js, does that mean if libs are involved in politics and get elected they are crooks?

it's quite possible i don't know what the libertarian party stands for we are all ingnorantly blissfull at times, me included in many ways

my interest in the subject is just minimal now, i'm moving onto other things, my best guess is obie muddles thru, think united states of americna airlines, since 9-11 airlines have 1/2 the planes flying, still have major financial issues and are still flying, when dereg hit the airlines and massive amounts of capital came into it and jet fuel was low the system grew large on volume and for 20 years the public became hooked on 300 round trip flights anywhere in us of a, or cheaper, where are the airlines now even after major technoligical advances to cut costs, nickel and diming sales price yet slowly rising while keeping a super tight lid on costs, that's my guess for government ahead, and the reason i think the libertarians make a run in 2012, costs need to be resturctered in massive ways, thus we need massive change.............that's my best guess and i'm sticking to it because there's not enough profit in the world to support our current debt

the times they are a changing