i work a second job two days a week, early mornings. so i knew the weather was going to suck, snow,sleet,freezing rain, the whole deal so i left earlier than normal. and my mom called me last nite asking for a ride to work cuz her regular ride told her he didn't want to drive in the bad weather. (like i do?)
so i say if she wants to get dropped off real early, like 5:45 i can bring her. she says that will have do. the route to the city i have to go to is closed. they closed the mountain road so i have to go around, 45 minutes when it usually takes 10. phuq!! so finally i get to my mom's and it's already 5:50AM and i'm pissed and i know i'm gonna be late for work. she acts like it's no big deal. i still have to get her dropped at the mall and then go back around cuz the mountain road is still closed. so i finally get back to my city, the dpw STILL hasn't plowed my street so the snow is now frozen over with freezing rain and of course i get STUCK and can't get down my street and i can't get back to the main road and just go to work and OF COURSE i left my cel in my living room instead of taking it with me when i left the house so i have to walk the rest of the way home, call a tow truck, walk back to my truck and wait to be towed out, $55 and then snow blow the end of my driveway that the plows have now plowed in so i can't get out and THEN go to work 2 hours phuqing late!! Other than that my day sucked.