John McCain gives Barack Obama a master class in foreign policy"

John McCain emerged the clear victor from last night's U.S. presidential debate on foreign policy. With the swagger and aggression of an experienced prizefighter, McCain laid punch after punch on his Democrat opponent, after a shaky start discussing the Wall Street financial crisis. After recovering from the opening 20 minutes which focused on economic issues, McCain was in his element discussing the biggest international questions of the day, from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to the looming threats posed by Iran and Russia.

The Arizona Senator exuded confidence and experience, while pouring scorn on Obama's pledge to sit down with Iranian tyrant Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or his failure to take an immediate strong stance against Moscow when Russian tanks poured into Georgia. McCain reeled off a long list of international leaders he had met in his long career as well as recounting his numerous trips to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Caucasus.

At times, Obama looked more like a freshman in his first debate at the Oxford Union than a candidate for president of the United States. His answers frequently appeared wooden, stilted and over-rehearsed. His knowledge of international affairs came across as superficial, and at times seemed nervously snatched from the pages of a college textbook. McCain spoke overwhelmingly from personal knowledge with an extensive and expansive understanding of modern history. For a 72-year old, Senator McCain looked sharper, more nimble and quick-footed than his far younger opponent.