The saddest part is the amount of applause he received after saying such a statement. As if that wasn't a severe enough warning that he hated everything this country stands for and intended to transform it to be more like that of Europe. Democrats across the board are despicable at this day and age, and the more I read up on the history of former democrat presidents the more clearer it becomes that they have always been the most evil American hating presidents of our time. I am not a fan of politicians in any care quite frankly, but democrats are the ones I fear the most from destroying this great country.

You are correct that is why this mess will eventualy be undone because of the democrats selling out taking bribes and all the rest of the bs. Jsjs start to have faith in some politicians they are not all bad and thats why I try and tell you that this bill is a country killer and will be amended over turned changed what ever needs to be done will be done to get us back on track and start getting our debt down when the scum bag is out of office