Quote Originally Posted by kdogg
This is what I ate today (amounts added). While on cycle I tend to eat larger servings of the food listed below with similar, if not identical, frequency

Meal 1 - 6:00 AM
1 cup oatmeal (I made a mistake above and put 1/2 cup)
N-Large or Micell Edge (1.5 servings, 50g protein)

Meal 2 - 9:00 AM
Chicken breast or steak (> 8 oz. of filet, sirloin, or round)
brown rice and chili beans (~ 1 cup)
brocolli (~ 2 cups)

Meal 3 - 11:45 AM
Fish, chicken, or steak ( > 8 oz.)
some sort of carb
(This is my lunch which is eaten at a restaurant. I try to make good choices)

Meal 4 - 2:30 PM
50g Casein protein shake
brown rice and chili beans (1 cup)
(I also take 5g BCAA at this time for pre-work out)

Meal 5 - 6:00 PM (PWO)
50g whey
100g dextrose
10g creatine, 10g glutamine, 5g BCAA

Meal 6 - 7:45 PM
Steak, fish, chicken breast ( > 8 oz.)
Brown rice and chili beans (1 cup), large sweet potato, (1 cup) chick peas, or whole wheat pita bread (1-2 pitas) with hummus
Brocolli or green beans (2 cups)
(This meal varies. I get bored easily)

Meal 7 - 10:00 PM
50g casein protein
1 tbsp flax oil or 2 tbsp natural peanut butter

BTW, how do I edit my posts? I did not see an edit button.

Now take this and plug it into Fitday.com and jouranl what you eat. Yes it is a *****. But you have to do this if you are having trouble. Track what you eat for a solid week and assess what happens. If you are zig zaggin in calories then you need to find a way to stop that and eat consistantly. If you are losing weight you need to add 400-600 cals a day. Then after a week or two asess that then continually bump up the cals till you hit the "sweet spot".