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    Type: Posts; User: lex-ttp; Keyword(s):

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    1. Replies

      Re: Do You Love or Hate Tren?

      Both. I LOVE the results & hate the side effects. I had to stop taking after a couple weeks due to the daily headaches, rages and the fact the I didn't have some days where I felt decent and others...
    2. Replies

      Re: tren and cardio

      Good post and info. I never knew that tren messed with your breathing and cardio. I was always so focused on the other side effects like anger issues and night sweats and generally just feeling like...
    3. Re: So last year I was introduced to MT2 on this board . . .

      Was there a particular reason why you too stopped using? Or just tried it and either had some of this issues I was having with the dark spots or just didn't think it was worth adding to your regiment...
    4. So last year I was introduced to MT2 on this board . . .

      All the cool kids were using it and great things were being said about its ability to change one's skin pigmentation/and help even reluctant tanners such as myself develop a great tan, without even...
    5. Re: If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .

      Thanks guns01 for your input butI was more proposing a hypothetical question than saying I have that kinda coin. Trust me, I don't. Esp at that kinda monthly tag! And knowing if ur not on for 3-6...
    6. Re: If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .

      No really fellas don't be shy, chime in on the above post any time you'd like. I'd love some first-hand knowledge on if the two per-loaded pens - Genetropin by Pfizer 36 IU's priced at $225.00 for...
    7. Has anyone ever taken two orals at same time w/in a cycle?

      I know orals are 2nd pass and harder on the liver than oil but I was thinking about if anyone has tried or what your thoughts would be about a cut cycle w/ cyp and a AMP's cut blend which is 50mgs...
    8. If price were no object and you wanted to obtain the best HGH . . .

      out there and do so by NOT going to an anti-aging facility, but rather purchase from lets say a source on this board (or another if no none here carried the best), what brand you you buy and would...
    9. Winny-V question on typical dosages offered by most suppliers . . .

      I've never been a big winny-v fan. probably because it just has never really worked well for me, especially in terms of risk/benefit. The few times I've tried it over the years, it dried out my...
    10. Replies

      Black spots on body from MT2?

      I've been using this product for over 3 months now and lpve it. I'm noticeably darker than most summers w/out even stepping into a tanning booth. And the side effects mentioned: morning wood and...
    11. Re: I an due to make my gym re-debut after 1 year long injury/back surgery in 2 weeks . . .

      According to my gym it's still up to their discretion, even with a medical condition/ doctor's note, whether they allow me into their facility or not without a mask. They said that they'd cancel my...
    12. I an due to make my gym re-debut after 1 year long injury/back surgery in 2 weeks . . .

      My receptor sites are clean like a virgin. I'm 15 lbs overweight but aside from my abs being non-existent, I was soooo pumped to begin the journey back to my former self. Then today, after not...
    13. Thread: Protein powder

      by lex-ttp

      Re: Protein powder

      Hey Baby - Great timing . . .one of my best friends just turned vegan and is looking for a recommendation on a good protein powder. Can you tell me how many grams of protein per serving/servings per...
    14. Replies

      Re: Excellent shop here! Discounts inside!

      Screw it. RP's website no longer showing MT2 on back-order so on 5-30 placed an order for 5 bottles . . . as of this evening (wed 6/3) status still showing processing but if I lose my "Tan" again...
    15. Replies

      Re: Excellent shop here! Discounts inside!

      Not anymore Guns01, hasn't been for over a year! Thanks though. And I just reconstituted my last bottle of 2nd order and again, am starting to get noticeably tanned. My dilemma continues with t...
    16. Replies

      Re: Excellent shop here! Discounts inside!

      LOL Love it!
    17. Replies

      Re: Excellent shop here! Discounts inside!

      Heavyiron15 -

      I just, today, received my second order of MT2 from Recon Peptides. First order was paid for using either paypal or cash app (whichever is/was available as a payment method) on a...
    18. Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      Last time I tried to buy 22 gauge inch and a half darts at the pharmacy I went in in a tank top after training a couple years ago. The dumb ***** asked me what they were for and I told her my horse...
    19. Replies

      Re: Golds gym to permanently close some locations

      Say it ain't so! It is truly a sad time, especially for old-school muscle-heads like myself who, prior to a Gold's Gym opening in my town, used to plan vacations based on what gym's I could train at...
    20. Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      My bad Dzone - read thru too quick - missed the $2.50 per bottle. I'm assuming that comes in 10 ml bottles?
    21. Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      They sell bac water @ the pharmacy - w/out a RX? No SHIT!?

      Why is it that no one every has posted that till now - and/or did you know or just took a chance???

      Did they ask you what you need...
    22. Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      correction - bump not dump my dosage (last sentence)
    23. Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      Ya know, when people randomly ask me "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" which seems to happen quite a bit for some season, I always answer honestly: "All kinda shit, where do you want me to start?"...
    24. Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      I honestly never paid attention to expiration dates till I had same thing happen 1/2 way thru a HGH cycle about 10 years ago and used expired bac water for my last kit of cycle (1 month). I totally...
    25. Thread: HGH SWEATING

      by lex-ttp


      Was thinking of a cycle (3 months min) of HGH and was told the pharm grade most likely wouldn't give me carpal tunnel but because my last unsuccessful cycles I tried a few years back were generic...
    26. Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      Nausea as in throwing up or just feeling like you're on a boat and get sea sick or roller coaster that spins (that always makes me feel sick to my stomach!). No nausea for me at all so far bro . . ....
    27. Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      Maybe we're both getting old but obviously your math is better than mine (or was yesterday after a few drinks yesterday), Actually I honestly was thinking 2 mg bottles instead of 10 mg. My bad.
    28. Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      So @ .5 mg EOD you're basically going thru a bottle every 8 days to my 14 days. A little over twice what I'm dosing. As far as tanning, tanning beds are still mandated closed in my state. As are...
    29. Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      Ditto on the 2cc's of bacwater (I actually do 2.1 cc's assuming no spoilage so I ca do equal shots of 15 IUs or .015cc's ED which works out to 2.1 CC's (or mls) per bottle in 14 days or 2 weeks...
    30. Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      He took first the year we trained together. They may STILL be his favorite body part to train! They did get almost too big after show . . . don't see him as much these day. Might grab a bite or train...
    31. Re: Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      Wow that was an intense 3-4 hours. I ended up making a buddy come over and take me for a ride thru the park (I live in OH) and it just started dropping from 60's all day to into the 50's so I stuck...
    32. Did my first shot of MT2 an hour ago - FLUSH AS FUCK!!!!!! Any Suggestions?

      The good news is no nausea. The bad news, My face is beat red and I'm Hot as hell!!!

      I didn't tell my girl it came today and she's on her way over. Any suggestions as to how to get rid of...
    33. Re: I have many questions about MT2 - some let's call this thread MT2 101 (or for dummies - me!)

      THANK YOU guns01! Your answers couldn't be more timely. Just go got my first 2 bottles today! And plan to start as soon as I finish this reply. Do you or your friends ever experience nausea or did...
    34. Re: I have many questions about MT2 - some let's call this thread MT2 101 (or for dummies - me!)

      So then you use an insulin needle and the same amount to reconstitute (about 2cc's), keep it in frig and tan and shoot sub-Q in belly ED, same dose each time - about .08cc's or 8 IU's and it lasts a...
    35. Replies

      MT2 - Is MT2 Safe for women to use?

      Now that tanning isn't an option, my girlfriend is up my ass to find her a safe alternative. Any of the ladies use this product or anyone know if it's safe for them to do so? I'm hoping if so my girl...
    36. Re: I have many questions about MT2 - some let's call this thread MT2 101 (or for dummies - me!)

      OK Dzone - I think I've got YOUR regime almost figured out. . . You use 1 bottle, which lasts you about 2 weeks every 4-6 weeks. You inject Bac water ED about 15 IUs per day with insulin needle sub-Q...
    37. Re: I have many questions about MT2 - some let's call this thread MT2 101 (or for dummies - me!)

      Also one more question does it need to be refrigerated or not? Thank you for your help brother

      Sent from my SM-S337TL using Fitnessgeared mobile app
    38. Re: I have many questions about MT2 - some let's call this thread MT2 101 (or for dummies - me!)

      So you're shooting Sub-Q? And for initial dose every day you using about .2ml or 20 IUs? And that last four to six weeks then you do it all over again correct?

      Sent from my SM-S337TL using...
    39. I have many questions about MT2 - some let's call this thread MT2 101 (or for dummies - me!)

      I recently heard about this product and am very interested in its benefits as a primarily a tanning agent. But also heard it promotes more frequent erections and also is an appetite...
    40. Replies

      Re: Arimidex raises testosterone levels

      Thanks guns01 for the reply. So one blocks (nolva) and one destroys estrogen(arimidex). And arim costs more, highers bad cholesterol and lowers good cholesterol but also may promote fat loss better? ...
    41. Replies

      Re: Arimidex raises testosterone levels

      Damn. I thought that nolvadex was not only cheaper but a better anti-estrogen! At least that's what a read a few year's back. I know that arimidex is the next generation of nolvadex (at least I...
    42. Replies

      Re: Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .

      Oh, and I haven't slept in 48 hours, pain is initially worse as predicted Jipped. So far you're rihgt on!
    43. Replies

      Re: Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .

      Roger that Jipped. Procedure was just as you said. It took all of 10 minutes from time I walk in room, pull down my pants to knees (not even take shirt or pants off!) and for them to position what I...
    44. Replies

      Re: Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .

      Thank you everyone for your imput.

      Just got home from procedure. Thought I felt fine but got up to walk out of dr's office and bumped into the wall as if I were drunk. I see now why they make...
    45. Replies

      Epidural scheduled for Thursday afternoon . . .

      I'm 50 yo, have had back issues for about 20 year's now. I had surgery in 2000 to relieve two L4-L5 herniated disc's, fragments of which had sheared off and were imbedded into my sciatic nerve which...
    46. Thread: Eq or Deca

      by lex-ttp

      Re: Eq or Deca

      I tend to run EQ a bit longer than most. I'll keep EQ in the equation for a 16 week cycle and alternate everything else. Especially in the spring when I'm trying to make lean gains. Just started...
    47. Thread: Eq or Deca

      by lex-ttp

      Re: Eq or Deca

      I've always preferred EQ when I stack but I typically run it with shorter lasting esters like cyp or prop and go for the hard, lean look, not a bulking cycle. For your purposes I'd go with deca. Just...
    48. Replies

      Re: cramps/muscle spasms

      OK, the cramps are back, just as I started my pre-summer cycle (winny-v, tren-a and EQ). So I just picked up another 300 cap bottle of taurine, 500 mg's per cap and reread this thread. I can't...
    49. Replies

      Re: Extreme diet pills . . .

      Thanks for the reply bro. I was thinking the same thing. People are always looking for a quick fix for there problems by taking shortcuts. He used to put his time in so I gave him the benefit of...
    50. Replies

      Extreme diet pills . . .

      I buddy of mine that is 55 yo used to compete in power lifting in his late 20's - till about mid-thirties. He now takes test in moderate mgs (400-500 mgs/week most sust or cyp) for maintenance...
    Results 1 to 50 of 133
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