22-Year-Old Natalie Dylan Stirs Controversy By Selling Her Virginity to Pay for Grad School

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Written by JJ on Sep-11-08 4:59pm
Grad school is expensive. And so are cars and diamonds and apartments and whatever else the 22-year-old college graduate known as Natalie Dylan plans on buying with a million dollars.

That's her goal: $1 million for her virginity. I don't know about you, but to me that sounds like a stiff price for some awkward sex.

Natalie Dylan (whose real name is not Natalie Dylan) will submit to a polygraph and be examined by a gynecologist to confirm her virginal status before selling her first time to the highest bidder at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch outside Las Vegas, NV. Dylan, whose sister works at the world-famous brothel, is ostensibly raising the money to pay for graduate school after receiving her undergrad degree in women's studies.

Dylan is exceedingly open about her plan -- to the point that it seems she's more interested in the prospect of instant celebrity than in getting into a good graduate program.

Hey, she's cute, maybe if the whole thing turns out to be some sort of hoax or publicity stunt, she can leverage it into her own VH1 reality show. They could call it "Doing Dylan" or "The Surreal Price."

Maybe Natalie Dylan is for real, but the whole thing seems strange. If a girl were really going to hold out until 22 to lose her virginity, would she be the type to sell it to the highest bidder in a nationally publicized auction? It's disturbing to think that she was holding out all that time for the right boy to come along with (cue Dr. Evil voice over) one million dollars.

Equally disturbing are Bunny Ranch owner Dennis Hof's remarks on the subject.

"I think it's a tremendous idea. Why lose it to some guy in the backseat of a Toyota when you can pay for your education?"
That might be a valid point of Dylan were 17. But who is still having sex in "the backseat of a Toyota" at 22? Something tells me Dylan wouldn't be settling for anything less than a Bentley.