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    Type: Posts; User: BABY1; Keyword(s):

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    1. The Pancreas, Digestion, and Best Enzymes to Supplement

      Pancreatic enzymes are essential for digestion. Stress and diet reduce enzyme production, causing more gas and bloating. Learn how taking certain digestive enzymes can help you get back on track.
    2. The Power of D-Limonene: Remarkable Health Benefits of Citrus Peel Oils

      Extracted from citrus peels, d-limonene is often thought of for digestive support, but it is also a powerful antioxidant for the heart, brain, liver, and more.

    3. Optimizing Gut Health: A Comprehensive Guide to Bowel Motility

      Healthy, regular bowel motility not only makes you feel better, but also is a reflection of your brain health! Learn how to support your digestive health.

    4. Revitalize Your Gut: How Prebiotics, Probiotics & Postbiotics Work Together

      Pre, pro, and post biotics affect your gut, body, and even mood. Learn about each of them and how they benefit your health.

    5. Statins Deplete Essential Nutrients and Worsen Health

      More than 90 million Americans take a statin medication. Statins are now shown to deplete several important nutrients for health. If you or a loved one is on a statin, take note.

    6. Adverse Effects of Statins and Depleted Nutrients

      Statins are seemingly common medications these days, but that does not mean they do not come with warmings. They are known to deplete essential nutrients. Are you taking one?

    7. A1C Made Simple: Your Guide to Keeping Blood Sugar in Check

      Chronic raised blood sugar can lead to a number of health problems down the road. A1C measures your blood sugar trends. Do you know what your number is?

    8. Beat the Heat: Improve Your Heat Stress Tolerance

      Don't get stressed by the heat! Learn how your body cools and how to support it to stay safe and comfortable in the heat.

    9. Replies

      Drug-Induced Diabetes: Are You at Risk?

      Prescription drugs are often taken without knowing the potential risks that come with them. Are you knowledgeable about what you are taking?

    10. Candida and Cavities: Exploring the Link Between Oral Microbiome Dysbiosis and D

      Eating whole, nutritious foods is important for the health of your oral microbiome. Avoid simple starches to keep candida and cavities at bay!

    11. Bacopa Monnieri: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Cognitive Enhancement

      Boost your mental sharpness, improve mood, stress tolerance, and overall brain health with this "smart nutrient."

    12. Air Pollution and How to Protect Your Health Naturally

      The air we breathe outside and inside affects our health every day. While we cannot control what is in the air, it is important to support our bodies to filter out pollutants.

    13. Supercharge Your Stress Management: Powerful Strategies for Hormonal Harmony

      Chronic stress not only causes anxiety and wears you down, but it also affects your hormones. Learn to manage stress and give your body the nutrients it needs to combat the negative effects of...
    14. Replies

      PEA for Healthy Mast Cell Activity

      One of the many benefits of PEA is that it supports healthy mast cell activity.

    15. Replies

      One Night of Sleep Deprivation Ages Your Brain

      Sleep is essential for your brain health! Lack of sleep can impair your mood, metal sharpness, and physical performance.

    16. Replies

      Vital Nutrients for Sense of Smell

      Your sense of smell should not be taken for granted! It can be an indicator of brain health and more. Are you supporting it with these key nutrients?

    17. 9 Benefits of Turmeric for Healthy Weight and Metabolism

      When you think about turmeric and its active ingredient curcumin, you might think about joints, everyday aches and pains, and perhaps heart or gut health. New research has provided great insight...
    18. Fatty Liver: The Hidden Culprit Behind Your Bulging Waistline

      Fatty liver is a growing health concern. See how lifestyle changes and nutrient support can improve your liver's ability to process fats.

    19. PEA Calms Digestive Stress and Improves Bowel Motility

      Could your digestive tract use some support?

    20. Vitamin K Critical for Bones and Arterial Health

      Vitamin K is needed for bone density, calcium transport, vascular health, muscle strength, and more. Check out this feature article.

    21. PEA Effective for Exercise Recovery and Athletes

      Enhance your athletic performance and muscle recovery with PEA!

    22. Replies

      PEA: Natural Support for Nerves and Comfort

      Learn about our newest product - PEA Ultra. It is a lipid that supports the body’s endocannabinoid system to promote healthy stress response, mood, relaxation, and nerve function and more!

    23. Replies

      Gut Microbiome Impacts Joint Health

      Your gut health affects your joint health. Learn what you can do to have a diverse gut microbiome and support your joints.

    24. Flavonoids and Spices are Rockstars for Joint Health

      Improve joint comfort and mobility with these flavonoids and spices. Quercetin, turmeric, and ginger help combat the wear-and-tear and stress on your joints. Do the activities you love this summer!
    25. Trace Minerals – The Missing Link for Joint Health

      Your joint and cartilage health depends on these trace minerals. Are you getting enough of them?

    26. The Power of Collagen Peptides: Rejuvenating Your Body Inside and Out

      Collagen peptides have been shown to have significant benefits for skin hydration and appearance. They also improve joint health, bone density, and even gut health. Here's what you need to know!
    27. Navigating a Plant-Based Diet: What You Need to Know for Optimal Health

      Plant-based diets have health benefits, but only if they are done well. Common nutrients such as iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin B12, and more are often missing. Is your plant-based diet complete?
    28. Exploring the Benefits of Thiamin and its Super Form Benfotiamine

      Thiamin deficiency is common in today's world but doesn't have to be. A diet rich in whole foods supplies sufficient thiamin which is important for brain, nerves, heart, blood sugar, and more.
    29. Global Warning on Obesity: Kids at Greatest Risk

      The current health trend towards obesity is frightening. Take these steps for healthier generations to come.

    30. Drugs That Lead to Osteoporosis and Increase Fracture Risk

      Osteoporosis and increased risk of fractures are side effects from many commonly used prescribed and over-the-counter medications.

    31. Replies

      Essential Nutrients for Detoxification

      Your liver, kidneys, digestive tract, lungs, and skin work to detoxify daily. To do this 24/7 process, it requires several nutrients.

    32. Replies

      Nutrients for Your Beating Heart

      Your heart beats 24-7. Are you providing it with these nutrients for optimal health and performance?

    33. Foggy Memory After Anesthesia? Support Brain Resiliency

      Research suggests that general anesthesia poses long-term challenges with brain health, especially in children and the elderly. Building brain resiliency is essential.

    34. Intermittent Fasting and Meal Timing for Weight Management

      When and what you eat determines everything from your energy and metabolism to heart and immune health and even how you age. Support your body for health and longevity with these eating guidelines. ...
    35. Intermittent Fasting and Meal Timing for Weight Management

      When and what you eat determines everything from your energy and metabolism to heart and immune health and even how you age. Support your body for health and longevity with these eating guidelines. ...
    36. Hidden Obesogens in Foods, Beverages, and Environment Disrupt Metabolism

      Weight management is more than calories consumed and burned due to hidden obesogens. Find out what they are and what you can do to minimize their impact.

    37. Brain Health and Obesity are linked. What can you do?

      An unhealthy diet can not only lead to obesity, but also brain strain. These nutrients have been shown to help weight and brain health.

    38. Replies

      2022 Natural Health News Articles

      Take charge of your health! These natural health articles from 2022 cover a variety of health topics, support for vitality, and optimizing healthy structure and function.

    39. Replies

      Got Ringing in Your Ear?

      Constant ringing, buzzing, and humming is annoying and frustrating to many. Consider these nutrients and lifestyle factors if you are suffering from it.

    40. Thread: christmas trees

      by BABY1

      Re: christmas trees

      It took me a week to put it up ☺
    41. Re: lol, dog tease...I neede this today and tomorrow and so on

      Hi guns

      Yes it has been so long since I've been here. Miss you and everyone here. Can't get enough of the bacon pup:iconsmile
    42. Replies

      5 Nutrients to Combat Wintertime Blues

      Winter doesn't have to get you down! Improve your mood and energy during the cold, dark days.

    43. Melatonin, Mitochondria, Circadian Rhythms - Are You in Sync?

      Keeping your body clock in-sync with awaking and sleeping is beneficial for every body system. Melatonin plays a key role in this!

    44. Best Supplements to Survive the Holiday Foods, Travel, and Stress

      Try these nutrients to ease the digestive and immune stress the holidays may bring.

    45. Cranberries: Unique Support for Urinary Tract, Gut Flora, and Heart Health

      Cranberries are a super food with many health benefits to be consumed year-round, not just during the holidays.

    46. Replies

      Oregano Oil Shines for GI Health and Immunity

      This spice has benefits for sinus and immune health, gut health, and more.

    47. Immune Health and Vitality for All Stages of Life

      Along with diet and lifestyle, age also determines your nutrient needs for a strong and healthy immune system. Are you getting the nutrients your body needs?

    48. Focus and Concentration - Things You Can Change

      Focus is challenged in many ways every day. Learn what you can do to improve yours.

    49. Minerals Essential for Mitochondria and Energy Production

      Your mitochondria are essential for energy, immune function, adrenals, and overall vitality. Without sufficient minerals they start to decay. Are you getting enough and in the right ratios?
    50. Keto Diet May Cause Fatty Liver & Insulin Resistance

      Is the Keto Diet worth the risks it may bring? Consider what research has shown.

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