He spent some time in Jakarta, Indonesia, where he went to school from age 6 to 10 yrs old, and studied first at a public school and then went to a private catholic school that had both Muslims and Christians.

Islam is Indonesia's dominant religion and approximately 86%, or about 200 million, of its population identify as Muslims, making it the world's largest Muslim population (wikipedia).

Thus, it is safe to say that whether or not Obama is a Muslim, he surely had a very strong upbringing in the Muslim world. His step-father was a Muslim and Obama followed him sometimes to the mosque to pray. https://www.danielpipes.org/5354/conf...racticed-islam

I don't really care anymore what he is, all I know is that he is a liar and would never admit it if he is. The only church we know he went to was the one Rev. Jeremiah Wright preached at, which was 20 years of anti-American racist preaching. That was all it took for me to be convinced that this man was bad news. I would rather have a open Atheist for a president than someone who would sit and listen to the hatred Rev. Wright preaches. Unfortunately, the American people failed America by not considering the obvious trail of far left wing hatred this man believes in. Even Oprah Winfrey (whom I have no respect for) left Wright's church after 2 years (1984-1986) because of his hatred speech. However, it was not that she didn't agree with him but merely that she was concerned that if her viewers realized she went there it may be bad for business. She had always attended black churches that preach hate (mostly against whites and America) so she was not at all surprised by Rev. Wrights tone. https://www.newsweek.com/2008/05/03/s...-t-wright.html

The bottom line is we have a president who does not view America the same way that most Americans view it. He is an enemy from within against the traditions that make America so great. It still shocks me how he was allowed to become president. With his past he would not even qualify for a secret military clearance, not to mention the level of top secret clearances he now holds. Nor do I understand how a dual citizen can become president, as he obviously is as proven by some of his passports when he was younger. He was traveling between the countries of Indonesia and Pakistan in 1981, but in 1981 the U.S. had blocked travel with a U.S. passport to Pakistan, thus he either had to have a British passport or a Indonesian passport. This article explains all of that. Make of it what you wish, none of it really concerns me anymore, but the birthers definitely have grounds to be suspicious in my opinion. https://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/passport.asp