Quote Originally Posted by fimgym View Post
Time to set the record straight. There seems to be some confusion. I have had 3 surgeries in the past 15 years. 1st time=right side. Gyno and gland removed by a general surgeon. Positives=Gyno will NEVER come back. Negatives=Left a depression where the gyno was and slight disfiguration. I attribute this to using a general surgeon and not a cosmetic surgeon. Later I found out that a general surgeon's objective is to go in, extract the mass, and hog tie you closed. How you look is not the primary concern. Insurance did NOT cover this procedure being that gynocomastia is a benign tumor. It doesn't need to come out, and therefore, was not covered. My second surgery was on the other side, by a plastic surgeon. I was honest with him as to why I "probably" got gyno. He was so conservative that I ended up back on his table 1 year later. In his defense, I continued w/AAS during that year. It lies dormant to this day. As long as I avoid highly androgenic steroids, it will not grow.
I hope this helps all of you.
Thanks for the info, bro!
I find this whole gland removal topic interesting. I have slight gyno under one nip; nothing I could justify surgery for but if I could eliminate the future possibility of gyno even while running a high androgenic cycle - that's something I would possibly consider.

I was wondering what do you mean by slight disfiguration? Is that something in conjunction with the depression or is the depression the slight disfiguration?