compare the records of each man

1- new drilling offshore- mccain yes- obama no

2- will appoint judges who will interpret the law,not make it
mccain yes - obama no

3- served in the armed forces mccain yes-obama no

4- will institute a socialized national health plan mccain no - obama yes under obama free health care to illegals which will mean more taxes getting raised

5- supports abortion throughout pregnancy mccain no-obama yes

6- will pull troops out of iraq mccain no-obama yes

7- supports gun ownership rights mccain yes-obama no

s8- upports homosexual marriage mccain no-obama yes

9- proposed programs would mean a huge tax increase mccain no-obama yes

10- voted against making the english the official language
mccain no-obama yes

11- voted to give social security benefits to illegals mccain no-obama yes

also the 95% tax cuts to the middle class is a lie,the middle class will get taxed under obama