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    Thread: Truth about vaccines...

    1. #16
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      Default Re: Truth about vaccines...

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      • Truth about vaccines...
      I too had decided to not vaccinate my child when I first read about this stuff. But a physician in my family (quite an accomplished surgeon actually) assured me that mercury - which has never actually been linked to autism - has not been present in children's vaccines in the recent past. We talked at length about the potential dangers of vaccines, and in the end I was satisfied that they are not directly harmful. Now this was 2 years ago so I forget the specifics of the conversation/debate, but my concerns were satisfactorily laid to rest. I think there is a greater chance for a link between autism (or other developmental disorders) and all of the chemicals we use on a daily basis - from kitchen and bath cleaners to some food packagings and even products like shampoos and toothpastes. Reading about that stuff is scary.

      The debate regarding vaccinating the general public , and how this affects disease control, natural immunities, and general health is a separate conversation that is worth discussing.
      Last edited by Testify; 01-11-2008 at 12:26 AM.

    2. #17
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      Default Re: Truth about vaccines...

      Quote Originally Posted by Testify View Post
      The debate regarding vaccinating the general public , and how this affects disease control, natural immunities, and general health is a separate conversation that is worth discussing.

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      Default Re: Truth about vaccines...

      The surgeon is in error as far as mercury goes but I will come back on when i get home from work and write more on this. Later

    4. #19
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      Default Re: Truth about vaccines...

      In the late 90s, the preservative thimerosal that contained ethyl mercury was indeed removed from children's vaccines. Trace amounts of thimerosal can be found in a couple of vaccines from the manufacturing process. The only vaccine that sometimes contains thimerosal is the flu vaccine, and you can request the mercury free flu vaccine as well.
      Thimerosal is what people thought might be responsible for contributing to autism, but the cause of autism is not known.
      With that said. After reading the vaccines that they pump into children and how they keep loading them with the same shyt over and over. We are going to limit vaccinations to the bare minimum. With so many people not vaccinating now-days though. I don't want my children running around totally susceptible to diseases that still kill off thousands.
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    5. #20
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      Default Re: Truth about vaccines...

      ^ couldnt have said it better regarding the data on Thimerosal, in addition to linking it with autism.

      Also...we have to take into consideration our environment/surroundings with ppl not vaccinating their children, especially with immigrants coming into the country, etc.

      I did take the option of vaccinating with no ill effects/sides.
      Last edited by McKenzie; 01-11-2008 at 09:30 AM.

    6. #21
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      Default Re: Truth about vaccines...

      Yes McK, all mine have been vaccinated. I deffinately gotta read more into this, but so far we haven't had any problems.

    7. #22
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      Default Re: Truth about vaccines...

      Quote Originally Posted by McKenzie View Post
      Klash....and the daycare/school accepts them without immunizations?
      I already answered that one for you Mck...and I'm from the same state as you. You were falsely misguided by whomever told you that you need vaccinations to go to school or daycare.

      Again, as I said before you have Religious and Medical exemptions in FL, and you have Religious, Medical, and Philosophical in most other states. The government, schools and such try to bully people into vaccines. Look up the laws yourself, don't buy into the media hype! LAWS DON'T LIE!

    8. #23
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      Default Re: Truth about vaccines...

      Thank you for the info DJ....Its good to know ppl have options in their beliefs and knowledge of such situations.

      I guess Kite and I were fortunate to give immunizations with no sides/ill effects. I hope everyone will be as fortunate if they so decide.

    9. #24
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      Default Re: Truth about vaccines...

      Well being that this is going to now turn into a debate, rather than it's intended purpose which was for informational purposes it's on!

      With that said I'll begin with many of the misguided claims I'm already seeing many of you writing. I want to clear that up so the few that would like to have an open mind aren't pressured into, falsely lead, or corrupted by societies inability to do their own research and question their government!

      1. As I've said "VACCINES ARE NOT MANDATORY , AND ARE NOT REQUIRED TO GET INTO SCHOOL! YOU CAN CLAIM A RELIGIOUS, MEDICAL, AND IN SOME STATES PHILOSOPHICAL EXEMPTION!!" (I will add 2 or 3 states only allow a medical exemption and make it almost impossible to avoid vaccinations. Thos are two states anyone with any sort of brain should avoid for their own children's sake and for their own sake! any state that forces something is obviously going against the grain of freedom!) Government and schools are NOT allowed to question your religious beliefs and being that federal law supercedes state and federal law says noone is allowed to question you about your religion or religious beliefs, the state cannot go against those rights!! Hopefully that one is put to rest and not brought up again. If anyone chooses to bring that one up again I'd love for you to prove it's mandatory via a statute or law! I've already provided my links in my first post. Obviously many decided to just post without reading any of the links provided. TYPICAL!

      2. Although mercury was never linked to autism, if you look at the symptoms of mercury poisoning versus the symptoms of autism, they are almost identical! However, I do agree there are probably other factors that can contribute to the rise of autism like chemicals in packaging, chemicals in food etc, etc.

      3. The studies on vaccines are flawed. They are done by paid government officials that purposely alter the results to make it seem like it's not. Government is in the medical industries back pocket. Don't forget that when you are considering your governments advice. They have a conflict of interest when giving you information. There are many motives behind this. The best way to expose the flaw in the study is to look at the control groups.

      4. As far as the comment you don't want your kids be susceptible to diseases that kill of thousands....here's the truth. Did you die of the chicken pox? Do you know anyone else that died of it? I had the chickenpox as did my wife. We're still alive. Almost everyone I know had it and every single one of them is still alive! So why is that vaccine necessary if it isn't deadly?

      Another one is supposed to be good for ear infections. Instead they make you more susceptible to meningitis and MRSA according to scientific studies.

      Polio hasn't been found in the U.S. in decades. The last known case was from the actual vaccine. 95% of the cases of Polio do not cause paralysis, in fact most of those people never knew they even had it. Apparently our president never had it, they just attributed it to Polio to add to the scare. He was paralyzed from swimming in a lake where he contracted gullian barr syndrome.

      Have you ever died of coughing? That's what the pertussis vaccine is supposed to help prevent. Although the disease can be fatal to those under 6 months of age, you don't start getting the vaccination until 2 months and aren't fully vaccinated against it until a few years old. Therefor your not protected before 6 months anyway, because you need "the full set in order for the vaccination to be effective" That vaccine is one of the least effective, and one of the most dangerous ones. If you look at the statistics, the number of cases of whooping cough is concentrated in the vaccinated population.

      Your not in danger of Tetanus if you can bleed. We're not in Africa so you don't have to worry about Diphtheria.

      Hepatitis B was recommended for newborns not long ago, but they found that the chemicals in there were extremely harmful to newborns (the chemicals in that vaccine were even to much for a 300lb man.)

      The Flu vaccine has been linked to gullian barr syndrome. I'd rather have the flu than that!!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guillai...C3%A9_syndrome
      also use this link about FDR contracting this instead of Polio..https://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1012755/posts

      5. Did you know that the SIDS rates peak from 2-4 months? There's evidence to support that this can be a link to the DaTP vaccine. https://www.pnc.com.au/~cafmr/coulter/sids.html

      6. Which brings me to my next gripe. As I said before how in the hep B shot the chemicals were to much for even a 300lb man. That's because they don't adjust the doses for size and/or weight, although they do for any other type of medicine. So why not vaccines?

      7. The government established VAERS aka Vaccine Reporting Agency that has paid out billions in vaccine damages. You can look up vaccines and specific side effects associated with them on this site, mind you this agency only pays out for more serious injuries like death or permanent disability, not other problems linked to vaccines. https://vaers.hhs.gov/

      8. The next person that tells you that swelling, high fever, redness, or pain is NORMAL, DON'T TRUST A WORD THEY SAY! Since when is swelling normal? It's not normal, it's a common reaction. There's a big difference to normal as in it's normal for your body, than common. Do you normally have swelling, high fever, redness, and pain on an everyday basis? NO! It's not normal. It's a doctor shrugging off many of the common side effects of the vaccines. Now many of you on here should all know especially being in sync with your bodies that the symptoms I mentioned above is your bodies way of saying something bad is happening. That is not a good thing. If your an adult and you go in to the doctors for any of the symptoms above, they won't tell you that is normal. They will run tests, and try to diagnose what the problem is. So why if it's not normal as an adult, are those symptoms considered "NORMAL" as a child who has a much more fragile immune system?

      For those of you that do vaccinate keep this in mind....there is a possibility that each subsequent shot can lead to a more serious reaction (the more your exposed to an allergy, the worse it can get).

      That's enough for now. I've got more where that came from

    10. #25
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      Default Re: Truth about vaccines...

      Quote Originally Posted by McKenzie View Post
      Thank you for the info DJ....Its good to know ppl have options in their beliefs and knowledge of such situations.

      I guess Kite and I were fortunate to give immunizations with no sides/ill effects. I hope everyone will be as fortunate if they so decide.
      Well many can go with no apparent side effects which is good. Everyone I know had vaccines as kids. But back in the early 80's they only gave like 6 vaccines compared to todays 32! Big difference.

      Look at the rate of ADD, ADHD (which I have) and attention disorders. They started spiking around my generation in the late 70's early 80's. Now it's really common. What has happened between the early 80's and now that could cause a spike in those type of behavior? Of course a rise in the amount of vaccines that are given.

      Now ask yourself how common was it to give a kid a drug for misbehaving 30 years ago? Not common at all! Now look at today, almost every kid is on some sort of drug. Who wins with this? DRUG COMPANIES!

      Now who makes the vaccines? Drug companies!

      So do the drug companies have something to gain by making kids sick with all of the additives in their vaccines? Of course! If they can start the kids off with a weakened immune system, and different things that set kids up for long term issues when there adults (like cancer, diabetes etc.) the drug companies are setting themselves up for nonstop revenue and an ever increasing profit margin.

      So again you have to look at who gains what, with what actions. It's like cause and effect.

      And again medical companies back politicians, who make the laws. I can pull up a slew of undercover video's off the internet of politicians making back door deals with companies to tailor laws to that companies desires.

      Just something else to consider.

      Like I said before when you step back and look at the whole picture, government, 911, oil, vaccines, contminants in food, depopulation interests etc etc. The puzzle starts coming together and you get a very, very scary picture!

    11. #26
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      Default Re: Truth about vaccines...

      Also for all of you parents that did vaccinate your kids, make sure you get your booster shots if your so worried about your kids getting "the diseases" from non vaccinated kids, you need only look in a mirror (quoting V haha)! Unless you got your booster shot, your no longer "protected" yourself.

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      Default Re: Truth about vaccines...

      WOW, you have WAAAAY too much time on your hands! you got kids dj? not being a smartass and not gonna refer to the vac. issue at all...just wondering.

      as far as the vac. issue. my kids have had them, as did i and everyone else i know. i believe some of the things you posted are correct. others are bullshyt. still others are meaningless.


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    13. #28
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      Default Re: Truth about vaccines...

      Quote Originally Posted by daved150 View Post
      WOW, you have WAAAAY too much time on your hands! you got kids dj? not being a smartass and not gonna refer to the vac. issue at all...just wondering.

      as far as the vac. issue. my kids have had them, as did i and everyone else i know. i believe some of the things you posted are correct. others are bullshyt. still others are meaningless.
      None of it's bullshiit. That's just your opinion. There's a difference between opinion, and documented facts! I too was vaccinated. As I said compare health and behavioral issues dramatic rise, with the rise in the amounts of vaccines. Then compare all of that to the numbers before vaccines were released. You'll find they run hand in hand.

      Yes I have a son, whom means the world to me and I will do everything I can to protect his future.

    14. #29
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      Default Re: Truth about vaccines...

      Quote Originally Posted by DJDIGGLER View Post
      Well many can go with no apparent side effects which is good. Everyone I know had vaccines as kids. But back in the early 80's they only gave like 6 vaccines compared to todays 32! Big difference.

      Look at the rate of ADD, ADHD (which I have) and attention disorders. They started spiking around my generation in the late 70's early 80's. Now it's really common. What has happened between the early 80's and now that could cause a spike in those type of behavior? Of course a rise in the amount of vaccines that are given.

      Now ask yourself how common was it to give a kid a drug for misbehaving 30 years ago? Not common at all! Now look at today, almost every kid is on some sort of drug. Who wins with this? DRUG COMPANIES!

      very scary picture!
      There's another thing that happened in that time frame. Wives/moms got out of the house and hit the workforce and corporate world. Inadequate parenting is indeed a proven contributing factor to children's behavioral issues such as ADD/ADHD. People leave whatever up to raising their children now-days and wonder why the hell they got issues while they work their 60 hr weeks and when they get home, what do they do?...work some more. Parents run 90 to nothing now-days and do not make time for their children. That's what's wrong. Another huge problem is these doctors that over-diagnose. Every kid isn't ADD or whatever they tag them with at first glance, in 15minutes of talking to them, then medicate the shyt out of 'em so they walk around on auto pilot. The real problem is the parents, and the doctors, that throw medication down every kid's throat that comes through the door, because the kid's parents "can't control them"..."Little Jimmy just won't listen and can't pay attention." horseshyt! Give me a fukin break.
      Do a study on parents that actually raise their children. Mom, or dad stays at home and really keeps house and family, compared to the common situation of both parents working full time and not paying proper attention to their child, and see what results. You don't have to do a study. It's common sense.
      That's what happened in the 80s, and it's only gotten worse by the decade. Therefore, you have your resulting generation.
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      Quote Originally Posted by horsepwr View Post
      There's another thing that happened in that time frame. Wives/moms got out of the house and hit the workforce and corporate world. Inadequate parenting is indeed a proven contributing factor to children's behavioral issues such as ADD/ADHD. People leave whatever up to raising their children now-days and wonder why the hell they got issues while they work their 60 hr weeks and when they get home, what do they do?...work some more. Parents run 90 to nothing now-days and do not make time for their children. That's what's wrong. Another huge problem is these doctors that over-diagnose. Every kid isn't ADD or whatever they tag them with at first glance, in 15minutes of talking to them, then medicate the shyt out of 'em so they walk around on auto pilot. The real problem is the parents, and the doctors, that throw medication down every kid's throat that comes through the door, because the kid's parents "can't control them"..."Little Jimmy just won't listen and can't pay attention." horseshyt! Give me a fukin break.
      Do a study on parents that actually raise their children. Mom, or dad stays at home and really keeps house and family, compared to the common situation of both parents working full time and not paying proper attention to their child, and see what results. You don't have to do a study. It's common sense.
      That's what happened in the 80s, and it's only gotten worse by the decade. Therefore, you have your resulting generation.

      Dude, you are so far off you have no clue! I have ADHD, I'm 28, I'm a father myself and I still have the same effects I did as a kid. It has nothing to do with what you said. It's a chemical imbalance, caused by what? They "Claim" they don't know.

      I'm very hyper/high strung (as you all already know ), have problems paying attention to things or I'll sometimes go the other way and be totally entranced in something, I have trouble focusing etc etc. This has nothing to do with my parents. I can pull all my past report cards from when I was a kid..... I always had straight A's, then the comment would say "Extremely smart kid, Can't control himself in class". HAHA! Well that about sums it up

      But yeah has nothing to do with that bro. I know many people that also have it, and we have the same issues.

      Think about it. If it had anything to do with my mom not being home as you say.........why as an adult do I have the same symptoms now? It's not like I think "gee my mom wasn't home as a kid, so I think I'm going to lose focus on this movie/book". Doesn't make any sense. That's just the industry spouting off lies, and trying to induce the public into absolute mindlessness. Either that or it was your opinion?

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