flu strain that transferred from animals to humans! <---notice the sarcasm

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      daved150's Avatar
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      Default Re: And so it begins........

      well...if anything the chicken farms will use this news like the oil companies and the tomatoe farmers do...they'll crank up the price do to the bird flu killing off the chickens


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      Default Re: And so it begins........

      yea yea..another tool to keep us in fear (anyone see the movie on abc coming out)..im not saying its fake but its extremely exaggerated--another money maker
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    11. #11
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      Default Re: And so it begins........

      Quote Originally Posted by solidground
      yea yea..another tool to keep us in fear (anyone see the movie on abc coming out)..im not saying its fake but its extremely exaggerated--another money maker
      It's not always about fear mongering. You realize that the spread of "the black death" in the medevil times was really a spread of a flu strain spread from animals to humans through flea bites? Point is nature has it's ways of transforming and finding ways to make things happen. Also if you look back through historical facts of the various major flu outbreaks that killed millions you'll see that it's only a matter of time before it happens again.

      The problem is everyone is always thinking it won't happen to me. Well obviously these things happen to somebody.

      Plus I'd like to point out how the mad cow disease spreads to humans through consumption. Although it is not a flu strain it is just another example of how something spreads from animals to humans. I bet you any money the people that became vegetables and died were also saying "it won't happen to me " too!

      Not that you should fear everything, but you should definetely keep informed and be cautious of the things you eat.

    12. #12
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      Default Re: And so it begins........

      i understand your point but dont you think we have made some progress in the med field since the 1600s
      (candidates@google:ron paul )

    13. #13
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      Default Re: And so it begins........


      ANDREW BRIDGES / AP | May 1 2006

      Bodies piling up so quickly it takes dump trucks to haul them away. Barbed wire to keep whole neighborhoods quarantined. It's Hollywood's version of bird flu, a blur of fact and fiction that some scientists say could confuse the public.

      "Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America," an ABC made-for-television movie, airs May 9, just as scientists are to begin testing of wild birds in Alaska that could herald the arrival of bird flu in North America. Scientists fear the bird flu virus could evolve so it could be passed from human to human, sparking a global pandemic.

      The two-hour movie plays up that notion to the fullest, with a running ticker that tallies tens of millions of victims worldwide. In one scene, the bodies are thrown on a pyre, like the carcasses of cows torched in the 2001 foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in Great Britain. The producers of the movie, from the writer of 2002's "Atomic Twister," bill their work as a "thinking man's disaster film."

      "We call this a plausible, worst-case scenario. This could actually happen. It may not be this bad but it could be this bad. The reason to portray it this way is to kind of give a wake-up call to everyone and this is something we shouldn't ignore and we should be as prepared as we should be," said Diana Kerew, one of the movie's executive producers.

      Bird flu expert Michael Osterholm said the movie realistically portrays the shortages of goods and services, and some of the ensuing panic, that could occur in a pandemic. But Osterholm frets the blurring of information and entertainment could do the public a disservice and hopes to arrange a conference call with television critics before the movie airs to set the record straight. He singled out for criticism how the movie shows Virginia officials using barbed wire to fence off and quarantine entire neighborhoods.

      "This is too far important an issue to create further confusion in the public's mind," said Osterholm, who directs the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota.

      For the record, a spokesman for Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine said the commonwealth has no plans to roll out cyclone fences and barbed wire. "We haven't done that since, oh, the '50s," joked Kevin Hall.

      "Fatal Contact" begins in China, where in the movie the bird flu virus has mutated to the point where it's being passed human to human. It's only when an American businessman "patient zero" prepares to catch a flight out of Hong Kong, after crossing paths with an infected factory worker, that the global pandemic really gets started. Playing supporting roles are a wadded-up ****tail napkin, stuffed olive and an apparently less-than-sterile martini.

      The movie suggests the Richmond, Va., businessman infects several dozen airline passengers, who scatter around the globe. Viewers may never accept a hot towel from a flight attendant again.

      Health officials catch on quickly, but apparently are slow to tell the rest of us. At least two weeks pass before the president bothers to let on that it's the 1918 flu pandemic all over again.

      That apparently didn't faze the dozen or so Department of Health and Human Services officials who screened the film at the request of The Associated Press.

      Dr. Bruce Gellin, director of the National Vaccine Program office, praised the movie's timeliness in raising public awareness of bird flu, as well as its portrayal of "a number of potentially realistic scenarios." Those include the limited availability of antiviral medicines in a pandemic, the months it could take to develop an effective vaccine and in turn how the United States could be dependent on other countries yes, that means France to provide vaccine. The movie's stressing of the importance of planning also won kudos from the department.

      ABC will broadcast the movie during sweeps, when networks often trot out scare fare to boost the ratings that help determine local advertising rates. The network isn't pushing "Fatal Contact" hard but has played up the bona fides of the movie, which it claims was "meticulously researched."

      "There's a lot of science in the movie about why this would be scary if this were to arrive. Unfortunately, in our scenario, it is too late to stop the spread and that is what is being predicted by scientists if this were to occur," said Judith Verno, who co-produced the movie with Kerew for Sony Pictures Television.

      The filmmakers even brought in historian John Barry, author of the best-selling book "The Great Influenza: The Epic Story of the Deadliest Plague in History," to review the script and make suggestions. Barry, in a telephone interview, said his involvement was much more limited than ABC has suggested. He did, however, dissuade them from showing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as having its own fleet of jets.

      "I have some problems with it," Barry said. "It's certainly not a documentary."
      (candidates@google:ron paul )

    14. #14
      DJDIGGLER's Avatar
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      Default Re: And so it begins........

      Quote Originally Posted by solidground
      i understand your point but dont you think we have made some progress in the med field since the 1600s
      Sure but that doesn't mean we're immune to diseases. You do know that diseases and bacteria do have learning capabilities and learn how to become immune to certain treatments & vaccinations right?

      Nature has it's way of evolving. Look at the bee for instance......They have to keep changing the types of pesticides inside because their immune systems have learned to build up a defense to older stuff. Same as mosquitos. the sprays become updated every few years because they become immune to the stuff.

      Point I'm trying to make is nature bugs, bacterias, viruses, animals, humans.....we all learn how to evolve. So sure the flu strain could evolve and kill off millions like in the medevil times. It's not that inconceivable. But it's the elderly and children that will succumb to the virus the easiest.

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      inside sprays to kill bee's I was referring to. I re read that and realized I wasn't clear on what I was talking about.

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