Quote Originally Posted by GBAGH View Post
I will take some pictures of a scar that I have on my leg. Its VERY faded now so the picture might not come out well, but when I was younger I had a sharp jagged length of pipe go into my leg above the ankle, ride my shin bone, sever the tibials and pop out right below my knee. I know...nice!

Those injuries don't look too too bad to me. Wait until you sever a tibialis and call me back LOL. It was over 100 stitches just on the inside. I had lost so much blood that they couldn't put me out to put it back together and I had so much tissue damage that they couldn't use any silacane (SP?) because they couldn't afford to kill any more tissue. It was fan friggin tastic LOL.

I've seen a nice size gash to the shin with a chain saw....but you might take the cake gbagh