Its been a while since I have really been on here so much has gone on in the past few months. I was living in an apartment that I didnt realize it at the time but it was making me sick. I thought it had to do with stress from breaking up with my wife moving and a new job. Well that might have had to do with some of it but my apartment had mold growing under the baseboards and I have very sensitive lungs that due to the mold I got sicker then a dog. In about 4 months I have dropped 50lbs...yes you read that right 50lbs and I have come down with pneumonia. I am on so many anti biotics right now I feel like a walking pill. Anyways the good news is that I finally after a long drawn out paper war I bought a house, the only bad news was that I was/am so weak that I couldnt move shyt but some of my buddies moved everything out of the shytte apartment and got me set up so I didnt have to be there any more. The first night in my new house was the first time I have slept the whole night with out waking up with a coughing attack which was really nice to say the least.

Anyways I am for the most part set up at my new house just got the internet set up, need to get a few appliances, and need to get my gym out of storage and set up in my garage again so I can start working out again. But that is what has been going on with me for the last few months.

Hope everyone has been well had a great christmas and a happy new year!